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Name: RootNegativeSixteen
Sex: Female
Country: USA
First Poop: Michael Rosen Uses Logic on ABC-7 News
Year Started: 2013
Preferred Sources: Michael Rosen, Mark Sabine
YouTube Account: RootNegativeSixteen
Alternate YouTube Account: RootNegativeSixteen2
In Brief[edit]
RootNegativeSixteen is an American pooper who is best known for her random Michael Rosen YTPs.
Root discovered YTP in late 2011. She began making poops herself in early 2013, although she did not join YouTube out of shyness. In April 2013 she finally joined YouTube in order to join the Michael Rosen 67th Birthday Collab by YoungJ1997lol.
After getting recognition from well-known poopers such as ChickenPika for her work, her subscriber count started going up quickly. In July 2013 she hit 50 subscribers, and by December she already had over 800. By April 2014, she had more than 1,300 subscribers.
She has also hosted two YouTube Poop collabs, Michael Rosen's Plamless Journey Collab, in which all entrants had to use a Michael Rosen source not commonly used (and were not allowed to use the word "plums") and The Clean Rosen Collab 2, which is (probably) the longest YouTube Poop collab ever, clocking at almost two and a half hours total (over three separate videos).
In April 2014, due to IRL problems, she briefly went into hiatus and has since returned. In November, 2017, a video was uploaded admitting that Root's channel is in fact an alt account of 256Pi and that he had been been secretly playing as the "RootNegativeSixteen" character all along. He had effectively duped a subscriber base of over 8,000 people into believing Root was a real person for the last 5 years. What a weirdo.
First poop seen[edit]
Michael Rosen, Babyshitter by KatanaSoul
First poop made[edit]
First created: YTP: Michael Rosen Uses Logic on ABC-7 News First uploaded: YTPMV: Michael Rosen Remix! (seventh poop overall)
Root is best known for making poops that have little to no plot and instead are based off of randomly replacing words. She has a few famous running jokes, namely the use of Rape Rave as an excuse to show off songs from her favorite musical artist, Pretty Lights, the inclusion of herself as a character in her poops (the Irresponsible Captain Tylor character she uses as her avatar, with Michael Rosen's voice pitch shifted up) and the use of the word "windmills" at least once in every poop (although she claims she is starting to get tired of using this joke). She also rarely makes YTPMVs, usually of Deadmau5 songs.
Preferred Sources[edit]
- Michael Rosen
- Mark Sabine
- Roger Stockburger
- The Irresponsible Captain Tylor (she pooped this anime repeatedly to familiarize herself with Sony Vegas in late 2011, however only three were remade and uploaded to YouTube.)
Preferred Methods[edit]
- Sentence Mixing
- Sus
- Rape Rave
- Tech Text
- Pitch Shift
- YTPMV (occasionally)
Preferred Software[edit]
- Sony Vegas Pro 12.0
- NewBlueFX
- The anime, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, and anime in general
- Pretty Lights (the musical artist), and the Pretty Lights Music record label
- Story poops (despite rarely making them herself)
- Helping out and supporting newcomer poopers
- Hater comments and trolls (but only if they're targeting someone besides herself)
- Sex jokes in general
- Overused jokes, namely "When I was six I had a bag of plums"
- Skype
- Joke stealing (accidental is OK)
A couple of people have been criticizing Root for not making coherent storylines. However none of these people have made YouTube Poops themselves.
- Gained 1300+ subscribers on her main channel
- Regularly receives comments from large poopers, namely ChickenPika, xPrEpWnEdx, and DaThings1. ChickenPika is a known subscriber and has even given a direct shoutout to her in one of his videos. It's unknown whether DaThings1 is a subscriber, however he also occasionally comments, and remarked on Twitter here that Root's poop YTP: Presents That Slide Around Your Nose was "awesome".
- Manages the channel MRPoopCollections along with RobGBA.
- 256Pi (among Root's earliest supporters, probably cos THEY'RE THE SAME PERSON?!?!?!)
- RobGBA
- SerialK86
- ThePlamzJoker
- Ron Mad
- LordThexor
- DylanCliff111
- KingOfThePlums
- DawnOfRosen
- Nintendom64
- ChickenPika
- DaThings1
- KatanaSoul
- MechaWeegee91 (Unknownartiste1)
- 256Pi
- RobGBA
- DylanCliff111
- BaconatedGrapefruits