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Angry Video Game Nerd

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 10:30, 30 June 2010 by NinjaCoachZ (talk | contribs) (hur, why didn't we have this before?)

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Name: Angry Video Game Nerd
Country of Origin: USA
Created By:
Year Created: 2004

MediaNice.jpg This article is about a Media Source, which is remixed to create a YouTube Poop.
CharNice.jpg This article is filed under Characters.

A character used by Randomizer742 in one of his poops. He is formerly known as The Angry Nintendo Nerd.


  • This is the equivalent of shit taking a shit!
  • Fuck!
  • FUCK!
  • FUUUUUCK!!!!
  • Lick my shit, Nostalgia Critic!
  • When I found out there was a [Transformers] movie, I was just about to shit my Transformers underwear!
  • This game... is HORRENDOUS!
  • Holy shit! It's SPIDER-MAN!
  • Spider-Man, Spider-Man, takes a dump in a coffee can...
  • Looks like Superman is stroking his super dick!
  • This game is diarrhea coming out of my dick!


  • Ass
  • The reasons why he changed his name to the Angry Video Game Nerd are because it's hard to merchandise stuff when you have an official company's name on it and it's also due to the fact that he reviews video games from other systems made by people like Atari, Sega, Commodore, and even stuff from the arcades believe it or not.
  • He shouts ASS a lot. This is a result of his love of ASS.
  • He hates "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" a lot.
  • He currently lives in Narberth, PA.
  • He wants to kill Jessica Rabbit from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
  • He once lost to Glass Joe with the Power Glove. He Once Lost To GLASS JOE With The POWER GLOVE!!!
  • Has teamed up with Captain S, and no, the S does not stand for Suck or Shit (However, rumors say that Captain S is a ripoff of Captain N, only cornier.).
  • Loves punching spiders & bitch-slapping snakes.
  • Known practitioner of the Falcon Punch, revealed in Get Punched By The Nintendo Nerd!!
  • Made his own poop in his review of the "Sega CD," which was an add on for the Sega Genesis.
  • Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Spider-Man, Bugs Bunny, LeatherFace, Michael Myers, & The Lion from The Wizard of Oz, among many others were guest stars in his videos. Yet, he was disappointed that some naked chick didn't hump the crap out of him.
  • He was once kidnapped by a crazed fan/hippie and a hillbilly. Includes LeatherFace.
  • Once babysat some kids on Halloween while fighting Michael Myers.
  • Has killed Brock Samson before.
  • Has killed Jason Voorhees & Freddy Krueger, yet he was too weak to defeat Michael Myers, so he let the two kids he was babysitting defeat him by themselves.
  • Once kept on punching the shit out of Bugs Bunny until he broke his thumb to fight Rocky Balboa.
  • He also once took a shit on Bugs Bunny in his "Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout" review. However, Bugs Bunny got his revenge when he took a shit on the AVGN in the "Bugs Bunny's/Woody Woodpecker's Crazy Castle" series' review.
  • Sometimes, whenever a video game is really, really, really bad, he can destroy it in random ways (Such as putting one NES game of a popular movie that I'm sure everyone & their mothers know of into a toaster as an example.).
  • He hates the Tourettes Guy because the Tourettes Guy hates AVGN (and said he looked an ASS in his Nintendo accessory battlegear.
  • He also hates the Irate Gamer for stealing his idea & copying it as his own.
  • Temporarily Swapped Bodies with the Nostalgia Critic when a possessed Jeri Katou caused a giant rift in the space continium, though how the damage was undone has yet to be made publicly known.
  • Despite his song saying that he does Nintendo, Atari, and Sega reviews, he actually once reviewed a shitty Playstation game in Independant's Day (Which was indeed a shitty movie.).
  • He finally died by touching his own fucking door at the end of his Dragon's Lair game for the NES review.
  • He came back to life as The Angry Zombie Nerd.
His favorite video game ever is Analogic (Especially if it has Game AIDS.)
  • As The Zombie Nerd he reviewed Wii games and died again.
  • Sometimes, he likes to call Spider-Man "Shit-Man".
  • Has a parody rightfully called the "Happy Video Game Nerd".
  • Once teamed up with The Terminator to kill GasmaskAvenger & Princess Sally Acorn.
  • He finally reviewed Hotel Mario, Link: Faces of Evil, Zelda: Wand of Gamelon, Zelda's Adventure, and, well, the entire Phillips CD-i in general; sadly, he did not once mention the Youtube Poop usage it was having at all.
  • Laughed all crazy-like when he saw that scene in Zelda: Wand of Gamelon when that one guy said "YOU KILLED ME!!!!!!" and Zelda said "Good!".
  • Was once interviewed by Ganondorf Dragmire, via late night talk show style. This interview didn't involve anything about his character whatsoever, but it involved a movie that he was making called "The Night of the Vampire", which would come out on January 12, 3004. However, Ganondorf kept intervining with him about the title being "Assholeless", "Assholefull", and later on, "The Unholy Ass".
  • Is rivals with the Nostalgia Critic.
  • One of his episodes was dedicated to telling people who are watching his show the story of Atari about their rise with the Atari 2600, their fall with the Atari 5200, their time trying to beat Nintendo and Sega with the Atari 7800 and the Atari Lynx, and their final fall towards making consoles with the Atari Jaguar.
  • Might have inadvertely created a new meme on his Atari Jaguar games review, in which the giant green female head from "Cybermorph" said in a mocking fashion "Where did you learn to fly?".
  • He once took a shit on the Atari Jaguar, or at least its CD add-on.
