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The Triples Cup

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
TourneyIcon.png This article is about a site sanctioned Poop Tennis tournament.

The Triples Cup was a YouTube Poop Tennis tournament held between 2012 and 2013. Hosted primarily by chrisgendo, leadership of the tournament later fell to trepmaws and AshcrementVII, who oversaw the Cup for the majority of its duration. The Triples Cup followed rakninja's Doubles Cup series, only now forming groups of three instead of two; unlike the prior Cups, it allowed for team names.

The Complex Triangle—composed of MycroProcessor, GameBop, and electricalmonkss—won the tournament in late 2013. Such a victory marks the first time MycroProcessor won after twice being a finalist in previous games, as well as GameBop's second victory in a tennis tournament.


The Triples concept had been a pet project of chrisgendo's since 2010. He attempted to realize this idea in June 2011, which would have followed [[The Three-Way Tournament] after a four-month period of competitive inactivity within tennis broadly. GameBop's Tennis Shuffle was put into place to alleviate this wait but proved ineffective as the completion of matches took most of the remainder of the year to complete.

The teams that signed up for this tournament would have been:

The eighth official team consisted of members active on other parts of the forum, each having tennised very little; IntermissionForBunny, a moderator, and RideTheCatfish and cantflyman, two older members. Immediately upon seeing freshly banned members of the forum enter the tournament, IntermissionForBunny voiced his desire for their removal. With the recency of the Oz incident, moderators feared both members for their association with Eric "Oz" Osborne and having hijacked superkoffee's account in the past.

Chrisgendo retorted: this was his tournament and his section of YouChew, so the removal of members from Triples fell under his discretion. "Play some damn tennis and have some damn fun," he said, "and I'm not gonna take that away from anyone who wants to have some fun. They haven't done anything wrong yet as far as the tourney is concerned, so I see no reason to kick them out," mentioning that banned members have played before and so their ban would preclude the likelihood of the forum coming under attack. This decision drove RideTheCatfish to leave, which led chrisgendo to remark: "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, then." Needless to say, tensions escalated.

Chrisgendo maintained that the tennis itself had nothing to do with the forum, which was—presumably—the majority opinion throughout the website. IntermissionForBunny, however, contended that this was a site-supported activity, a position met with allegations that he was needlessly stalling the tournament. LordBababa suggested another site host the tournament. Eventually, the thread was closed altogether following magmalord posting a video of King Harkinian saying "ENOUGH" for 10 minutes.

The dispute continued privately. Several tennis regulars and staff members left in protest over the actions of the moderation staff was thinking. In the intervening months, the tennis section would return to business as usual, albeit with noticeably fewer people. The parties in dispute settled. DaftPunkYoshi, then still a Café Staff member, was offered the role of moderator to engender positive relations between the two staffs, effectively ending the feud.

The original Triples Cup thread, however, never reopened. In its place came the Doubles Cup II, with primary input from the recently returned rakninja, followed by the Tennis Cup IV that further postponed the Triples Cup. In February 2013, the Tournament was officially re-announced for sign-ups. This version of the tournament, under the hostship of trepmaws, would see success through its end.


The new thread outlined the following rules:

  • Members sign up in teams of three and must choose a team name.
  • There are to be eight teams.
  • Every player must confirm their places prior to the tournament.
  • During the tournament, two teams will play against each other.
    • All members create a single round of their own and then a collaborative round from each team, as follows:
      • Team 1: Player A, Player B, Player C
      • Team 2: Player D, Player E, Player F
      • Player A will make round 1.
      • Player D will make round 2.
      • Player B will make round 3.
      • Player E will make round 4.
      • Player C will make round 5.
      • Player F will make round 6.
      • Team 1 will collaborate altogether on round 7.
      • Team 2 will collaborate altogether on round 8.
  • Each match will have team members in different orders; during each set of matches, trepmaws will list who does which round.
  • There will be a four-day turnover for non-collaborative rounds, and a five-day turnover for collaborative rounds. Being late will result in a 10-percent deduction in the team's total score.
  • Four consecutive late-round penalties for a player's single round results in player elimination. The same applies to collaborative rounds after five consecutive late-round penalties. In the event of a forfeit, the opposing team must decide to either end the match and take the win or request the match to continue if a replacement is found.
  • Should a team member be out of reach, their team can choose a replacement after the second penalty is given. The opposing team also reserves the right to either continue or restart the match following replacement. (Penalties will restart if the match itself restarts. If the match continues with the new player, the penalties given during their absence will be removed.)
  • No source restrictions.
  • Each round must be between 0:30 and 3:00. Collaborative rounds can be 4:00. Making rounds too long or too short will result in a 10-percent deduction in the team's total score.
  • Forum users vote for their favorite teams. No percentage voting this time. Users will send their votes to the account "Gendo Ikari" or trepmaws on YouTube.
  • If a teammate is unable to finish their round in time, the team may request more time. If a team carrying previous penalties request a deadline extension, however, it will not count.



Set 1

Fredryx's Caramel Gang vs. The Superb Optimistics

The first match consisted of cyclejunkie, ZACHTOMCAT, iamoutofideas1, jacobketronCT, CorruptionSound and Metroid998—all volleying in that order.

Cyclejunkie had a good laugh finding out that he would serve for his match before forgetting about it altogether. Having been preoccupied by school, he would deliver his serve late, characterized by his usual display of static-colored visuals. Trepmaws joked that cyclejunkie "[jumped] straight to the final round," opining that it added to the interesting variety of serves that the tournament was starting out with. ZACHTOMCAT's Round 2 showed considerable effort in trying to volley that but only really succeeded in giving the round some movement, as much of it barely scratched the surface of the previous round. iamoutofideas1's Round 3 drew from Kurkop's early style, being that much of the previous round went untouched except for slow gradual After Effects movements topped with a variety of color alterations. The audio was mixed too low, hurting the video's overall presentation.

