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YouTube Poop Tennis

Youtube Poop Tennis (often abbreviated as YTP Tennis or just tennis) is a game commonly played by poopers. Like making a contribution to the Chewiki, it is highly encouraged and is a known cure for poopers block (constipation). It can also result in some of the most hardcore poops that you will ever see, often due to its competitive nature.
Like most surrealist games there is no winner, and in terms of method there are few rules, but most simply can be explained by saying a game you poop a poop and then poop that poop (or remix a remix and them remix that remix): repeat 6 times
Typical Game Format
The rules of YTP Tennis are often customized to suit each pooper's needs. However, one of the original, and well known, formats is as follows:
- One pooper (P1) asks another, or in some cases the community as a whole, whether or not they would like to participate in a game. Here the number of videos to me made (or rounds, typically 4 or 6) is defined, as well as the length of each. If an open challenge is made, a video is sometimes supplied.
- Another pooper (P2) accepts the challenge, and has a day or two to remix P1's first video. In addition to the video supplied, P2 is allowed to add up to 3 new clips to the new remix.
- P1 follows through by remixing the new video, adding up to 3 new clips of his/her own. The game continues like this until the round limit is met.
Generally-Accepted Rules (GARs)
Time limits are 2 days per single round, four for collab rounds.
Video Length: 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
Required Usage: At least 20 seconds of the previous round. This rule is rarely an issue and is rarely enforced.
Materials: Up to three sources introduced per video. (in the collab rounds, three sources per person seems fair, so a total of 6 new sources can be added in a collab round)
Each episode of a show is equal to one source. music and sounds do not count as a source. use of still images not taken from a video source count as a source (any number can be used, still image just counts as one source)
Poop Tennis Doubles Cup
Rakninja, fellow member of YouChew and employee of the Tennis staff, successfully pulled a special twist in this cater on November 17th, 2008. Members such as Zacheatscrackers, UberNooperPooper, and TangerineImpz were 3 of 16 who were participating in the event. Four others who weren't in the 16 are in the Uncommitted section. The winners were Ajaxcubed and Aesaun who defeated MycroProcessor and Gamebop in the final match. The official rules and compartments of the special were:
- Player A makes a serve, Player C returns it.
- Player B volleys that, Player D volleys.
- Player A and B then collaborate to make their last round, then Player's C and D collaborate to finish the match.
Note that Players A and B are the teammates, and Players C and D are the opponents.
The match is scored by a Review Crew member, a Tennis Staff member, and a popular vote as the third "judge". In cases where a Review Crew or Tennis staff are involved in a match, the match will be judged by two members of the other staff,(except in the case of RC vs TS) so if someone were in a match against anyone but a RC member, he/she would be judged by two RCs rather than a RC and sounds more complex than it really is.
- YTP Tennis is a great way to socialize with other fellow poopers.
- It can expand your creative horizons, through the use of more materials and the more advanced use of software available, effectively making you a better pooper in the process.
- It can also open your eyes to anything you could improve on in future poops, again making you better.
- Most importantly, it can be a lot of fun.
Argued disadvantages
- The matches can be draining to make to the point that it can cause poopers block or making a video that does not make you happy.
- Many people do not like tennis matches due to that many of them are similar to the unknowing eye (as in all rape).
Tennis Cafe and Cafe Staff
RabbitSnore who was a regular player of poop tennis, opened up the Tennis Cafe in the forums (and also on Planet Freedom) in January 2008. This thread was made to discuss matches past and present, set up future matches between people, including a roster listing people that they want to play or have already played that might including variations of rules, and to have refreshments. It would in time garner a notable reputation of mainly being a spammy thread of tennis fucks and its regulars sharing inside jokes to each other. After 4 months of managing the section on his own, Rabbit employed staff known as the Tennis Fucks on the evening of May 7th, 2008 to deal with tennis related threads such as moving threads, updating rosters, and hosting tourneys. The staff at this time was made up of 7 members, with Crash2991, NS2, ThaHappyFungus, NutheadElMajestico, strong414bad, and RAKninja being the new additions at the time, mainly for being the most active posters in the Cafe and having the tightest connections with Rabbit as a result.
The staff has since undergone many changes in its lineup of members, beginning as soon as 5 days later when NS2 would be promoted by majority vote of administration to a Moderator of the site. Gamebop would become the next addition to the Staff in July 2008 originally for the purpose of managing the 2nd Tennis Chain and being able to edit the original post created by ShadowWario/FancySanta, yet continues to retain this status up to the present day. Moogle would join next on November 18 as the replacement for NutheadElMajestico, followed by MycroProcessor who would join by popular demand on February 27th, 2009, essentially acting as the fill-in for ThaHappyFungus who would become a mod around this same time. NS2 would resign and return to being a moderator in April and October respectively, before resigning permenantly on August 6th, 2010 to return to being a full time Cafe Staff member, although activity wise would be very sparse. RAKninja would publically announce his retirement from the staff and forum on August 4th, 2010, the same day that MrDrunkenFox, then a long time moderator of the forums, would step down and upon personal request be added to the Cafe Staff. Chrisgendo and TheChutley would be jointly added to the staff in December 2010, and AshcrementVII and trepmaws would follow in January 2012 in order to assist Chrisgendo, who up to that point was essentially managing much of the tennis section on his own, during a period where much of the staff had become inactive. Following this period, long time staff members Moogle, NS2, Crash2991(and for a very brief time MycroProcessor) would all quietly retire their staff titles following Chrisgendo's public retirement announcement from staff and forum in September 2012. CorruptionSound would be added to fill the void left by Ashcrement's retirement on January 10th, 2014, with theFXexpert later added on June 13th.
