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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
NiceBoomer2.jpg This pooper started during late 2006 - early 2007, when YouTube Poop experienced a boom in popularity.
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The account(s) manwith10toes, manwith10toes2, and manwith10toes3 has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright. YouTube Poop salutes you!
CharNice.jpg This Youtube Pooper somehow found a way to become a poop source, and so this article is filed under Characters.


In Brief

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Here's what Manwith10toes is like.

A crazy 10-toed man who has been suspended... three times.


Manwith10toes started on the account "Manwith10toes", but that got deleted due to copyright reasons. He came back with the account, "Manwith10toes2", but that also got deleted. He started a third account, "Manwith10toes3" and began to direct his focus entirely toward live action videos. He did however, have some YouTube Poops on the channel, so when he applied for YouTube Partnership, his channel was taken away when YouTube inspected it. His current channel is called "MW10T" where he does really random live action sketches and dubs (including the popular SPIDERDUB). He used to use an alternate account called "Manwith10toesalt" but he abandoned it in 2009.

The Angry Video Game Nerd after seeing him upside-down for the first time.
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Manwith10toes unmasked and smoking. Not bad, huh?


Preferred Sources

Preferred Method

Preferred Tech

Final Cut Studio (revealed in VLOG 3)


His videos have been received quite well.


  • His regular account "MW10T" has over 5000 subscribers.
  • PATRICK'S PATHETIC PLAGUE had over 23000 views.




Other Information

  • He once reviewed the movie Space Buddies.
  • He loves typing in all-caps, although he doesn't do that much anymore.
  • On the forums, his avatars and signatures most often contain pictures of Bert from Sesame Street and darkly-humourous images, respectively.
  • He doesn't care that people in South America are encouraging peeing in the shower (to save water), saying that he "already does that".
  • He has worked as a production assistant on "White Collar", "Men In Black 3", and "The Avengers"
  • He graduated from Full Sail University in 2011




  • "Look at my purple fish! Ha ha! Sometimes, I like to rub him all over my penis!"
  • "There's my Xbox... AND MY PLAYSTATION!"
  • "I pee in the shower every day."
  • "My frozen lunchbox, my frozen stairs, and most of all my frozen door to my frozen house on my frozen deck with my frozen table with my frozen grill and my frozen chairs. Let's open the frozen door."
  • "Holy patooie. My frozen door is... FROZEN!"
  • "Fuck you, James G. Robinson!"
  • "I hope you get cancer, David Mickey Evans!"
  • "Fuck you, everybody who wanted me to review this. Oh wait, I wanted to review this! I guess that makes me a retard."
