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Sex: Male
Age: 25
Country: Australia
First Poop: Suck GiR's RoboDick
Year Started: 2015
Preferred Methods: Stutter loop, Speed Up/Slow Down, Ear Rape, Sentence-Mixing, Erosion, Scrambling, Word Trim, Pitch-Shifting, Audio Replacement
Preferred Software: Adobe Premiere
YouTube Account: Biodegradable
In Brief
Biodegradable is an Australian YouTube Pooper who started making videos in 2015. He is an avid collab participant and tennis player, as well as a member of YouChew's Writing Staff.
Biodegradable knew about YouTube Poop for a very long time, however his first exposure to it was negative as he thought it was stupid. In late 2013, he was bored on YouTube, watching random King of the Hill Clips when he stumbled upon DurhamRockerZ's King of the Hill poops, and he thought they were strangely hilarious. He quickly got into watching KOTH poops exclusively until he stumbled upon EmperorLemon's KOTH poop, watched more of his poops and later was exposed to other poopers. Biodegradable had officially fallen in love with YouTube Poop by mid-2014.
He contemplated over making his own YouTube Poops for most of 2015 before finally taking the plunge and uploaded his first Poop on October 9, 2015. He found making YouTube Poops as a much-needed escape while he was going through depression, and still loves making them today.
Biodegradable joined the YouChew forums on October 10, 2015 and was made a member of the Writing Staff in January 2016.
First poop seen
Boggle Crunch by DurhamRockerZ
First poop made
Biodegradable has a versatile pooping style, wavering between regular/gag-based and trippy/brain-rape/experimental and has been described by 1downpoison as a hybrid of older and newer pooping styles. He also tends to use glitch art, static, creepy imagery and dark ambient music in his videos.
Preferred Sources
- The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
- Angry Grandpa
- The Three Stooges
- Invader ZIM
- Lano & Woodley
- The Simpsons
- JonTron
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
- Volvic
- Nostalgia Critic
- YouTubers
- Obscure commercials
Preferred Methods
- Stutter Loop
- Reversing
- Pitch shift
- Audio Replacement
- Photoshop Cut-outs
- Ear Rape (Rarely)
- Scrambling
- Sentence Mixing
- Word Trim
- Speed Up/Slow Down
- Erosion
Preferred Software
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
- Adobe PhotoShop CS4
- Audacity Audio Editor
- Writing
- Reading
- Dark Ambient Music
- Pizza
- Fried Rice
- Iced Coffee
- Glitchy audio effects/static
- Remix culture
- Appreciating all things dark, creepy and macabre
- Extremely long and unedited footage in YTPs
- Excessive Ear Rape
- Overcrowding video frames with masking effects
- Poopism imbalance
- Self-entitled subscribers
- Attention whores
- Rampant, misguided political correctness
- Anything raspberry flavored
- Melancholy YouTube Poop fans whining about old-school poopers being retired and claiming YouTube Poop is dead
Biodegradable's videos are usually well-received, sometimes making appearances in YouChew's Top 10. At the beginning of his Poop career, he was also been able to impress the community with his use of editing and default Adobe Premiere effects when he did not have any plug-in effect packs. He has also been well-received within the tennis section of the Poop community for his quick responses and chameleon-esque approach to volleying an opponent's rounds.
- Became a YouChew staff member after only being on the forums for three months.
- Won first place for Best Newcomer and Best Writer in the YouChews the Winner 2016
- Was nominated for Best Tenniser in YouChews the Winner 2016, despite only finishing 3 tennis matches at the time.
Friends and Poop Colleagues
- Dimitri Petrov
- Paperking99
- VentXekart
- ravinrabbid123
- LaVie CestLol
- AshcrementVII
- Metroid998
- Palette
- SuperLeft4deadman
- dew
- Dofferent
- fiv95
- Expression
- CheesedogMaximum760
- TheOneManBoxOffice
- Crazy Luigi
- Nozdordomu
- Waymu
- BeanosOnToast
- Tabull
- Dieathan
- Erazor
- The Pope
- 1downpoison
- Stuart K. Reilly
- Theadventuretimefan
- Soucisse Verte
- YTStaff ComeAtMe
- Dimitri Petrov
- NukaPooCola
- TheMarklar01
- DurhamrockerZ
- LaVie CestLol
- ravinrabbid123
- AshcrementVII
- Metroid998
- fiv95
- NationOfOranges696
- Dew
- Waymu
- GiganticProblem666
- VentXekart
- NukaPooCola
- Paperking99
- ravinrabbid123
- LaVie CestLol
- PaletteBlockhead
- fiv95
- Expression
- CheesedogMaximum760
- SuperLeft4deadman
- NationOfOranges696
- NitroEdits
- BeanosOnToast
- banana cult
- Computoarz
- metroid998
- Waymu
- Saper
- skittlejesus
- ReaderGamerSinger
- LolmanXD444
- Cyberplayer1337
- RCLeahcar
- Gabrielpika
- Goop Videos
- NKpower
- mrdavidatify
- 53v3n733n
- MrThisucks
- FireRedTails
- Alfonzopanckes
- AshcrementVII
- dew
- potatoes
- NKpower
- a
- SixtyforceYTP
- CheeChee
- YTStaff ComeAtMe
Other Information
- Earned a Bachelor of Arts in Animation and a Professional Writing & Editing diploma.
- Has a maniacal laugh that makes him sound like the Joker.
- Met Paul Hogan back when he worked as a room attendant for a fancy hotel.