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Name: FromtheWordsofBR
Real Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Country: USA
First Poop: FromtheWordsofBRHumorlessCollabEntry.avi
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas 11/12, ArcSoft Showbiz, Bandicam, live TV/VCR feed
YouTube Account: FromtheWordsofBR
"Flucking ponyfag" ~ An obvious troll. Only, he didn't say "fluck". He said the big one. The queen mother of dirty words. The "f---" word.
Our autistic and 14-year-old child prodigy discovered YouTube Poop around the ages of 9 and 10. He first thought it was supposed to be "evil videos"....that is, until he grew to like it more and randomly decided to search for some Billy Mays YTPs at age 12. They were naughty. They were often NSFW. But, for the most part, they were hilarious. It also helped him become less shocked about vulgarities as well.
His first YouTube account was SwearingSucks, a rather ironic title if you're a parent. There is nothing on the channel except for a comment from a troll, and because it was made with an old e-mail, it will likely never be recovered, or have anything put on it. He later made another account. BenBopper consisted of random videos he is embarrassed by (such as a video made on the defunct video-making website One True Media that showed old photos of him from the early 2000s...keep in mind that he faked his age on his YouTube account) and was suspended in late 2010 for having uploaded several clips of Cartoon Network series, including a clip of the then-upcoming series Robotomy (which he considers "too good to last" and very underrated). It is also how this channel started off as well (take a look at the former embarrassment here). In 2013, he decided to join the (GOOD USER) (BAD USER)/Grounded Videos bandwagon, something that he regrets to this day.
His first YTP was an entry to Dark Fox' Humorless Collab, and mostly consisted of random rare logos (such as an earlier version of the DIC Toon-Time Video logo) set to the song "The Real Thing" by American Idol contestant Bo Bice. His first poop is the first in a tennis round versus LordSmeargle and plasticfishtankytpxd (before he dropped out and was replaced by theadventuretimefan). It is possible that his tennis will break the YTP World Record for longest-running tennis.
The Great YouChew Chat Blow-Up of 2014
On August 28, 2014, a flame war occurred on the YouChew chatrooms. The flame war was about whether BR's "When I'm Paramount" video was actually a YTPMV or not, and InLivingTuna's admission of having an accidental alt being held against him by YTStaff ComeAtMe. FromtheWordsofBR, who was merely an innocent bystander, grew tired of it and more depressed as it progressed, and tried making fun of himself in graphic, lewd ways (as well as other autistics) to impress the others. It failed miserably. The fact that this was even more horrible than his "CWC Collab" attempt and the Chatroulette incident made him even consider deleting all his poops and leaving YouChew like Stuart K. Reilly just did the day before.
The same day, FromtheWordsofBR announced his departure from YouChew. He is still making poops and the tennis with theadventuretimefan, but the blow-up caused BR to launch into a depression.
It is worth noting that even with all the hatred spewed forth the chat, both InLivingTuna and YTStaffComeAtMe really do like BR.
Obnoxious Owen
Obnoxious Owen is an original character, developed by BR while staying home sick from school and discovering his video capturing device doesn't work on his Windows 7 laptop anymore on October 2, 2014. A parody/satire of some of BR's popular targets (such as ThePreviews842 and Thesunshine4all), Obnoxious Owen is exactly what his name would suggest--an obnoxious brat who fails at making VHS openings, as he does many of the following:
- Talking in a very, very, very annoying voice
- Muting the television
- Singing over songs in gibberish and in a VERY bad voice
- Cursing for no reason
- Making banging noises
- Making comments about private body functions, such as farting, pimples and weight
- Doing the VHS closing only and not even bothering to do the opening
- Shaking the camera
- Flipping out whenever the Microsoft Home or Lego funding promo is shown
- Mocking himself
The first Obnoxious Owen video was created on October 4, 2014, and features Owen doing his usual shtick over a Magic School Bus VHS opening. It has yet to be uploaded, primarily due to BR wanting some recognition towards the Owen character prior to making videos with him. Also, mostly due to technical issues--putting it on Dropbox takes too long, and it is unable to be sent to his own e-mail without trimming it down. Eventually, he had to re-download the Dropbox app for iOS, and after doing that the video went to Dropbox like a breeze.
Every Obnoxious Owen video is improvised without a script, a la Home Movies.
First poop seen
Uh...I dunno, DiC "Kid in Bed" Logo: Rare Robotnik Variant?
His style is something similar to that of DaThings1 and Deepercutt, but with a NextG twist.
