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Falcon Punch
From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
(Redirected from Falcon Kick)
The Falcon Punch is a truly incredible attack. It creates a burning phoenix which, on contact, causes the victim to spontaneously combust. Sadly, it has since sold out and become a tired Internet meme, in addition to an energy drink known as "Falcon Punch!®".
People Who Can Use The Falcon Punch[edit]
- Captain Falcon (DUH)
- Jimmy
- Luffy
- Arthur
- Knuckles the Echidna
- Angry Nintendo Nerd
- Akuma
- Broly
- Vegeta
- Kakarot (Though it is called the Toei Punch.)
- Soldier (Although it's more of a Falcon "Smack-your-face-with-a-shovel.")
- Smith-San
- Jotaro Kujo (His preferred target is the target's already injured shin.)
- Nimrodpowerz
- CrazedNinja
- Joey Wheeler
- Colonel Volgin
- Bitch Niggaz (olo, no)
- Chimchar
- Link (See the video beside with the blue king thumbnail.)
- ReallyAwesomeParody
- Goofy
- Kirby (Only when he swallows up Captain Falcon.)
- The Overture
- Ma-Ti (When a member of "Comrade Planet and the Planeteers" and when he travelled back in time to 1945. See the video YTP: Comrade Planet.)
- Ganondorf
- Stuart K. Reilly (because he wants to.)
People Who Got Killed Over/By A Falcon Punch[edit]
- Black Shadow
- Shadow the Hedgehog (Was completely disintegrated by the falcon punch. All that was left of him were pure elements, since his molecular bonds were also broken)
- Bugs Bunny
- Adolf Hitler (stunned, actually. Escaped whilst shouting "Deutschland!")
- Everyone who's appeared in any of the Super Smash Bros. games (Including Captain Falcon Himself!) {Though that happens sometimes and not all the time}.
- Patented by Captain Falcon.
- The Engineer has also managed to contain the power of the Falcon Punch, using it as ammo in his guns.
- Ganondorf has his own variant of the Falcon Punch. However, it's much slower, purple and not Falcon.
- Ma-Ti, the lame Planeteer with the power of Heart gains this power when the planeteers are lead by either Al Gore or Comrade Planet. May also be activated by time travel to World War II. (See Goldberg1337's work for more information)