  • He once created a super hero out of many empty beer carrier. Yep, you guessed it. He created the superhero known as Beer Man. His specialty involves making everyone party with beer.
  • Would fight with Super Mecha Death Christ 2,000 B.C. Ver. 3.0 Beta to defeat Satan's copy of Super Mario Bros. 3. Satan would get majorly pissed off about that and fights them for the death of his Super Mario Bros. 3 game, but it doesn't work out too well for him.
Buy this now!!!
  • Unexpectedly saw the Nostalgia Critic again in Chicago, and so, they fought the final battle once and for all. However, unexpected help came from both sides from both parties, such as Benzaie, former Screwattack employee Handsome Tom, Linkara, ThatAussieGuy (Who would get fired after the fight.), Kyle Justin, Sean Fausz/hopewithinchaos (Known by many as the Epic Fail guy.), TheSpoonyOne, Marzgurl, Angry Joe, Little Miss Gamer, Paw Dugan, ThatChickWithTheGoggles, Chester A. Bum, and just about everyone on the Nostalgia Critic's website that isn't ThatDudeInTheSuede, as well as a grown up Ma-Ti.
  • Tried to rekill the Nostalgia Critic by taking some of his partners (mostly those who play video games) and gangmurder the shit out of him. Luckily, he had a few partners of his own.
  • In the end, they both settled for a truce and both the AVGN and the Nostalgia Critic did a review of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Making of Their Coming Out of Their Shells Tour.
  • Once punched Linkara for screaming "ADAMANTIUM RAGE!!!" at his face. That, and for punching Kirby and throwing his Sega Genesis on his bed while screaming the exact same thing.
  • Is really close to owning all the NES games ever created (Including all the European-only and Japanese-only games.).
  • Reminds people countless times that he hates LJN.
  • Has been to Comic-Con a couple of times, especially the one where he got screwed over by "The Twilight Line", where Twilight fantards where in a huge-ass line that screwed over many a person. He stated that Comic-Con should be changed into "Line-Con."
This is what the AVGN believes Comic-Con should be called starting today.
  • Has usually been able to review a certain (few) video game(s) during the time a movie of some certain thing's about to be released.
  • He once reviewed a Japanese-only game called Transformers: Convoy (Though that's mistaken on the cartridge as Comvoy.) no Nazo (Which translates to Transformers: The Mystery of Optimus Prime in English.) for the Famicom/Family Computer, which is the Japanese version of the NES/Nintendo Entertainment System. That means that all regions of video games that are just plain shitty aren't safe from the wrath of the almighty Angry Video Game Nerd.
  • In the same review of Transformers: Convoy no Nazo, he drank some of Billy Mitchell's (Who's the champion of video games.) special hot sauce. He did it because he believed that it would help him gain some of his special video gaming powers to help him through this game.
  • Mattel Electronics Presents: B-17 BAWMBER!
  • Mattel Electronics Presents: BONG SQUAD!!!
  • His real name is James Rolfe.
  • The Happy Video Game Nerd says that the Angry Video Game Nerd is his brother.
  • According to himself, Super Mario Bros. 3 = You going to Hell.
  • Whenever he just gets bored and video games and movies don't do the trick, he becomes the man named Board James (You get it?). Board James just reviews board games, whether they be good or bad.
  • Also, whenever he finds something that's just plain bullshitty, he becomes the Bullshit Man.
  • Made a tribute video for Michael Jackson during his death.
You can buy him, if you want to...
  • Was not needed when James Rolfe wanted to review the new Ghostbusters game for the Xbox 360, the Playstation 3, and the Nintendo Wii.
  • Got flabbergasted when he found out that in the NES' version of Mario Is Missing!, you have to return King Kong to the Empire State Building because the Koopas, or in this case, "Kleptomanicial Koopas," apparently stole him from there and put him in a normal-sized money bag.
  • He also got sensory deprivation at the end of his Mario Is Missing!/Mario's Time Machine (Both for the NES and the SNES versions and not the PC version.) review.
  • He thinks that the weirdest games that he'd ever seen in his life are Attack of The Mutant Penguins for the Atari Jaguar and Plumbers Don't Wear Ties for the Panasonic 3DO (Don't you think it's just weird and perfect that these types of games only appeared on the shitty consoles?).
  • He loves Rocky, and even made a documentary where he toured the locations in Philadelphia seen in the Rocky movies, which was called "Rocky Jumped a Park Bench".
    • Hates the Sega Master System game, though, and even threw it down the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art (Which are the Rocky steps, you dumbass.).
  • Was once mistaken by daedreamer87 as John Rolfe.
  • When he found out that the Godzilla from modern times were much better than those of the NES and SNES times, he yelled every curse word that he knew. However, when he ran out of swear words to say, he decided to come up with a new curse for himself. Fortunetly (or rather unfortunetly), those who are young to curse have it lucky because he decided that the public shouldn't need to hear that word.
  • One Halloween, he decided that it's going to go in overtime when decided to review all the Castlevania games from the NES all the way into the Nintendo 64 and Playstation times.
  • He thought that it was strange that Super Noah's Ark 3-D and Little Red Hood were the only two games that needed another cartridge on top of them in order to play them correctly.
  • His favorite movie is "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" by Stanley Kubrick.
  • Action 52 had actually shat him out once.
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This game is shitting him...
The AVGN's ready for the next time the AVGN Hippie/Fan comes crashing by during one of his reviews.