Preferred Sources
- Many random programs he can find on TV
- Many random online streams of international channels
- Adventure Time
- Regular Show
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- Hotel Mario
- Link: The Faces of Evil/Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
- I.M. Meen
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Super Mario World
- Logos
- Billy Mays commercials
- Chris-Chan, along with a healthy serving of making fun of himself for using dead sources
- A wide variety of genres of music
Preferred Methods
- Pan/Crop
- Stutter Loop
- Acid Trip
- NewTube Poop
- Tvpytp
- YouTube Poop Music Video
- Antipoop
- Diploma Dope
- Tech Text
- Sus
- Masking
- Pitch Shift
- Stare Down
- Word Trim
- Reversing
- Right There
- (Nonsense) Marvelous Musical Montages
- Sentence Mixing
- Subliminal Images
- WTF? Kid
Poops Made/in Development (bold indicates made, non-bold indicates deleted, italics indicate in development)
- FromtheWordsofBRHumorlessCollabEntry.avi
- YTP - Stuart K. Reilly Belts Out a Pitch-Shifted Love Ballad
- (3-WAY TENNIS) Oven Cookers, Box Office Failures, Bacon and Music Montages
- My Entry to the Make Your Own Closing Logo Collab
- YTPMV - The Blanky Mays Disco Tarantella
- When I'm Paramount
- (3-WAY TENNIS) Elemenopee
- The Lost Episode of Greeny Phatom
- When I'm Paramount: The Remake
- Cocteau Wizards - "Iceblink Meen"
- Entry to MrCheesesCousin's The Mysterious Mr. Enter Collab
Preferred Software
He originally used Windows Movie Maker to edit sources, but now he has migrated fully to Sony Vegas 11. He has said YouTube Poop News helped impact this decision. He also likes Audacity, and considers his Diamond video capturing device his best friend. He also uses a Lexar (PRODUCT PLACEMENT WOO HOO HOO) USB drive to hold all his files.
Is Liked by
- AnuktheSupermaster1000
- Theadventuretimefan
- NextG
- Girla PurpleHeart
- Stuart K. Reilly
- NationOfOranges696
- UltraJooshFunStuff
- TVBRobotnik
- Gab H.
- InLivingTuna
- YTStaff ComeAtMe (thinks he is amazing)
- Too
- Much
- Stuff
- To
- List
Is Disliked by
- Amy and Samy Bouzaglo
- Trolls
- Bullies
- Miley Cyrus (I mean, after he made that picture depicting her as a fat woman with milk coming out of her nipples and posted it onto Twitter for all to see...)
- Ear Rape done incorrectly
- Poor video quality
- Google+
- Trolls
- Greeny Phatom
- Screamers
- Music snobs (the type of people that make up over 76% of this website)
- Homophobia
- Encyclopedia Dramatica (He doesn't care if it's satirical, rape is never funny)
- Allen Gregory
- Breadwinners and practically every other new show Nick has these days
- Hanky-panky
He is a rather popular target for trolls.
In his eyes, constructive criticism is stuff like "Hey, there are some faults in here I'd like you to improve...," not stuff like "You suck, close your account" or "PONY MOLESTER!!!!" or even just a simple "Boooo."
He also has a tendency to use what he calls "dead horse sources" (i.e.: Chris-Chan, With Electronic Sounds, THIS VIDEO WILL BE FLAGGED), along with lampshading on how he shouldn't use them. He really takes this in stride. Because, like Matthew Wilder, ain't nothing gonna break it.
He also restricts commenting on his videos to "Allow only approved comments". Admittedly, though, he does it to ward off trolls and spammers (i.e.: "Oh my goodness, check out this totally-not-scammy website I found! I got a free iPod from it!", "Check out my potentially not-so-great cover of this song!").
He also likes Nickelback. Non-ironically.
His upload of a PBS Kids song promo was briefly his most-viewed video before he took it down. YTStaff ComeAtMe praised "The Lost Episode of Greeny Phatom" as "one of the funniest videos I have ever seen". BR himself considers the poop to be his favorite work.
- NextG - His biggest influence
- Stuart K. Reilly - Has helped him improve on his style
- theadventuretimefan - Longtime friend, even during BR's regretful stages
- MoBrosStudios - Helped him discover aTube Catcher
- mark3611 - Influence on his usage of Billy Mays
- DaThings1 - Influence on his quick editing style
- Imaperson - Influence on his usage of many sources
- cs188 - Made him a fan of music group Men, Women & Children
- ThePopcornFairy - Longtime fan of her poops