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Real Name: Josh
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Country: USA
First Poop: Youtube Poop - Ordinary Program Crew Gets the "D"
Year Started: 2013
Moderator Service: 15 April 2016 - present
Preferred Sources: Anything I feel I can make something with.
Preferred Methods: Stuttering, Reversing, Scrambling, Pitch Shifts, Ear Rape, Time Stretch, Visual Effects, ExpressFX Delay
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas Movie Studio 11 HD
YouTube Account: UltraJooshFunStuff
In Brief[edit]
I'm a relatively new pooper (now retired, since I grew bored of it) who got into the Youtube Pooping business in March 2013.
I discovered Youtube Poop back in 2010, when I watched old Spa-Dinner styled Youtube Poops. I never really got into the pooping business very much until March 2013, when I started making videos in Windows Movie Maker. When I got Sony Vegas in the summer of 2013, that's when I really took off and got better at making them. Nowadays, I just interact with other Youtube Poopers on YouChew, after my retirement in Summer 2014.
First Poop Seen[edit]
Youtube Poop - Groves teaches YTP by AlvinYTP
First Poop Made[edit]
Youtube Poop - Ordinary Program Crew Gets the "D"
Simplistic, Clean, and Somewhat Classic
Preferred Sources[edit]
- Anything, really.
Preferred Methods[edit]
- Stutter Loop
- Reversing
- Pitch Shift
- Ear Rape (On Some Occasions)
- Scrambling
- Sus
Preferred Software[edit]
- Music
- Anime
- Girls
- Ed Edd 'n Eddy
- Making YTPs
- Being Around Friends
- Filming Trains for a Different YouTube Account
- 90's Cartoons
- Food
- Things I Find Humorous
- Being Poked Fun At
- College (Sometimes)
- Stress
I often make some minor mistakes when making my videos and use similar jokes enough to make their value vanish.
Two videos of mine has more than 2,000 views. Plus, I have 197 subscribers (as of 10-6-14).
Youtube Poop Friends[edit]
- GabrielCol595
- RobGBA
- RootNegativeSixteen
- RonMad
- SporeDotCam
- CreepahWeegie
- JammeKamme
- Magged Rat
- theadventuretimefan
- Smonge
- Biodegradable
- KingHarky
- Benedetto
- Hoipendaddy
- DurhamrockerZ (Stutters)
- BarneyIsPerverted (Visual Effects and a Few Jokes)
- Sinnedtragedy98 (Jokes, Plus the Fact That He Went Through What I'm Going Through)
- AwfulFawfultheFalafe (MLP References)
- Albatrossman YTP
- EkremTheRobloxian
- RootNegativeSixteen
- VentXekart
- luc5793
- GabrielCol595
- NationOfOranges696