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Sex: Male
Country: Australia
First Poop: Suck GiR's RoboDick
Year Started: 2015
Preferred Software: Adobe Premiere
Biodegradable only vaguely remembers seeing videos labeled "YouTube Poop" as early as 2008, but never felt inclined to watch any. The real history begins in late 2013 when he was bored on YouTube one day, watching random King of the Hill clips when he stumbled upon one of DurhamrockerZ's poops and found them strangely hilarious. He quickly got into watching KOTH poops exclusively by Durham, MrTPoops, rrhuntington, Orpheusftw, Attackofthehank and JJagwire before he evetually found EmperorLemon's KOTH poop. He watched more of Lemon's poops and later was exposed to other poopers. Bio had officially fallen in love with YouTube Poop by mid-2014. Bio contemplated over making his own YouTube Poops throughout most of 2015 before finally taking the plunge and uploaded his first Poop on October 9, 2015. Bio had developed depression during mid-2015 and found making YouTube Poops as a much-needed escape from the outside sources that were causing him mental anguish at the time, and he still loves making them today. He managed to achieve some exposure early in his pooping 'career' by participating in numerous collabs, usually hosted by popular poopers at the time and eventually hosting a few of his own, including the immensely popular "Angry Grandpa's Goddamn Collab". Since late 2016 however, Bio's participation in collabs has diminished significantly as his love for YouTube Poop Tennis has grown, but he'll still make an entry for the odd collab that piques his interest. These days he mainly focuses on exploring different sources and experimenting with style in his stand-alone videos and challenging many poopers to tennis matches, even encouraging those who have never played before to take him on, spreading his love for tennis as far and wide as humanly possible.
Biodegradable joined the YouChew forums on October 10, 2015 and was made a member of the Writing Staff in January 2016, where he wrote various articles, usually exploring different aspects of YouTube Poop that fascinated him, as well as movie and video games reviews. In early 2018, Bio became burnt-out on article ideas and had grown frustrated with the publishing limitations, so he decided to depart ways with the Writing Staff. He still wanted to contribute to YouChew in a staff capacity that would feel both meaningful and appropriate for him, so On April 7th, Bio was transferred over to the Café Staff, replacing Trepmaws.
- Can YouTube Poop Be Critiqued?
- Limitation Breeds Creativity
- Retro Review: The Thing
- The Outlast Experience: Running the Asylum (co-written with Nozdordomu)
- What a Racquet: My Journey into the Heart of the Pooping Sport
- It Follows review
- You've Been Pooping for How Long? A Brief Analysis on the Longevity of the Strangest of Video Remixing
- YouChew Community Spotlight: An Interview with Metroid998
- Little Nightmares review
- YouChew's Best of 2012
- YouChew's Best of 2015
- YouChew's Best of 2016
First poop seen[edit]
Hank of the Hill by DurhamrockerZ
First poop made[edit]
Biodegradable has a versatile, fast-paced pooping style that wavers between classic/gag-based/brainrape and trippy/ambient/experimental. It has been described by 1downpoison as a hybrid of older and newer pooping styles. He also tends to use glitch art, static, creepy imagery and dark ambient music in his videos. Bio prefers to keep his poops short, sharp and straight to the point, hence why his videos rarely surpass the 1 minute mark.
Preferred Sources[edit]
Bio doesn't stress too much about using popular or recognisable sources for the sake of views and prefers to simply poop the kind of sources he personally thinks would be fun to experiment with.