JacobketronCT made Round 4 with new sources and a distinct atmosphere were now added into the match which made his performance come off incredibly strong. Comedic elements such as sentence-mixed segments involving David Bailey were also introduced, as well as a segment reminiscent to the "mini-games" of superkoffee's work. This began with two images of Nintendo Power magazines being distorted in two different ways over the edited previous round, which was then interjected by JacobketronCT's own voice proclaiming:

"Congratulations! This is the YTP TENNIS QUESTIONNAIRE. What will happen in Round 5 to the Nintendo Power Magazines? Will it be:
A. Issue One will Defeat Issue Two
B. Issue Two will Defeat Issue One
C. Hulk Hogan Will devour Both Issues
D. The Issues will perform the "Harlem Shake" and annoy everyone who hates 4chan memes
Tune in next time to Round 5 of this exciting tennis match!"
{{#ev:youtube|as3ECh75YR4|320}}Fredryx's Caramel Gang vs. The Superb Optimistics, Round 5

CorruptionSound responded to this questionnaire in Round 5 by having Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka loudly interject "NOTHING!" and proceeding to a distorted clip from an Adult Swim skit. Then, they responded with option C, in which the Nintendo Power magazines were masked onto a hamburger that Hulk Hogan promptly eats during his Ultimate Grill infomercial. The remainder of the round saw CorruptionSound's usual style, beginning with a VHS tape introduction found in the bulk of his work and a Milton-Bradley "Gong" logo video absurdly distorted for comedic effect. What followed was quick destructive style with static-like audio, interspersed with a sequence from the Benny Hill Show among other brief appearances by added sources.

Metroid998's Round 6 had its own take on what happens to the Nintendo Power magazines, having them beaten to a pulp by The Escapist in a video titled "The Jimquisition Story." Like the previous round, he rest of the video featured Metroid's own usual style.

Round 7, the collaborative round by the Fredryx's Caramel Gang, maxed out the time limit and was delivered late. While visually very impressive, the round suffered from poor pacing. Audio from the previous round (mostly from CorruptionSound was only heard for less than a minute, whereas the rest was either incredibly low, mostly silent (from iamoutofideas1), or altogether different audio (cyclejunkie). In CorruptionSound's parts, the round responds to the fate of the Nintendo Power magazines by now having them hit out of the park within a NES baseball game, in addition to making the previously added sources the most recognizable. Some viewers praised the plurality of source used; Childhood sweetheart called it her favorite round of the tournament theretofore along with djninjalovemistake's serve. Eletricalmonkss called the round "relaxing", saying that he "let himself drift off into the visuals."

Round 8 by the Superb Optimistics finished the match by more thoroughly responded to the previous rounds despite discontinuing the Nintendo Power magazine trope. Much of ZACHTOMCAT's parts continued in the similar atmosphere of the previous round while both JacobketronCT and Metroid998's parts were heavily musical, namely the former's addition of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, which he had used first when playing TheChutley. The strength of this round saw the victory of the Superb Optimistics over Fredryx's Caramel Gang by 7 to 6 (or 7 to 4.2 when adjusted for penalties).

The Complex Triangle vs. Fox Box Bang Ang Clan

{{#ev:youtube|db80DyrfDOk|320}}The Complex Triangle vs. Fox Box Bang Ang Clan, Round 1

The second match saw eletricalmonkss, FishTitan64, LoveForLogos/LordBababa, ArsenioGut, GameBop and XxRobotchaoxX set to volley in this order.

This was the only match to have failed in the tournament due to the unstable organization and the eventual collapse of the volleying team, among other factors. Eletricalmonkss served, using a non-Vegas editor that produced a style radically different from what he had done in The Grey Tournament. MaRillion, in particular, lauded this more simplistic style.

HollowTheGuy (Magged Rat), originally slated to make Round 2, ended up leaving without making a single video and was replaced by FishTitan64, who responded with a very musical second round that followed the previous round nicely. LoveForLogos's Round 3 was stolen from Round 9 of Luioigi vs. Funnaccceptable vs. NESfanboi from The Three Way Tournament with a generated title introduction stuck into the beginning. GameBop reprimanded LoveForLogos until discovering that the bulk of his videos may have also been stolen as well. LordBababa would now step in as a replacement player for the real Round 3 of the match.

LordBababa claims to have made Round 3 while drunk. Appropriately, he took the match in a radically different direction from the first two rounds, beginning with the introductory song that was barely edited before ending in an explosion; then, he transitioned into a segment which treated the title of the video, "Automated Scat from the Bunghole!", as the name of a TV show featuring his own voice-overs of an announcer and the Pony character which appears prominently throughout the video. The, he took three or four frames from the Adult Swim source of the previous round and re-draw and colored them, a la rakninja. A slightly more edited previous round ended the video, with the aged woman from the beginning masked onto the front and cookie-cut-animated to sing before ending one again, the entire pace of which was strikingly slow. Opinions on this round were mixed. Some regarded it as a daring experiment, while others were less generous, as he commonly would advertise his rounds in-progress as something phenomenal yet upon publication it would almost always be something My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic-centric, routinely detracting from the previous round and the match itself.

ArsenioGut's Round 4, by his own admission, further detracted from Round 3; it added a lot of new sources and was considerably shorter in length. He would end up incredibly late with the delivery of this video. Meanwhile, he posted on Tumblr something to the tune of "don't ever play in a tennis tournament", much to the ire of tennis regulars. (Ironically, ArsenioGut would become a full-time tennis player by the end of the decade.)

GameBop's Round 5 responded strongly, namely by turning the Pony into a 3D-layered object and featuring a sequence in which a character from the Adult Swim source would have the head masked onto Mario from Super Mario Bros. gameplay footage, and upon gaining a "Yu-Gi-Oh! power-up" would chroma-key out the screen featuring a visual segment using the singing masked head from the fourth round, which had now become an extensive rave segment. Bits of the previous round served as additional instruments. The round from then onward featured excessive corruption.

