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Simplicity Collab Series
This is a listing of the various collabs made over the years where no complex effects such as keyframing and masking can be used. Instead, the entries of these collabs are made to resemble poops from 2007 and earlier. The first collab was hosted by Smonge, with subsequent collabs hosted by chemistryguy and iamoutofideas1
Innovation in Simplicity (2011)[edit]
The first Simplicity Collab was hosted by Smonge.
- MrSHS43
- MountainDewMaNN
- chemistryguy
- JoeTheBlueDragon
- LinkOnDrugs
- Simon Belmont Painting
- DoomZappo
- gamerislanduk
- TheRaz0rEdge
- theFXexpert
- DiosBabilonia
- ImmaDocktuh
- Smonge
- StickerBoyTheNextGen
- Uwilmod
- Squidora
- Nesbroslash
A Visual Assault to the Senses (2012)[edit]
The second Simplicity Collab was hosted by chemistryguy, who Smonge gave permission to carry out the collab.
- noisepuppet
- JabberCash/BottleOfPlastic
- MountainDewMaNN
- Likety
- DanFango700
- FishTitan64
- RevSecond
- Pilli10
- LightningLuigi
- MovieAcid
- BarneyIsPerverted
- Pikalax1
- CreepahWeegie
- EmperorLemon
- ufuckfacesonofabitch
- Smonge
- LinkOnDrugs
- Uwilmod
- chemistryguy
- youthboy14
- poblachtacha
- Geibuchan
- Simon Belmont Painting
- KevMcallister
- DinnerWarrior
- cs188
- Sandovart
- HaHaHound
- SporeDotCam
- TheKooperPooper
- MasterOfZoroark
5!mp1!c!ty The 3rd (Unofficial, 2012)[edit]
This collab was hosted by iamoutofideas1. However, it was not endorsed by Smonge.
- ProfesserCheeseBall
- therockmannumber1
- iamoutofideas1
- guitarocker100
- KeeperOfPorridge
- StickerBoyTheNextGen
- Likety
- OutcastLabs
- Keishcopp
- jeresoukkio
- Colinmaloneyshomebre
- SirSmeargle
- RandomClam24
Simply Simple (2013)[edit]
The official third Simplicity Collab was hosted by Smonge.
- AustRock9080
- 1Superchops
- AlarmCopter
- morethanananimal
- UltraGrounder
- SonicOutlaw (Under his old username, AngrySpongeBobGuy)
- DoomZappo
- Drdreadfuk
- ImmaCornflakes
- HerrVarden
- ProfesserCheeseBall
- Zachtomcat
- JoeTheBlueDragon
- Magged Rat
- Unknown
- Markie
- DjensZooi
- Electricalmonks
- Cloaytonem2
- HarvestmanMan
- JabberCash/BottleOfPlastic
- CreepahWeegie
- MountainDewMaNN
- TheRubberFruitFace
- theFXexpert
- Chemistryguy
- SaturdayNightCleaner
- Squidora
- MortyOak
- Pikalax
- Father's Shout
- NationOfOranges696
- Guitarocker100
- countsmegula
- crimsonman5
- Sinnedtragedy98
- SpaghettiBicycle
- youngbloodfantasy
- Smonge
- TheOneManBoxOffice