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Mario is a notorious character who stars in many great games, and Hotel Mario. He is usually seen with his brother, Luigi, who has been known to have multiple personalities, and Princess Peach, who bakes him cakes and gets kidnapped every time she steps out of her castle. Mario likes to claim things are "good" at times, and has claimed himself to be the master of UCTIONS, a known power supply to the universe.
Mario has had several conflicts with his brother, arguing where the princess is, over Luigi's craftsmanship, saying that "he didn't make it", and an argument over a record.
Mario has an obsession with saying NO very dramatically, talking about instruction books, the Coney Island Disco Palace (which was torn down hollowed-out in 1999), humping vines, and riding Yoshi on certain occasions like Cave Christmas, and when he's too lazy to walk. He also seems to know the location of fires by locating smoke, and pinching currency in his spare time.
Mario is also the creator of the Cave Christmas holiday, which he endorses by dressing up as Santa Mario.
Mario had also met the cowboy known as Tex Avery, the two of them had a partnership in Youtube Poop.
Mario once literally shat his way to being a sign for the YouChewPoop forums.
He is not to be confused with Fat Mario, Mario's fat stunt double in Hotel Mario or the deceased Real Mario, his wrestling counterpart.
- Uctions
- Lotsa Spaghetti
- The Princess
- Luigi
- Yoshi
- Pasta
- His Catholic faith
- Cave Christmas
- Organization & Teamwork
- American Football
- Association Football
- Baseball
- Promoting positive traits (Such as Goodness, Truthfulness, Honesty, Giantness, and Ninjaness.).
- Telling Luigi that he's home.
- Mushrooms
- Inspector Gadget
- Dirk Drain-Head
- Mighty Plumber
- His favorite record (What his favorite record is, we'll never know.).
- Toasters that toast toast.
- Koopameat
- Jesus Christ
- The Pasta Pit-Stop
- Singing his own version of the Dragostea di ni song (A.K.A., the (almighty) Numa Numa song.)
- Wanting to go to Jamaica.
- Don Flamenco (For liking his hair.)
- Doc Louis
- Racing in the F-Zero Grand Prix under the name "Mr. EAD". Hell, he went as far as getting a different fat suit in order to race as Mr. EAD.
- Racing in the Mario Grand Prix.
- Telling you that "U R MR. GAY" and "U R MILY".
- Rolling Rock Beer (So much so that he wanted a new power-up to involve him literally being a Rolling Rock.)
- The Rolling Stones' song "Get Off of My Cloud".
- Getting on clouds. (See Rolling Rock Beer.)
- Bowser/King Koopa
- Mama Luigi, which is strange since he helped him and also his brother (In his real form that is.).

- Oogtar
- Wario
- Waluigi
- Bowser Jr.
- Larry Koopa
- Morton Koopa Jr.
- Wendy O. Koopa
- Iggy Koopa
- Roy Koopa
- Lemmy Koopa
- Ludwig Von Koopa
- Dry Bones
- Koopa Troopa
- Wizardheimer
- Anti-Uctions
- Stanley, The Talking Fish
- Bob-Ombs
- Fred Fredburger
- Chad Warden
- Jamie Kellner
- Eggs
- Getting his ribs broken by a tossed stone football.
- Stone Luigi (For that reason.)
- The Jonas Brothers
- Miley Cyrus
- Luigi's Greek Orthodox Faith
- Waiting for so long to not go to Jamaica.
- Mickey Mouse
- Disco Kid (For acting like Gay Luigi.)
- Croco (For taking his toast.)
- Yogi Bear (Because his shitty spin-off Yo Yogi! caused NBC to stop running cartoons and, as a result, brought a quick end to his animated series.)
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Being framed by Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario.
- People who think that Shadow Mario is indeed a form of Mario.
- The Irate Gamer
- The fact that Captain Lou Albano is now dead.

Mario You didn't tell me that you had a secret weapon Luigi.
Mario Luigi, King Koopa's locked the Princess in his Coney Island Disco Palace; I've fought my way out, and I've been looking for you ever since. We've gotta go back and rescue her!

Mario And there's this nice guy named Santa Claus, who brings presents to all the kids, who've been good.
Mario SUPER BONERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mario Maybe we'll see you on "PBS"!
- Throughout Super Mario World (Mainly Rock TV) Mario keeps making annoying 'huh-huh' noises before sentences. This is from being constantly slobbered by Yoshi.
- Mario loves reading letters and phone bills.
- Mario is obsessed with organization and teamwork. See IT'S A STONE, LUIGI.
- Wants to destroy Mama Luigi's army, which is impossible.
- May have once transformed into Good Truthful Honest Totally Depraved Evil Insidious Giant Ninja Mario.
- Has once killed Brock Samson by stomping on his head with a big boot.
- Likes to yell "NO, STOP!!!!"
- He apparently appeared in The Simpsons Game for a little bit (he also stole Gay Luigi's "Lotsa Spaghetti" line!).
- The only thing that he is scared of is Makoto Kino since she wants to date him and that makes him emo.
- Has never been beaten up by Sonic... well, until Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
- He, along with Yoshi, could be found in a cameo appearance for Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes.
- Enjoys telling only good kids to be good.
- Believes it would be nice if every day was Christmas.