At this point everyone now wondered what was to come of the match, as no third player had still been found yet, although initially the match had progressed far beyond the others and was therefore ahead of schedule. Eventually Fox Box Ang Clan selected XxRobotChaoxX as their third player, a famous MeiAIDS impersonator. As time went on however, all the other matches of the first set eventually finished, and still no Round 6 for the match was ever made within the deadline, culminating in the elimination of Fox Box Ang Clan.

Several weeks into the next set, XxRobotChaoxX finally uploaded a Round 6 of the match, to the bemusement of many. LordBababa and eletricalmonkss would vouch for a proper completion of the match, but this sadly was never undertaken.

The Aphotic Trio vs. Triple Baka

The third match saw djninjalovemistake, Bloodis, Childhood sweetheart, MaRillion, CreepahWeegie, and dew volleying in that order.

Both teams employed role play with Triple Baka as Vocaloid guises and the Aphotic Trio playing as clown-faced children from the 1976 film "The Self Image Film (If Mirrors Could Speak)." Djninjalovemistake served with a hybrid of atmospheric and musical styles, making prominent use of a drum loop sample that acted as his own signature. The video then saw man welcoming the viewer "to the Wonderful World of Tennis" in the guise of an instructional video on the actual sport, which became a motif throughout the match.

Bloodis's Round 2 was, by contrast, more minimal, employing a gimmick of running djninjalovemistake's song from the previous round through WubMachine, remixing it into a dubstep version of the original. Childhood sweetheart's Round 3 was strong; the video featured samples from Radiohead and Boards of Canada, with an audio selection from a video titled "Drugs Are Like That." The re-implementation of "The Self Image Film" and the Triple Baka visual reappeared. This was considered to be the theretofore best round of the match. MaRillion's Round 4 would cycle back to the beginning of the match's concept — a contrast to the previous round nevertheless lauded by AshcrementVII and rakninja. Much of the round was taken up by an anime sequence involving tank warfare, in which the previous round was cut into it to simulate a beam of energy being blasted out from one tank into another. The remainder of the video edited the previous round very minimally; MaRillion expressed his disinterest in volleying "flashy tennis rounds," citing the difficulty in a proper response. CreepahWeegie responded with Round 5, which was much longer, more bizarre, and seemed to balance the simplicity and complexity of the previous rounds. The video extended many parts and added in various new audio sources. At the end, he pasted the Triple Baka faces (of Miku, Teto and Neru) onto three of the characters from an inside view of the tank in the anime source, creating a new motif.

{{#ev:youtube|l8dmnKCHFyY|320}}The Aphotic Trio vs. Triple Baka, Round 6

Dew's Round 6 scaled back noticeably from the approach they had used for the bulk of the previous tournament, the purpose of this round being for thorough experimentation. The songs featured included "Dog's a Best Friend's Dog" by Tears for Fears and "Going for the One" by Yes. Then appeared a documentary of Steely Dan's album "Aja", a marker of her music tastes at the time. She would employ a technique dubbed "window-phasing" by using the three Vocaloid heads as the windows to the various sections of the round; Eletricalmonkss described this effect like "[looking] into each of their minds". Section 1 peered into the "mind" of Akita Neru, featuring footage from the PlayStation 3 game Journey, a snippet from Mulan with the previous round cut into the background. Section 2, the mind of Kasane Teto, chroma-keyed another source onto a clip that had a previous source from the Thief and the Cobbler chroma-keyed onto it. Then, dew cut to working with the tank anime footage; some considered this the round's strongest moment. Section 3, the mind of Hatsune Miku, was almost entirely musical; it made YTPMVs using the aforementioned songs and featured a scene with the previous round chroma-keyed into more footage from Journey. The round ended by zooming into the Manwith10toes frame ("I DID IT!"), cuing the start of the seventh round.

Round 7 by the Aphotic Trio fused slow and heavy editing and flirted with ambient and harsh noises. Djninjalovemistake's parts stood out, working primarily in his use of free-frame plugins and his continuation of the "Wonderful World of Tennis" source and its musical alterations. Parts by Childhood sweetheart and CreepahWeegie were similarly strong, implementing an audio source that said "we're listening, huh? Alright, well, listen to this... this is FUCKING CANCELED."

Round 8 from Triple Baka was exemplary of the sum being lesser than its parts. All three players went in their own distinct directions. Bloodis contributed the least, his parts appearing mostly only at the beginning and end; they mostly worked in surface texture editing. He subjected moments of the previous round to heavy displacement-compositing. Dew contributed the video's opening gag. She audio-filtered djninjalovemistake's parts and contributed a small YTPMV segment set to "I.G.Y" by Donald Fagen (using the "LISTEN TO THIS" from the previous round as its opening). Then, she added in Mickey's Trailer over the parts of the previous round that featured music without visuals. Also featured in this video was gameplay footage from OFF and an animated frame from Homestuck. MaRillion's parts were minimal; they added largely unedited anime footage (of a tennis match, no less) with distorted audio as satirizing the audiovisual excesses of tennis and players' liberal use of effects. The end of the round read "do you still remember which round is whose?" and showed brief snippets from the first 6 rounds, mocking the match's descent into unrecognition.

The Aphotic Trio would win the match by a single vote, 5 to 4. This would ironically be the first and only off-season match that MaRillion would ever complete in. It was also dew's 50th match.

Cornflakes Murdering Ash Cream vs. Super God Masterforce

The fourth match saw MAZZ0Murder, chrisgendo, ImmaCornflakes, trepmaws, AshcrementVII and rakninja volleying in that order.

