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Name: shroomhead1
Real Name: Leo König
Sex: Male
Country: Germany
First Poop: Youtube Poop: S-O-S
Year Started: 2009
Preferred Sources: AOSTH, Michael Rosen, Volvic
Preferred Methods: Stutter loop, Pitch Shifting (random, Vibrato[glide]), Bassy Ear-rape, Reversing
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas Pro 9.0e
YouTube Account: shroomhead1
In brief
A pooper with a very broad style.
Joined the German YouTube Poop community in March 2009. Joined the international Youtube Poop community in June 2009. Did not have many subscribers until he used a viral video in a YTPMV, causing his subscriber count to spontaneously explode to over 1000. First discovered YouTube Poop by clicking random related videos.
First poop seen
Timon and Pumbaa's amazing super spaghetti(ASS) adventure [1]
First poop made
Youtube Poop: S-O-S - right
Now, here's the thing. It can vary from pure sentence mixing to original YTPMVs and nonsensical pitch-shift glitchy-type poops.
- Really slow paced poops.
- Spadinner.
- Spatoast.
- Forced fads.
Many people like his stuff and his huge variety, many others tell him to make stuff like he did months ago.
He may overuse certain pooping techniques in an intolerable way.
- First pooper to successfully claim copyright of a stolen YTPMV of his:
- Creating one of the most-seen YTPMVs to date:
In Real Life
A lot of people you don't know.
- Arkunos[4]
- LieutenantGwo/Badluckcrow[5]
- Kurkop[6]
- thapoint09[7]
incredibly many. shitstorm warning:
- A27wolf
- AbsoluteBillion
- AddedAmenBreak
- AlmostClassic
- AlphonseDaya
- AmiralMachin
- anotherfreakingguy
- AquaXC
- arghivebeenshot
- Arkunos
- ArkunosRevival
- ArkunosTennisUndKram
- artificedesign
- AshMadeOurEyes
- AsylumAvenue
- Badluckcrow
- Badluckcrowthe2nd
- BillyMorshu
- BillyOffer
- bIue2
- BlGBenY
- blumiotv
- Boogidyboo
- ButtonsTheDragon
- C8prince8T
- ChristopherCooler
- chroniclearms
- cjflo
- CommanderGwonam
- CripChillinz
- cupoficewater1
- DanielRadcliffe777
- deckman92
- Deepercutt
- DerryMarkson
- DisruptrGato
- DJRadekChannel
- DoctorlvoRobotnik
- DrGoatnik
- drnojoke
- DurhamrockerZ
- EinKeiner
- electricsyrup
- electricthecheese
- EletricalMonkey
- EnigmaEvocative
- erazor521
- eviljoesph
- F3tusRape
- Fagottron
- failblog (Even though it's not a pooper.)
- fatherbrandon
- FeosMusic
- ffgasm
- Fiddlesticks411
- FlamingSackOfPizza
- FreddieKrueger91527
- FromTheGang
- Galforg
- Gallers
- GeneralShitt
- giganticproblem666
- glue70
- GreenDeathFlavor
- gurntmaster6000
- guysafari
- Hamhaxx
- HelpfulFortress
- HenoTalkie
- Histvrical
- Homepike
- HotFriedSkadoosh
- HozzieBear
- htilden42
- IckeundEr
- igudesmanandjoo
- ilmc92poop
- Imaperson
- IroncladPhazon
- JackTron7000
- JakeSteel0121
- JazzDanceForChildren
- johntennek
- JooHandsSmall
- jsbdelarge
- KaksErtsu
- KalleBlomquist93
- kampfsinep
- Kengelmann5000
- KingCornholio
- Kiste1993
- KroboProductions
- Laretski
- Laretski
- LegendarySage
- LetsSHIT
- levusbevus
- LieutenantGwo
- Lithkun
- lmTheGang
- lnsector
- LordCraigus
- madanonymous
- magmalord4
- maniamme2
- Manwith10toes
- MapleManiac9001
- Maplemaniac9003
- mapmonster
- MaRillion05
- Maruigio
- Masterhftw
- McMaNGOSalt
- MeiAlDS
- melodysheep
- MentalMediaXT
- metroid998
- Metzgorrre
- MichaelJackspoon
- MichaelMitterEier
- milesaaway
- MilkshakeManCP
- MimiMinimal
- MinimalDream
- MontyPython
- MrChriddof
- MrRoboto113
- MrTennek
- mrweebl
- MSTRadock
- MTB710
- mushiflo
- MusicMixDjs
- MustangSally72
- MyBrainShow
- MyBroSux24
- n00neimp0rtant
- Nazeem38
- NegroTed
- ninja000
- noisepuppet
- NoSoopFourYou
- nqtv
- nrdesign1991
- nsrrenard
- nsrrenardalt
- Ohgodnofff
- oiramapap
- olfi500
- Ollineunundsechzig
- omgtsn
- ophios
- Orangishred
- PacMani
- Paddel88
- Pilli10
- PilliReturneth
- PresidentOfJelybeans
- puseechunt
- Pyrstoyska
- Pyrstoyskalt
- rakninja
- RevFirst
- RichardDavidPrecht
- richw4
- Rillion22
- rjdtoob
- robd0gg
- RoccoB64
- RockEsper
- ROFLtrax
- RomysHustensaft
- s0me0neimp0rtant
- SashicX2007
- Shitstation3
- shroomhead1tennis
- SirRonLionHeart
- Skrimpish
- SmashBroDx
- SongRemixer
- SooFunkyFresh
- SooshieBoy
- Spinogod2008
- SquirreIousRIP
- SSpelunker
- Stegblob
- superk0ffee
- SushieBoy
- SynaMax
- TaiIsFan
- thapoint09
- thechairman45
- TheChaosBadger
- TheChutley
- TheDykeVanDickShow
- TheftOfChocolate
- theHappyFungus
- TheLordPsycho
- thePeskyDiglett
- TimAJH
- timmy41
- tk1000tonPoop
- triforce36O
- TRMario
- tromaggot
- troysson81
- UncleSamEagle
- universalquantifier
- Videogamemaster95
- Vorhias
- vV0rtex
- vvaluigi
- WalterPalooza
- Warhawk717
- Wekwa
- WestIce1984
- Whelt
- wiesoachso
- wikiwow
- willfreedo
- wingebag
- XMasterZing
- YouChewPoop
- YTKnews1
- YTPnews1
- zach033094poop
Holy crap, man.
- Silverstreak
- HotelWeegee
- 1Superchops (shroom's still my favourite pooper)