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Greenback Koopa

Greenback Koopa (or Chef Koopa) is a rare form of King Koopa, even rarer than Fat Mario, that appeared in King Scoopa Koopa, and used almost exclusively by Furnessly. He is a qualified chef who needs help from friends, and also invented Instant Mashed Potatoes. However, after Mario defeated Greenback Koopa and blew-up his restaurant, he turned evil by swearing and laughing. He claims to have kidnapped M10, which turned him into Koopone. Luckily, the "There's Been A Murder!" team (Sonic the Hedgehog, Makoto Kino and Robotnik) stopped him from taking more lives and he reverted back to a chef.
- "Only your help, my friend" (pathetic laugh)
- "We'll plot them off you f..."
- "We shall see, we shall see"
- Also has a super rare form called Baron Koopaback, which can be unleashed by making Stiletto (si barone) press the button to blow-up his base.
- Made dinner for the King Harkinian, though the King preferred someone from Japan to do his cooking.
- Took over London, the Coney Island Disco Palace (which he owned), and Glasgow.
- Koopone is his final form.
- Is not a parody of Brokeback Mountain.
- Once appeared on Iron Chef America, even though he's neither American, nor a good chef.
- Createed Scoopa Koopas, which contain delicious eggs.
- Strangely, his restaurant passes most health inspection tests, save for those by Health Inspector Mario, who is biased.
- Is responsible for gorging Luigi and Yoshi with fast food, creating Fat Luigi. This is what
McDonaldsScoopa Koopa does to you! - Should not be confused with Brokeback Koopa.
Greenback Koopa died of a heart attack on April 30, 2010, of a heart attack caused by his own food, interestingly 1 hour after Koopone's death at his restaurant.
In memorial of him, all Scoopa Koopa's locations are to have statues of him erected in front.