The serve set the tone with footage from Godfrey Ho ninja films and Power Rangers. Chrisgendo's Round 2 employed only one layer at a time, a break from the density of his earlier videos. His musical abilities shone through, making for a solid volley to MAZZ0Murder's style. ImmaCornflakes' Round 3 began as a proper volley before becoming lost under destructive visuals, i.e. intense chroma-keying, light rays, a NewBlueFX earthquake effect, topped with classical music in the background. trepmaws' Round 4 was shorter but denser, a style the author attributed to "late spurts of inspiration." The "I Love Anime" bit was expanded upon to now include "I love TURTLES I love CANDY I love TRAINS." Ashcrement's Round 5 continued this trope, rendering it as "I love ANIME I love SNAKES I love NINJITSU ASS I love *cheap keyboard music*" (borrowed from the serve). The round served as both anticipation for rakninja's forthcoming volley, his first tennis round after several years hiatus, and as a reaction to the opportunity to volley trepmaws again, as they'd previously tried playing tennis beforehand. The addition of Metal Gear footage, the Ninja Protector theme, Sailor Moon, and the famous Godfrey Ho Silent Asassin dialogue kept in line with the tone of the match. The video closed with sentence-mixed dialogue: "It's quite an honor to meet the legendary rakninja...", "that's just a code name, and "then perhaps I should call you... Megatron."

{{#ev:youtube|6ZPsFZo-Qow|320}}Cornflakes Murdering Ash Cream vs. Super God Masterforce, Round 6

Round 6 by rakninja drastically departed from the preceding rounds. It was quiet, slow, and hypnotizing, focusing on a darkened mirrored background of bits of the previous round with small clips of other parts appearing in minimally edited forms repeatedly on top. Then came an interlude featuring Transformers: Generation 1 footage of talking Decepticons with overdubbed dialogue from Ninja: Silent Assassin once more. The video ended with a golden Megatron emblem, written on it was "You're Welcome." Barely visibly appearing throughout the entirety of the video was a thin silhouette of the Professor Ratigan image from Round 5.

{{#ev:youtube|duIXq5E0aak|320}}Cornflakes Murdering Ash Cream vs. Super God Masterforce, Round 8

Round 7 by Cornflakes Murdering Ash Cream was a strong collaborative effort. ImmaCornflakes's part contributed background visuals. MAZZ0Murder added more ninja footage and editing of rakninja's Megatron segment. AshcrementVII's contributed further dialogue segments including Haruhi Suzumiya, Black Lagoon, thin silhouette of Megatron, and a brief musical segment hinting towards chrisgendo's response. Round 8 was more classically organized; rakninja largely replied to the conversational segments while also providing oblique visual and audio bit. Trepmaws worked similarly, using animated Touhou characters to construct the entirety of his scenes. He used the previous round as backdrops: In once instance, the players of the match were given their own character. Ashcrement's had mouse ears and tail, MAZZ0Murder the signature red hair and eyepatch of his avatar, rakninja in a silver robot suit, chrisgendo as loose recreation of Hitagi Senjōgahara, and trepmaws as his own character, sporting a very devilish grin and expression. Chrisgendo handled the majority of the heavy editing and the video's ending.

Super God Masterforce prevailed, the score being 8.1 to 1. MAZZOMurder later admitted that the one vote was his own. This was the first match rakninja had won since 2009.

Set 2

The Complex Triangle vs. The Aphotic Trio

{{#ev:youtube|B291GurUqOk|320}}The Complex Triangle vs. The Aphotic Trio, Round 1

The Complex Triangle vs. The Aphotic Trio(with Gamebop, djninjalovemistake, lordbababa, CreepahWeegie, eletricalmonkss and therazoredge set to volley in this order) began with a serve that was a callback to Gamebop's serve in the Three-Way Tournament against BSP666c and MycroProcessor, using an entire half of the original YTP chain(25 videos) and the thumbnails of the entire YTP chain (51 images, one per round) as its starting sources. Th intense visual aspect of the round featured as many as 12 or 13 of the original rounds being seen at the same time, beginning with the enigmatic "TURN BACK [TIME]" to symbolize the rewind to 2007 when the Chain took place and dedicating a few sections to the most well known running concepts from the Chain, including "WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF"(only present in the first few rounds) and the ever familiar Viking Alan, ending on a montage of all the original thumbnails with glitched audacity audio in the background. djninjalovemistake called it "one of the most incredible serves I have been ever able to volley" and lordbababa requested an estimation of time due to being incredibly busy with outside responsibilities as to when he would be able to make Round 3, reasoning "it will be both metaphorically and literally more colorful than what I had to edit last match which means more effort will be needed to do what I wanna do."

After prolonged rendering problems and plugin crashes djninjalovemistake finally uploaded Round 2, which was visually incredibly elaborate and featured extensive use of Wax NewBlue and freeframe plugins to drive the round with all the audio being treated with excessive reverb and delay effects, giving off the effect of heavy wind or air with "TIME" being repeated throughout the round's length. The video's cherry-on-the-cake was a lengthy YTPMV segment using unique sounds from the serve in connection with the Amen Break that together with the applied audio effects provided a song with a very interesting sound while not breaking away from what else was established within the video. The added sources were described "Most of the current chain(with the "Cheesy Pie man being seen at some parts). Me(lordbababa) resigning and quitting from any more tennis. Fat chihuahuas!(referring to a segment in which a Mama Luigi image on the coast of an ocean with green dots in the sky from the previous round is changed with Mama Luigi having lordbababa's head and the green dots being replaced with a rain cloud hailing fat chihuahuas to the ground)" It was very well received, even the host account gave +1 to the post containing the round. lordbababa felt embarrassment at the use of the video with him in it saying " God damn it Ninja I removed that video in hopes that nobody would download and would therefore forget what a complete faggot I was ;__;". He apparently did finish Round 3, but due to it continuously crashing while rendering was able to post it, and later claimed that a recent IRL occurrence prevented him from being able to continue along with personal struggles, explaining "I'm actually more upset with myself and to be honest it's less about the round and I really don't know what the hell's going on anymore. I can't bring myself to fix the rendering issues much like how I can currently not bring myself to do just about anything right now". Rather conveniently MycroProcessor appeared around this time mentioning that they now had free time and that Gamebop and eletricalmonkss's team was one he wanted to join, mentioning he would be more than happy to act as a necessary replacement, which was confirmed two days later.

