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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 18:43, 31 October 2008 by NS2 (talk | contribs) (Online)

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
{{#ev:youtube|O_vuqJEIfgI|320}}NS2's first poop
{{#ev:youtube|0a650NUxzfo|320}}NS2's most popular poop

In brief

NS2 is a YouTube Pooper best known to others for being obsessed with Solid Snake, and as a moderator on the YTP forum. He is also known for using Windows Movie Maker for most of his videos.


NS2 was first aware of YouTube Poop in early October 2007, upon hearing his friends discussing it during school. Becoming curious, he checked it out a week later, by doing a YouTube search for "YouTube Poop". He discovered it, and instantly thought it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen. What he saw was a video by WalrusGuy.

After developing an obsession, he began pooping himself about 2 weeks later, debuting with a obnoxious CD-i poop. He didn't use CD-i as much in the succeeding poops, which mainly focused on period video games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He stopped using CD-i completely when he joined the YouChewPoop Forum in January 2008, when his focus became mainly video games and occasionally anime, which he was just discovering at the time. He later expanded his sources to live-action material like the 1989 Batman film, and a few political biopics. He became a moderator of the forum in April 2008, and is currently a very active pooper, with over 120 poops made since the first obnoxious CD-i spectacle.


NS2 is a trusted member of THE INCREDIBLE LASER SWORD team, and he is known to be a skilled assassin, killing without remorse. RabbitSnore has been known to call him "a real bastard" with affection, for his apparent lack of empathy during combat operations. He has served as a spotter for RabbitSnore, as well as a backup intel officer alongside Crash2991.

After the fall of the Hussein regime in Iraq, NS2 was sent on a mission for the ILS, to infiltrate an Iraqi palace and recover three stolen DVDs. During this mission, he encountered clones of Thereisnospork303 and TheHappyFungus. Using eight pounds of C4 explosive and a toothbrush, he managed to defeat the clones, whom he later discovered to be leftovers from a biological super solider experiment.

Returning the three DVDs to Crash2991, NS2 received the title of "Awesome Guy" from the owner of a small ice cream shop in north Iowa. A short-lived peace followed thereafter, during which NS2 practiced his renowned art of killing a man with a toothpick before he can scream. Soon enough however, Nuthead pissed in a stranger's coffee one morning (that is to say, he literally urinated in a man's coffee), and a war had broken out, giving NS2 the opportunity to increase his already impressive kill record.

NS2 is known to be able to eat nails and shit screws half an hour later. That's how badass his digestive tract is.

He was rumored to have lost his right eye to Rakninja in a petty squabble over the last can of Sprite in the ILS base, but this rumor was debunked, since NS2 has two eyes.

First poop seen

The Only Mama Luigi Poop Anyone Has Ever Made by WalrusGuy

First poop made

Crap, Not Poop


NS2's style alternates from fast-paced videos ("Sniper Sinks Ocelot's Feelings") to slow videos inspired by the works of the original founders of poop ("SUBSTANCE"). There are also videos where he mixes both, usually creating a video that is balanced enough. ("ZACH'S CHEMGASM").

Preferred Sources

Preferred Methods

Preferred Tech


  • Doesn't understand why the Sonic series is so popular among poopers (he has pooped it before but he was never a huge fan of it)
  • Constant complaints about how the forum sucks as stated by regular members


  • Over 200 subscribers, so he must be doing something right.


  • Complaints from general YouTube users regarding the overuse of repetition.
  • He dislikes his videos where he just tosses random sources at a quick pace to the viewer (the latest example is "There is No Turning Back", posted in early August 2008). He believes he should at least let a source sink into the video for a few seconds instead of just throwing it onto the video and moving on, but sometimes it is hard to create something good.
  • UN CONSPIRACY WAS HER, a joke video which became of his lowest-rated videos due simply to the fact he used WMM to make it.


  • Generally regarded as one of the best Windows Movie Maker poopers ever.
  • A few of his most notable subscribers are Yaminomalex, Furnessly, manwith10toes and UncleChuckTH, who all have a low number of subscriptions as well, which makes NS2 feel notable.
  • Managed to run an Anime Poop Collab in April 2008 without any criticism (people were actually enthusiastic about it)
  • "World's Greatest Sound Effect", an unintentional fad video which spawned 8 responses
  • Made it to the finals of the Tennis Cup with Ishkibibl, and lost
  • Apparently serves as an influence to many newcomer poopers
  • Started Robespierre, which is still a big deal to some people


In Real Life



Making Poop



Other Information

Poop Listing and Tennis Matches


  • Deepercutt once thought he was the real Solid Snake.
  • Was generally introduced to YouTube Poop and anime simultaneously, in October 2007. He spent the prior 2 years studying popular music.
  • After joining, he started posting a picture of ROBESPIERRE, leading it to quietly catch on when people like Kingcornholio used it in his poops. It was even used to represent an article on the news page in January 2008.
  • Created SONICNERD23, an infamous series of spam threads on the forum.
  • Jokingly makes himself look like a huge PlayStation fanboy whenever he is on the forums.
  • A member of the INCREDIBLE LASER SWORD, which he helped to inspire.
  • Was friends with Temeku long before he gained over 1,000 subscribers, in fact, NS2 was his 5th subscriber.
  • Wants to believe the conspiracy.