The proceeding day, a major staff change occurred in which the Janitors and Tennis Cafe Staff were merged into one, thus creating the Cafe Staff, which gained equal control over the entire Youtube Poop section of the forums, a change which by complete anomaly would transition self-proclaimed YTP/Poop Talk guru Stuart K. Reilly over to the Cafe Staff, although he would only maintain this position for 2 months and contribute very little.
The staff as it stands today is made up of longtime members Gamebop, MycroProcessor, TheChutley and MrDrunkenFox, along with more recent members trepmaws, theFXexpert and CorruptionSound. RabbitSnore remains displayed as a staff member in order to recognize the staffs roots of creation and his contributions to the tennis section overall during his active period on the forum.
It is also regarded that Emperor Ing was always considered the "unofficial fuck", while never actually being on the staff itself due to him already being instated with moderator and later administrator powers, but having very in-depth involvement with the staff's activities in the early years to the point where he was considered just as essential. It is because of this that he is recognized as having served the staff in the past by retaining the official service medal and also has a round made in a special multi-way match reserved exclusively for staff members only.
The Poop Tennis Cafe as it stands today has declined vastly in activity, due to much of the active players switching over to a Skype version of the Cafe which currently resides as the dominant conversation zone. This has recieved some criticism for being too off-site and detracting a lot from what was considered traditional in the section, including providing a disadvantage for regulars who don't use skype. This has however not completely stopped the forum Cafe itself from being posted in, as it continues to attract, albiet in smaller numbers, newer members to the section and the game of tennis to this day.
Users who regular the cafe:
- the Tennis Cafe Staff
- CaptainStringCheese Es Da Best =^DDDDD
- TheRaz0rEdge
- The Neoprene Junebug
- Bloodis
- 2nnt
- sanemurzu
- Probo
- jacobketronCT
- MountainDewMaNN
- 1Superchops lurks a lot, but posts loads too!
- theFXexpert
- GabrielCol595 (holy shit, mind if i fit into this too?)
- Sploltoen
- Iamoutofideas1 Your friendly hentai obsessed tenniser
- Sid1325 <3
- JowlHog4 hi
- theadventuretimefan pingas fits in the bagel hole
- LaVie CestLol for some reason
(plenty others. add yourself if you want.)
- There is an unofficial spin-off of YTP Tennis called "Youtube Poop Soccer."
- Many people think the best Youtube Poop Tennis match that was ever conceived was the first Youtube Poop Tennis EVAR except a few who consider it to be overrated. The first matchup was the one between Conrad Slater and Misselaineous10.
- It begins as a normal Youtube Poop (whatever a normal Youtube Poop is in the first place). However, as more and more matches commence, the Poops turn into something that becomes a rape to the mind or something like that unless the poopers decide to use comedy instead.
- 13 Site-Sanctioned Competitions have taken place as of 2014, In chronological order: Tennis League I, Tennis League II, Tennis Cup I, Tennis League III, Doubles Cup I, The Windows Movie Master, the Tennis Season, The Grey Tournament, The Three-Way Tournament, Doubles Cup II, Tennis Cup IV, The Triples Cup, and the Multi-Way Tournament.
- (as of 9/26/14)GameBop currently holds the record of most matches played with 80 and counting, Followed close behind by CorruptionSound who is currently at 78 and counting. vvaluigi, now long since retired, remains in third with his still standing count of 60, soon to be surprassed by dewmann who is currently at 59. Others following are Quax and Chrisgendo with 52 completed.
- djninjalovemistake is the creator of what is currently the longest tennis round ever made.
- There was a poop tennis game planned, but Electronic Arts prevented it from being made.
- There exists an anime about the Tennis Cafe Staff
- Veteran YTPer GreatBritishTurd once staged an incredible surprise comeback to tennis by joining the Tennis Cup IV in 2012 and managing to play all the way to the final match, nearly beating eventual victor CorruptionSound.
CaptainStringCheese is actually the best at tennis.Not as good as IceSumo though, no one can surpass him as far as skills go- It has been recorded in legend that IceSumo once played a self-tennis match and reportedly was made to redo a round for not using the right sources and inevitably forfieted the match - to himself. No other tenniser in history has accomplished this feat
- IceSumo has been banned from ever joining any tournaments because of his skill level.