Mycro's resulting Round 3 surprisingly directly continued the ambiance of Round 2 in a greatly effective way, with the length of the video having Dream Theater - Regression as backing audio, with alternately panned clock sounds working greatly with the further repeated "TIME" clip and the talking in which was slowed down which also greatly fit with the surrounding elements. In continuing with the ongoing concept of adding rounds from Chain's into the match, MycroProcessor would add the entirety of the second Chain, with the most significant usage going to Gamebop's round, his own round and Herbert Spatula(known now around this time as mot.def or simply mot)'s round, along with adding in the game Lighthouse, the "Clockout" theme from Alter Ego: Dreamwalker, the "Castle Bleck" theme from Super Paper Mario, the "Temporal Spire" theme from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky and Hiromi - Time's Up(the "Time's Up WHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and following audience noise at the end of the video). Another YTPMV segment made an appearance in this video to follow up on djninja's as well using a border image with six openings where bits of the round were used in each with the whole rendered segment appearing in each of the six frames giving off a slight recursiveness to the section. It became the most well received round of the match, with Bloodis exclaiming "holy damn this is perfect" and ZACHTOMCAT calling it "absolutely stunning", while eletricalmonkss proclaimed him the "Greatest tennis player of all time", adding "It's 2013, and years later you still blow my mind away my friend". 

Creepah's Round 4 was deemed a worthy effort in responding to Mycro's Round, being a much more visual round but continuing the ambient elements and contributing two YTPMV segments as opposed to one, while throughout the rest of the round focusing largely on a combination of faster edits and slow more distorted edits all with extensive color curves and alterations lasting through the video's length. A lot of different audio sources were added throughout the round though their specific source is unknown, an additional anime source made a brief appearance along with an Emergency Broadcast System recording, but other than this there wasn't too many added visual sources present. Creepah noted in the video description "This video was rendered into 6 parts, the shortest being 6 seconds, longest being 1:18. There are 2 errors, but since the veg is unusable now, I can no longer fix them. The pitch shifting with Putt Putt at the end does have wrong notes, I didn't notice them until after render." eletricalmonkss's Round 5 deviated from the previous direction of the match, visually obscuring much of the previous round under unusual effects and a choppy frame rate along with a lot of added source of WWE footage disrupting the old ambient atmosphere, however much of the previous round's audio was still clearly heard, and as a result the "TIME" clip remained one of the sole elements still surviving from the match's serve, along with the 6 frame setup from Round 3 still being relatively visible. No YTPMV segments were included however in addition to no chain rounds being added, similarly to the round before it. therazoredge's Round 6 combined the best of both djninja's Round 2 and Creepah's Round 4 into a blend of both ambient and heavily destructive editing, with - Porcupine Tree - Baby Dream in Cellophane (audio), Pneumonia, Kitty - Dead Island (live at gabe's iowa city, 4.28.2013), a Boardinghouse trailer and a video called Learn PC: The Power to Perform serving as added sources throughout the video. Among other things was the reduction of the 6 frame formation to a mere outline against a salmon colored background, with the first part of the round featuring a similar visual, and a later 5 frame formation given a 3D treatment against a more prominent background.

{{#ev:youtube|zJ3zJWosGc4|320}}The Complex Triangle vs. The Aphotic Trio, Round 7

Round 7 would be the first collaboration between GameBop and MycroProcessor in roughly 4 years, the last one taking place in the Doubles Cup I in 2009, and the first time that eletricalmonkss would collaborate with them but the second time working with them in a tennis setting since 2009(he and MycroProcessor had played a game of tennis in 2009 additionally). The round started rather a abruptly, a layered segment that started slow and eventually build up like a machine starting noise before going into the Round which was created with great cohesion, with various parts overlayed onto each other or otherwise edited in a transition sort of pattern, in a combined method that featured an emphasis on the more heavy side of editing but kept the ambiance of the entire match as an undertone. monkss' contributions interestingly contrasted with those of both Gamebop and MycroProcessor, providing the unusual anomaly of Spongebob appearing as an added source in a video alongside and hosted on the accounts of the other players, with the large amount of their parts being made up of added sources, which was used as a pacing buffer between the more visual work of Mycro and Gamebop(a particular example of this working best was monkss' "TO THE INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY" immediately followed by an extensive layered segment of the internet peices of thrazoredge's round with a Freecell animation taking place in the computer desktop screen layered behind it, like contributed by Gamebop), which as usual excelled in this field and served to provide the main strength of the round. A YTPMV segment was reintroduced towards the beginning and the ending of the video was exclusively dedicated to the salmon colored footage from Round 6, using the 6 frame formation in an extensive cycle of recursive layering and rotating on a 3D axis with reverbed audio and ambient noise, serving a calm and mysterious ending to an incredibly strong collaborative round.

The Aphotic Trio was plagued with problems when working on composing their Round 8, taking a total of 10 days to respond and having to request numerous extensions in order to make up for lost time. CreepahWeegie despite being in ill health managed to create three and a half minutes worth of material for the final round although due to the video having serious corruption issues only 40 seconds of it was used in the finished product. Creepah in addition experienced excessive IRL occupations taking up more time to complete his videos while djninja requested an extension due to personal problems out of his control. The resulting video took the inverse approach of Round 7, here putting the ambience up front with the heavy editing towards the back and more towards the end of the video, while still opting for a largely visual approach to the round. A total of three recognizeable YTPMV sections appear in this round, effectively making up for the rounds in which these did not appear with one left over, one by djninjalovemistake and two by CreepahWeegie, using the intro of the previous Round as the basis for one and another section of Gamebop's part with buzzing noises for another. Excessive color curved visuals were the prominant feature of the round throughout, working as a strong response but at the same time having less variety wise to offer than the rounds from the other team, with Gamebop, MycroProcessor and eletricalmonkss all having contrasting elements while therazoredge, CreepahWeegie and djninja all shared many stylistic things in common, with them all coming together once again in a strength of its own kind. therazoredge upon posting the finished round commented "This video is best viewed on NetscapeNow! or Mycrosoft Internet Explorer in a 800 x 600 resolution(using Windows 95 era icons for both platforms)". ZACHTOMCAT called the match his favorite of the second set, and djninjalovemistake, eletricalmonkss and Creepah all expressed enjoyment in playing it.

