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Super Smash Bros. Brawl

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
MediaNice.jpg This article is about a Media Source, which is remixed to create a YouTube Poop.
Snivy is seriously ashamed of Super Smash Bros. Brawl's article.  This article is ranked as amongst the worst Chewiki has to offer, and is a perfect example of "what not to do". It is highly recommended that it be re-written...almost entirely. Please go

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a sequel to Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. 64. This game includes all the Nintendo characters. Some characters got rejected, but that won't stop them because even if they aren't playable characters, they are battle tropies. Being in this game, is what all true warriors strive for, well most of them anyway.

Media Information

Video Game

Made By

Country of Origin


March 23, 2000 B.C.

Summer 2006

December 3, 2007

February 10, 2008

March 9, 2008

June 27, 2008

Flurgerary 92, 6054 Q.G.

Cave Christmas, 6055! G.L.


With emphasis given to those seen in Youtube Poops

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Oh, sorry, Kirby; thought you were a pillow.
In your dreams, you faggots!
Coach Z trying to get into Brawl by pretending to be Ness.
{{#ev:youtube|r4Nfu9RBfMQ|320}}All of your favorite characters, none of whom "made it in".

Characters Who Didn't Make It In

Most likely the one you were really hoping would get in. What a damn shame.

However, thanks to nerdy hackers, characters that didn't make it in can disguise themselves another character. These characters include:


First Used In A Poop By

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Whatcha gonna do when Super Mario runs these 24" pythons on you, brother?!

Often Used By

Sometimes Used By

Disliked By

Further Information

  • Your favorite character isn't in it.
  • It is also known for its GameFAQs board, which, at one point, had new posts literally every single minute and was jam-packed with fad topics of its own. Nice try, Daniel.
  • Theres a crappy version of this game called Smash Bros. Lawl(yes, without the Super), which theres a bunch of famous YTP characters made by chincherrinas, but he hates ANY requests though..
  • There is, however, goimg to be a next one, for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. It will have Mega Man and Little Mac as playable characters.
  • Do not confuse this with Super Smash Bros. Meelee for the Nintendo GameCube or Super Smash Bros. 64 for the Nintendo 64.
  • Some say that Luigi's final attack move, started from when Luigi use to have sex in his gay form.
  • Like said above, if a character is not in it, then they will sneak in by dressing as other players. However if they are caught, then Ganon will throw him/her in The Pit.
  • Mario's finishing move was orignally going to be Mario getting really fat, and causing other players to fly of the screen.
  • There was originally going to be an extra fight arena, called The Pit.
  • 3 Eyed blue Luigi is yet another character that was rejected from the game.
    • No matter how much you whine, your favorite character won't be in it.
  • There was supposed to be an arena called Hotel Mario. Once again, it got rejected.

Main Source For Poopers


MAST3RLINKX has 7 videos containing all of the Subspace Cutscenes.

External links