- One time, he, along with Luigi once wrestled against some dinosaurs.
- Does not want to see Leo's baby pictures (although Leo thinks otherwise).
- His own feet actually made it into Screwattack's little ol' Armory.
- Mario pretends to be a selfless hero, but in reality he only saves the Princess so he can get laid.
- Discovered a taste sensation called Koopameat, which Bowser tried to counter with Scoopa Koopa's.
- Is the inventor of the Dino-Copter and Tossed Salad.
- Was a referee in the NES' version of Punch-Out!!
- He was once complimented on his hair by Don Flamenco.
- He hates the fact that in some parts of Mexico and South America, a fighter named Terry Bogard is more popular than he is.
- If you were in Club Nintendo of 2009 & you had a platinum status, you could choose to either get a code on November 1st to download Doc Louis' Punch-Out!! game on the Nintendo Wii's Wiiware or get a (good) replica of Mario's hat. Mario would automatically approve of you if you chose his hat over Doc Louis' Punch-Out!! game!!!
- Mario thinks it's a sad day when everyone's nice to each other.
- He also believes that Santa Mario's going to be an absurdity of St. Louis.
- It's nice for him to think that there really is a word named "Christmas".
- However, it's weird that he thinks that kids should get lots of trees.
- He has a micropenis that could get Super Boners.
Mario, much like his brother Luigi, is a unique character. As through a series of random events, many duplicate versions of Mario (which will be referred to from here on out as 'forms') have been created.
During the events of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show, Mario teleported back to Brooklyn but goofed up to form Luigi Mario and another time caused it to reappear. Only that time, it happened to Luigi. That form has three different versions of it.
One time, Mario went to King Koopa's palace and he somehow became Good Truthful Honest Totally Depraved Evil Insidious Giant Ninja Mario. Some say that he's just a rumor, but the only one who truly saw was King Koopa... and he's now dead!
After Mario traveled through time in Mario's Time Machine, Mario ended up gaining a few extra pounds. Little did he know, he would become Gay Luigi's butt-buddy named Fat Mario. During a vacation that he was on, he ended up being called a retard by the public. This led him to end up being a new form called Retard Mario. One time when he was traveling to the Mushroom Kingdom yet again, he ended up getting his head chopped off by some demon. That ended up getting his head chopped off with an axe. That ended up making him the evil form called Mario Head.
During a day in August on Dinosaur World, he wanted to teach the Cave People all about the niceness that is Christmas. Unfortunately, they didn't know about it, so he ended grabbing Yoshi as a reindeer and a sex slave and ended up being Santa Mario, which always arrives on time during Cave Christmas.
One day, Mario ended up watching too many shows like Scrubs, E.R., and House. This made him think he's a doctor, thus forming Dr. Mario, who can also sing.
When Weegee was popular at the tiem, he made people his minions. However, he also had a father named Fortran and a brothe named Malleo. Those two are both forms of Mario and they're evil.
Despite having many different main forms, Mario is pretty much dressed the same way for most of his forms. Skin tone and hair color may vary throughout. Voice may vary as well.
Known Forms of Mario
- Whale Mario - A form that denies being related to the other forms.
- Good Truthful Honest Totally Depraved Evil Insidious Giant Ninja Mario - A form of Mario that's obviously a giant ninja. However, he's conflicted on being perfectly good and perfectly evil.
- 1 Eyed Orange Mario - A form of Mario that has been rumored to be created by some evil Satanic ritual.
- Fat Mario - Gay Luigi's butt buddy on the journey to defeat the mighty toasters and save the Princess from Bowser.
- Retard Mario - The weakest of the main Mario forms, Retard Mario's only special attribute is that he is easily confused by dicks.
- Mario Head - Was created when a demon cut off Game Mario's head with an axe. He now exacts revenge on humans by making them fly for you... in to Mario's Tunnel of-a Doom!
- Paper Mario - A paper form of Mario. Yep.
- Dr. Mario - Becomes that when Mario watches too much House, Scrubs, E.R., and other shows like that. Is unique due to the fact that he also appeared in Super Smash Bros. Melee, which meant that Dr. Mario could fight Mario whenever he wanted to. Wow.
- Paper Dr. Mario - A form of Dr. Mario that met Paper Mario one day. Don't ask.
- Game Mario - Not Mario.
- Fortran - Also not Mario... at all.
- Mari - A form where Mario fights like he's in Street Fighter II.
- Somari - A fucked-up fusion between Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog. Pretty much self-explanitory.
- Malltranari - What happens when Malleo, Fortran, and Mari gets fused together. May God help us all if that happens.
- Santa Mario - Mario doing the good deed of Santa's doing for the Cave People during Christmas.
- Malleo - A very powerful but silent form. Also a dead meme, like Dog Flipping A Pancake.
- Anime Mario - A video gaming messed-up Mario.
- Shadow Mario - Is not really a form of Mario, but rather a clever disguise made by Bowser Jr.
- Homestar Mario - Mario while in Homestar Runner's universe.
- The Simpsons' Mario - Mario as he's seen with yellow skin.
Why they don't a Luigi version of him, I'll never know.Actually, he did appear with Mario once, so yeah. - Giant Ninja Mario - Basically the same thing as Good Truthful Honest Totally Depraved Evil Insidious Giant Ninja Mario, only he's confirmed what side he's on.
- Bloated Mario - Appears when Mario swallows too much water or Chuckola Cola. Not to be confused with Fat Mario.
- Referee Mario - Mario as a referee during boxing matches. Is seen in the Punch-Out!! game with Mike Tyson and Mr. Dream.
- Luigi Mario - Formed when Mario wears Luigi's clothes/steals his voice.
- Wario - Not really Mario, just some stupid rival. He ended up getting his own identity by his Wario
WareLand series. - Real Mario - The real live-action Mario who used to live in Brooklyn with Real Luigi until he died.
- Mario Mario - The fake live-action Mario living in Brooklyn with Luigi Mario, the fake version of Real Luigi.
- Baby Mario - The paradoxical baby form of Mario that was previously just the baby form of Mario before traveling to the future and becoming a separate entity.