Votes for this set were relatively low which made the outcome for this match very close, with The Complex Triangle managing the win with 3 votes versus 2, with no penalties on either side. As a result, this would see The Complex Triangle advancing to the final round, the 3rd time for both Gamebop and MycroProcessor and the first for eletricalmonkss, who had by now played the farthest he had ever played in a tournament setting.

The Superb Optimistics vs. Super God Masterforce

{{#ev:youtube|PBIlHhBTQ-I|320}}The Superb Optimistics vs. Super God Masterforce, Round 1

(with JacobketronCT, trepmaws, ZACHTOMCAT, ChrisGendo, metroid998 and rakninja originally set to volley in this order) began with a serve that was dedicated to celebrating the 5th anniversary of the Tennis Cafe and the Tennis Cafe Staff past and present, which ended with an onscreen declaration of this notion featuring two banners dating two different eras of the staff(the top image featured the heads of the avatars of the Tennis Staff circa 2009 pasted onto the figures of the Last Supper painting, with RAKninja, NS2(?), RabbitSnore, Nuthead, Moogle, Crash2991 on the left, strong414bad in the center on the figure of Jesus Christ, and Gamebop, (????), theHappyFungus(?), DaftPunkYoshi, MycroProcessor and conradslater on the right, while the lower image featured the staff circa 2011, with MycroProcessor, TheChutley, Gamebop, Moogle, DaftPunkYoshi, NS2, RAKninja and ChrisGendo shown from left to right; AshcrementVII and trepmaws, the two newest members of staff at this period, were pasted on top in between both images) and featuring frequent usage throughout his serve of images of his Tennis Staff opponants, with ChrisGendo depicted as an IRL image of himself dressed in a kimono, trepmaws as Touhou character Koishi Komeiji and RAKninja as Megatron, often keyframed to dance with the backing music of the round (a combination of The Skull Fortress - Sixto Sounds, Over Hill - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Soundtrack, In Memories “KO-TO-WA-RI” - Taku Iwasaki and the audio from Achcrement's Tennis Fuck Multi Way round, used extensively in the video). JacobketronCT described the video as "a giant clusterfuck sandwich by adding a variety of sources", including Transformers G1, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Ultimate Teacher, The Flight of Dragons, Pokemon: Season 1 Opening, Steins;Gate, his own Round 3 against trepmaws from the Tennis Cup IV, DmC: Devil May Cry, Star Trek: The Original Series, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, The Spoony Experiment: Final Fantasy XIII Review Part 2, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, the music video for Queen's "Breakthru" and the game Nightmare/Atmosfear. eletricalmonkss called the round "fucking glorious" and it was positively praised by a few other spectators.

Due to finals on trepmaws's end which not only ate up a majority of his free time but also greatly deprived him of energy, a decision was made on the end of Super God Masterforce to switch the order of the volleying players to be able to allow trepmaws a window of breathing space, resulting in ChrisGendo stepping up to deliver the first volley. Round 2 was less than half the length of the serve and featured prominent usage of Dangan Ronpa throughout the duration of the round with Crystal Castles as the backing music, featuring visual bits that were closer to his older style but still retaining a much less produced feel, with the last 9 seconds of the video being a single 3D layer with no background and handling the sources from the serve in brief second-long segments, with some like Monty Python being passed over. "I NEED PROTECTION" was emphasized among these single minute treatments. ChrisGendo said in regards to the shortness "i didn't properly judge the amount of free time i had, so sorry about the considerable drop in length from the prior. ALSO I TOOK A SMALL PIECE OF AUDIO FROM A GBT VID AND DIDNT ASK PERMISSION I AM SRRY".

ZACHTOMCAT's Round 3 was shorter and took a completely visual approach that seemed disconnected in presentation, only adding in brief source additions towards the end with Mama Luigi (YEAH WELL I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS SO FUN-) and an unnamed source of someone saying "You Suck Youtube-" and distorting the previous round's audio beyond recognition with reverb and distortion/vibrato while video effect-wise didn't do much beyond inverts, simple color curves and an attempt at layering. RAKninja who was set to make Round 4 ended up becoming occupied with the demands of a new job which left him very little time to be able to respond, in addition to a later hand injury hampering his ability to respond more quickly(he refused to ask for an extension until he absolutely couldn't respond) resulting in trepmaws now stepping in to create his response, which took an additional couple of weeks to deliver, resulting in a total of over a month waiting time for the next round. His round greatly increased the pace and intensity of the match, adding in a flash-animated Mario cartoon among a number of other sources that weren't identified, with the tail end being an .swf animated Touhou character screaming "MANUALLYYYY" excitedly. Metroid998's Round 5 took an additional 11 days to get out, adding in slower elements in response to trepmaws's Round while not adding any sources, focusing mainly on being an overly visual Round much in the style of ZACHTOMCAT but with more even execution.

RAKninja now responded with Round 6 in only three days, and was once again an abrupt veering into unexpected territory, making for a round that was possibly among his most minimalist and ambient videos in his entire output. At over 2 minutes long the video seemed dedicated to a total of two layers, with the top layer being unspecific footage of outer space and the bottom layer being various bits of the previous Round, slowly rotating with occasional small swirl effects appearing on top of it, with an array of visual filters being applied to it, with the volume of the audio greatly subdued and stretched out to the video's length giving it an eerie and spacious sound, quiet and concentrating and seemingly endless. Triple_SsS likened it to "2001: A Rak Odyssey" and MAZZ0Murder also commented positively on the round; it would be the last tennis video to date that RAKninja would release.