- The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
- Angry Grandpa
- The Three Stooges
- Invader ZIM
- Lano & Woodley
- The Simpsons
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
- Volvic
- Nostalgia Critic
- YouTubers
- Obscure commercials and other random YouTube videos
- Daym Drops
- Gmod/SFM videos
- Scenes from movies
- Let's Plays/Gameplay footage
- Whatever a tennis opponent has thrown at him
Preferred Methods[edit]
- Stutter Loop
- Reversing
- Pitch Shift
- Rhythmic Repetition
- Audio Replacement
- Photoshop Cut-Outs
- Ear Rape
- Scrambling
- Sentence Mixing
- Word Trim
- Speed Up/Slow Down
- Erosion
- Tech Text (very rare occasions)
Preferred Software[edit]
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
- Adobe PhotoShop CS5
- Audacity Audio Editor
- GiganticProblem666
- Shroomhead1
- Avojaifnot
- theFXexpert
- PresidentOfJelybeans
- NationOfOranges696
- Waymu
- Dew
- Dimitri Petrov
- NukaPooCola
- TheMarklar01
- LaVie CestLol
- ravinrabbid123
- AshcrementVII
- Metroid998
- fiv95
Biodegradable's videos are usually well-received, sometimes making appearances in YouChew's Top 10. At the beginning of his Poop career, he was also been able to impress the community with his use of editing and default Adobe Premiere effects when he did not have any plug-in effect packs. He has also been well-received within the tennis section of the Poop community for his quick responses and chameleon-esque approach to volleying an opponent's rounds.
- Became a YouChew staff member after only being on the forums for three months.
- Accumulated over 1000 subscribers.
Friends and Colleagues[edit]
- Dimitri Petrov
- Paperking99
- VentXekart
- ravinrabbid123
- LaVie CestLol
- AshcrementVII
- Metroid998
- Palette
- Dew
- fiv95
- CheesedogMaximum760
- TheOneManBoxOffice
- Crazy Luigi
- Benedetto
- TehShadzify
- Waymu
- BeanosOnToast
- Tabull
- SixtyforceYTP
- Dieathan
- Erazor
- DoomZappo
- 1downpoison
- Yoshit
- TyrannosaurusReich
- Stuart K. Reilly
- Soucisse Verte
- WeepinnWillow
- BeanosOnToast
- Zacheatscrackers
- JazzDanceForChildren
- VentXekart
- Paperking99
- ravinrabbid123
- LaVie CestLol
- Palette
- fiv95
- Expression
- CheesedogMaximum760
- SuperLeft4deadman
- NationOfOranges696
- NitroEdits
- BeanosOnToast
- banana cult
- Computoarz
- Metroid998
- Waymu
- Saper
- skittlejesus
- ReaderGamerSinger
- LolmanXD444
- Cyberplayer1337
- RCLeahcar
- Gabrielpika
- Goop Videos
- NKpower
- mrdavidatify
- 53v3n733n
- MrThisucks
- FireRedTails
- Alfonzopanckes
- AshcrementVII
- dew
- potatoes
- NKpower
- a
- SixtyforceYTP
- CheeChee
- Ashleii
- Mackenzie
- Writing
- Drawing
- Reading
- Movies
- Video games
- YouTube Poop
- Dark Ambient music
- Video editing
- Abstract art
- Appropriation/Transformative art
- Glitchy audio effects/static
- Remix culture
- Appreciating all things dark, creepy and macabre
- Pizza
- Fried Rice
- Iced Coffee
- Pastry
- Lazy YTP-style editing
- Excessive Ear Rape
- Overcrowding video frames with masking effects
- Poopism imbalance
- Self-entitled subscribers
- Attention whores
- Petty drama
- Childish political discourse
- Anything raspberry flavored
- Melancholy YouTube Poop fans whining about old-school poopers being retired and claiming YouTube Poop is dead.
- Has done the university thing 3 times, earning a Bachelor of Arts in Animation and a Professional Writing & Editing diploma. Bio however did not complete a Certificate IV in Screen & Media due to the course being largely a waste of time and flunked out.
- Successfully conned university teachers into letting him make a YouTube Poop for an assignment. TWICE!
- Has a maniacal laugh that makes him sound like the Joker.
- Met Paul Hogan back when he worked as a room attendant for a fancy hotel.
- Considers himself a bit of a "Poop Scholar", learning a great many things regarding YouTube Poop history from spending countless hours scouring through Chewiki articles and old archived threads on YouChew. What a nerd!