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I.M. Meen (Video Game)

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 14:27, 8 September 2009 by Crazy Luigi (talk | contribs) (Leave the great confusion and panic quotes as the last one for I.M Meen's quotes from now on. Deal?)
MediaNice.jpg This article is about a Media Source, which is remixed to create a YouTube Poop.
CharNice.jpg This article is filed under Characters.

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Name: I.M. Meen
Country of Origin: USA
Type of Source: Video Game
Created By: Animation Magic, Inc./Simon & Schuster Interactive
Year Created: 1995

Name: I.M. Meen
Appears In: I.M. Meen
Sex: Male
Age: Somewhere in his 90's?
Nationality: American
Occupation(s): Librarian/Evil Madman


Originally a PC/DOS game for kids "ages 9 and up." Today, it is known as somewhat of a new source to the world of YouTube Poop.

Despite being a librarian, I.M. Meen hates anyone with a liking for literature and academics, of whom he likens to "Goody Goodies". He totes around a forbidden book of magic that isn't to be read. When the kids open up this book, they're sucked inside instead, and enter Meen's evil labyrinth. The children are then locked into a dark cell, taunted ceaselessly by Meen himself, and mauled by his pets. The children must escape with the assistance of Meen's sexually-abused cohort Gnorris, Writewell's Book of Better Grammar, and a variety of magical scrolls and weapons.

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Watch out for raging Meen, SMARTY.

Media Infomation

Video Game


With emphasis given to those seen in Youtube Poops


  • "Oh Look, what clever children! See them study, watch them learn. How I HATE Those Goody Goodies! How they make my stomach turn."
  • "I've got a little secret that'll really make them cry. It's a nasty kind of magic. From A Special kind of guy."
  • "This book is made to order-rugh, but it isn't to be read. When they open Up THIS BOOK, They're SUCKED INSIDE instead to the most unpleasant place they've ever seen. The magic labyrinth of ♫I.M. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNN!!!!!♫"
  • "Very scary and confusing. Destination of MAI CHUSEENG!! The magic labyrinth of I.M. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNN!!!!♫ (Evil Laughter)"
  • "What's the matter, smartie? Lost Your WAY?! My guardians will be happy to escort you, to a cozy cell! (Evil Laughs)"
  • "Why hello, little bookworm. I do hope you're enjoying your whirlwind tour of my labyrinth HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?"
  • "Today's lesson is about the dangers of being too smart for your own good. I hope you're paying attention, Bookworm!!"
  • "Lost? Frightened?! Confuuused?!?! GOOD!!!!! (Evil Laughter)"
  • "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, There's a Bookworm in the hall. BUT not for LOOO-OOOOOOOOONG!!! (Evil Laughs)"
  • "Here's a rhyme for you. Ahem! I knew a little bookworm who tried to get away, until the friendly guardians persuaded him to stay. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
  • "Still loose, little bookworm? Don't get used to it! My pets are closing in! (Evil Laughs)"
  • "Well, well, I'm suprised you don't give up, Bookworm! You're beginning to look run down. Why not take a little nap?"
  • "GGRRRRRRRH, You are beginning to annoy me, you miserable little goody goody."
  • "You're tougher than you look, twerp! But I've still got some nasty tricks up my sleeve."
  • "You won't get far, you studious little BRAT! My pets will see to that. (Evil Laughs)"
  • "O.K., Bookworm! Now you're really starting to annoy me!!! Get back into your cell before I turn you into a... shit monk!"
  • "You can't win, Bookworm! I... am the most powerful magician in the world!!! And you're just a smartie."
  • "Better luck next time, Bookworm! Of course there probably won't BE A next time!!! Ha! Ha! Ha-Ha-Ha!"
  • ";_; Wretched Child! You've Ruined MY BEAUTIFUL LABYRINTH!!! Now you're going to PAY!!!!!!!!!!"
  • "GGRRRRRRRH, You are beginning to annoy me, you miserable little goody goody."
  • "Back into your cell, Bookworm! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll escape again... in a hundred YEARS!!!!! (Evil & Mischevious Laughter)"
  • "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You may have outsmarted me this time, Bookworm, but I'll be back! I.M. Meen never quits! You'll Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....!"
I.M. Meen rising from the depths of hell.
I.M. Meen is now being a chipshitmunk.
  • "When children read THIS BOOK, they'll see it as the most unpleasent book they've ever read!!!
  • "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too, I HAET this fucking book!"
  • "IT SUCKS!!!"
  • "This book is made to order-rugh children to be Goody Goodies!"
  • "This book is made to sex me!"
  • "It's a nasty kind of book!"
  • "How I HAET This Fucking Book!!"
  • "This book isn't to be read."
  • "It's the most unpleasent book ever seen!"
  • "I'll fuck this book!"
  • "What a nasty book!"
  • "SHIT!!!"
  • "When they open up this book, they're GAY!!!"
  • "This book is made to be red. But it isn't red!"
  • "This book orders me to die. Fuck This Fucking Book!!"
  • "Get back into your cell before I fuck you in the ass!"
  • "Back into your cell, Billie Jean!"
  • "My guardians will be happy to escort you... to Hell!!! (Laughs Evilly)"
  • "♫I.M. War, I.M. Pain, I.M. All You've Ever Slain, I.M. Tears In Your Eyes, I.M. Bliss, I.M. Lies.♫"
  • "♫I.M. Pure, I.M. True, I.M. All Over You, I.M. Love, I.M. Smile, I.M. The Earth Defiled, I.M. The Cosmic Storm, I.M. The Tiny Worms, I.M. Fear In The Night, I.M. Bringer Of Light.♫"
  • "Is a child learns very smart? Please read? Hate! It's in my stomach."
  • "I hide what really is not great. The magic can be."
  • "Please read this book. I have a strange maze chatscripts open this book does not meet with Maine."
  • "Great confusion and panic, my goal is to select the magic of the major complications. Many people are confused, my purpose Huwart disbanded in May, the United States, Michigan, is the magic of confusion."



First Used In A Poop By

  • bahbugandhum

Often Used By

Sometimes Used By


Disliked By


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I.M. Meen laughs at your stupid ass for existing.

Further Information/Trivia

  • It is rumored that Meen is madly in love with his book. Also, it is rumored that YTPsource is madly in love with Meen. What a conflict.
  • Meen's full name is Ignatius Mortimer Meen. Honestly, it's no wonder why people want to call him I.M. Meen, including I.M. Meen himself.
  • He was once caught whacking off "upstairs". He was really angry.
  • He once decided to change his wardrobe from a purple colored evil guy suit to a brown colored evil guy suit.
  • He favorite metal song to sing to is "Puritania" by Dimmu Borgir.
  • Sometimes laughs like an obnoxious little dick.
  • In his frequent fits of blind rage, Meen has been known to subject Gnorris to a variety of gruesome sexual punishments.
  • However, he cries if Gay Luigi calls him a cum dispenser.

Main Source For Poopers