ZACHTOMCAT ended up around this time with no internet access sans the cellular data on his phone, resulting in him departing from the tournament for good and in need of a replacement. It was here that a newcomer contacted by JacobketronCT known as SaturdayNightCleaner made his first appearance, announcing that he would be replacing ZACHTOMCAT for the match. Their resulting Round 7 was a rather straightforward combination of the three parts of each player, with SaturdayNightCleaner's first, Metroid998's second and JacobketronCT's last. The first part edited the previous round in a very cyclejunkie-esque style, which in this case proved to be very effective, using multiple layers and masked out shapes throughout its duration and continuing the ambiance introduced in the audio, being perhaps the most interesting contribution to the collaboration due to the contrast between both the previous player and the already existing contrast between the other two players. The second part added in Sonic 1 playthrough of the Death Egg Zone as its main added source and served to volley it largely in the same fashion as Round 5, keeping in time with the slow ambient pace of the previous round and the first section of the round that it was part of.

At the third and final part there was a sudden change in tone with lively rock music appearing in the background and a sentence-mixed source appearing off to the side, with the RAKninja and trepmaws pictures from the serve appearing opposite from it, including a scene where the members of the Superb Optimistics, with Jacobketron as his combination of a Simpsons character and Foghorn Leghorn, Metroid998 as Samus Aran, and SaturdayNightCleaner as an old cell phone confront that of RAKninja, who is seen fleeing from the frame. ChrisGendo in this round is also represented as a "platinum mad" anime illustration appearing within a layering segment between these scenes. At the end of the video JacobketronCT announced "The return of the YTP Tennis Questionnaire", asking the question "What will RAKninja do in the final round of the Triples Tourney Semifinals?

A. Offer Fujiyama Gangsta Breaks(the name ChrisGendo was going by during this period) as a blood sacrifice.

B. Use Zardoz as an added source.

C. Unleash his Secret Ninja Empire Technique.

D. All of the above."

He then concluded the video telling viewers to tune in against next time for the conclusion to The Superb Optimistics vs. Super God Masterforce.

The final round was delayed another two weeks due to RAKninja running into more trouble and this time being unable to contribute to the match's final round, forcing ChrisGendo and trepmaws to compensate for lost time and finish the match with what they had, resulting in a unique one-off collaboration between the two players and being the last tennis round in a tournament setting that ChrisGendo has made to date. Round 8 was similarly combined, with trepmaws's part first with ChrisGendo's part second, lasting for most of the video. trepmaws talked through the length of his video with "So, what is RAK going to do with this round, you ask? Fuck I don't know. You think I would spoil the surprise even for myself by asking him? Of course not! I don't even know why I'm doing right now! You think there's some kind of plan to all this? 75% of the time I just do things and they work somehow! You use this source?(referring to the inclusion of Sonic 1) Well how about I use this!(adding in a similarly stylized platformer) You make this joke? (referring to the previous round being seen in a window of a spaceship in Round 7) Well this seems like an appropriate response!(Adding in a different source looking like the seated character is looking from the spaceship window into all of the previous setting) Hey, I've always wanted to use this joke, now seems like a good time! (Switching to Godfrey Ho's Ninja Silent Assassin and sentence mixing the joke "Tiger's been a Harbor!") well enough about my accord specifically, let's talk about Tennis theory in general, shall we? Now, to start with-"

Here there would be a bit of empty space before transitioning to ChrisGendo's part, using dark monochrome visual filters and reverb on a reusage of trepmaws's part before going into a musical segment lasting towards the end with Monogatari footage as the chief added source on top of the previous round edited underneath with an accompanying strobe. The final results of the match saw the Superb Optimistics win the raw score with one additional vote, and when adjusted to penalties won the match with twice their opponents score due to their multiple penalties, a final score of 3.6 to 1.8. This would see Metroid998 advance to the final match for the first time in a 4 year tennis career and JacobketronCT surpassing his previous highest competitive placement of semifinalist in the Tennis League IV, SaturdayNightCleaner marking the beginning of a trend of newcomer tennisers becoming finalists in future tournaments.

The Complex Triangle vs. The Aphotic Trio

The Superb Optimistics vs. Super God Masterforce

Final Match

{{#ev:youtube|Pp3HBiC036U|320}}The Complex Triangle vs. The Superb Optimistics, Round 3

The Grand Finale of the Triples Cup was drawn for the two remaining teams as The Complex Triangle vs. The Superb Optimistics, with eletricalmonkss, JacobketronCT, MycroProcessor, SaturdayNightCleaner, Gamebop and Metroid998 individually volleying in this order. As a positive turn of fortune monkss would find himself in the perfect position for the match per suitability for his more simple style, kicking off with a serve using the singular source of Beavis and Butthead, using the same "TO THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY" scene from the collab round of the previous match. JacobkretonCT immediately brought more life into the match, beginning with editing over the Beavis and Butthead title card from the serve to make it "Beavis and Butt-head in Cyber-[PORN] *Tennis Cafe Edition*" with the avatars of his opponents to the left side. He continued it with the additions of Digimon, old Disney and Looney Tunes cartoons and Scott Pilgrim with the small additions of Transformers G1, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and "Beat it" music videos, Apocolyse Now, Star Trek, Monty Python, Filthy Frank, Nostalgia Critic, Angry Beavers and various bits of anime and other films, ending the match with an Ashcrement inspired musically driven segment with visuals to match it. MycroProcessor began his Round 3 accordingly, featuring visual edits of the avatars of his three opponents while also adding those of his team, and following up on the visual bits of the previous round by advancing them considerably through a mixture of 3D effects and transition layerings. The use of the computer screen in Round 2 to feature new added sources was furthered to a great extent in this round also, using not only this screen but many newer screens, including those from The Magic School Bus("You mean HE gets to go inside the COMPUTER??")Obsidan, a Mega Man cartoon, Serial Experiments Lain and the Street Fighter cartoon (none other than M. Bison's Gameboy Pocket-esque screen) while utilizing the already existing screens to create greatly recursive effects. SaturdayNightCleaner who was set to volley the next round exclaimed "Mother of god. I have seen some amazing things today" upon seeing Round 3, and it was also praised by others such as Sid(who noted the use of Lain) and therazoredge.

{{#ev:youtube|Jz_XQqlvN6s|320}}The Complex Triangle vs. The Superb Optimistics, Round 4

SaturdayNightCleaner's Round 4 was made during a period of illness leading to the title of "SNC fights the sickness as he butchers his round", which was considered to be a surprisingly good round with terrific visual edits in a way that matched him up well against that of Mycro's output, with Alfonzopancakes commenting "I feel as though I'm in like second grade again and you're one of the cool fifth graders who everyone wants to be friends with. I mean that in the most positive way." The ongoing screen concept was continued here with the addition of a flash animated source of a stick figure literally crawling inside of a computer, then ending with the perception of the video being watched in the computer from Beavis and Butthead, with half of the Waldorf/Statler duo in attendance responding with "I thought it was DUMB". SNC's voice appears for a brief second with "I'M READY WHEN YOU ARE Gaaamebop". dew was also impressed with the round, putting forth the idea of the two of them playing tennis against each other at some point, SNC agreeing to it also, which to date still hasn't happened yet. Gamebop's Round 5 followed up with the title "GB knights the sick butcher"(making for a rare instance of self-reference) and included a visual gag involving SNC's avatar, which was a Nicholas Cage-esque person with a phone against their ear, by featuring a clip of a phone ring and having SNC's avatar appear as if to answer it, with Kotkoda on the other side. The exchanged conversation is represented with a long line of text swiftly moving at the bottom of the screen which says the following:

"welcome traveler the sacred chamber that lies ahead contains an ancient phenocryst column for centuries travelers have journeyed throughout the planet of strata by means of these columns connecting the worlds within worlds phenocrysts are able to transmit far more than mere light through the use of erresdy powder discovered by tor the first in the early unity period people now have instant mobility so step aside and enjoy the latest in phenocryst travel"

A number of further continuations were used for the screen concept, with the small TV-like powerups from Sonic 2 appearing with frames of the previous round inside, an animated music video called "The TV Show" by Sugimoto Kousuke, and a computer game with a movie creation section where the character within was dupicated three times while the previous round was edited within the screen itself. The video ended with the last line changed to "I thought it was TELEVISION"(the last word being King Koopa's voice).

Metroid998's Round 6 was largely structured around the addition of Shin Megami Tensei 4 into the match, constructing visual edits around it while continuing the screen concept by having a screen appear in a gauntlet as the "mystic script" from the same game. Much of the previous round was however obstructed under these new visuals save for some peices, with little other ideas being continued in the same way as the previous rounds. The collaborative Round 7 from the Complex Triangle utilized these new additions extensively, organizing the parts by what seems to be largely input from Gamebop and eletricalmonkss with the sequencing and additional layering of the parts being done by Mycro himself, with input using the previous round on his own end reduced mostly to backgrounds throughout the video. It features another unusual clash of source tastes and editing methods with monkss' usage of Charles Manson and Spongebob, both things that were unlikely to turn up in a video that was uploaded by Mycro in this case, which in turn delivered some interesting humorous moments with "NO THIS IS PATRICK" and "I'M NOT A KRUSTY KRAB" both immediately being followed by "NOW COME, SAM-(which at this point sounds like son). The gauntlet "mystic script" was replaced by a clip for "Cheese Girl" from the game The Journeyman Project, and the round's ending coda after several seconds of silence featured a joke done by MycroProcessor back in May 2008, with the dialogue "the internet is not something that you just something on it's not a big truck, i-it it's MOORE POOOORN".

The final round of the Triples Cup featured two sections by Metroid998 bookending JacobketronCT's section, with SaturdayNightCleaner's section finishing off the round. Metroid's sections added in more Shin Megami Tensei 4 while serving once again to be largely visual peices, this time with considerably more added onto it to provide for a more final presentation, while Jacobketron's contribution was less visual but much largely musical, adding in once again several small bits of added sources including Freakazoid, Gurenn Lagaann, Rocko's Modern Life, Wander Over Yonder, more Looney Tunes and Disney cartoons, Dingo Picture's Aladin, Popeye the Sailor, Sonic SaTAM, Darkwing Duck and Power Rangers amongst its mix. SaturdayNightCleaner gave the match a definitively odd end with his contribution, featuring the Spongebob clips from the previous round literally cracked in half, with odd visuals over delayed audio taking up the majority of the video with lots of interesting visual tics being done over it's short length. The match and tournament finally ended upon the simple sentance-mix joke by Patrick, "I'm not a Krusty; I'm KRAB." Both teams had at one point garnered at least one penalty, meaning that they would be unaffected with the final results for the tournament.

With The Complex Triangle scoring the win and subsequently the victory of The Triples Cup with a score of 3.6 to 0.9, two historical events had taken place. The first and most apparent one was that MycroProcessor, having built a reputation as an "unbeatable" tenniser yet in actual competition settings had yet to actually win a tournament, making it to the final match on two occasions before this one, had FINALLY won. The second was that Gamebop had now become the first tennis player to win a tournament for a second time, as his last victory occurred in The Grey Tournament in 2009-2010, and he once again had a chance to try to catch up his old record winning streak of 7 matches in a row, initially gained during his match with BSP666c and MycroProcessor in The Three-Way Tournament in 2010, which followed The Grey Tournament. eletricalmonkss had only played competitively in The Grey Tournament, losing in the first set to McMANGOS and then not playing competitively again for 4 years, so this was a greatly considerable turn of fortune for the player, enthusing that this was "the first tournament [he had] ever won." The concluding of the Triples Cup saw the almost immediate beginning of signups for The Multi-Way Tournament, which would keep the tennis section of YouChew busy in the competitive scene for the next 14 months, essentially keeping the section active competitively for a total of 21, a length of which hadn't been experienced since the early days.

The Complex Triangle vs. The Superb Optimistics

Tournament Thread

Original 2011 Tournament Thread