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Docta Caffeine

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 15:36, 28 November 2019 by ArsenioGut (talk | contribs) (→‎Associates)
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NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
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The account(s) DrCaffeine5000 has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright. YouTube Poop salutes you!
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The account(s) blugill63 has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright. YouTube Poop salutes you!
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The account(s) freef00d666 has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright. YouTube Poop salutes you!
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The account(s) HackyPenis has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright. YouTube Poop salutes you!
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The account(s) freef00dforever has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright. YouTube Poop salutes you!
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The account(s) TheFamilyLawnmower (shared) has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright. YouTube Poop salutes you!
Closed.png The account SecretSaladSociety (shared) has been Closed.
User.jpg  This article is about Blugill63, a frequent editor and User of this wiki.
Jafar hates Docta Caffeine.   Docta Caffeine is a musician, but not a good one.
Oldgeezer.png This pooper is Retired. Respect your elders, sonny!
Huzzah! This user has been unbanned from the YouChew forums.

Docta Caffeine is a cool vid maker who like retired from poop but still makes good vids. which you can see there ok chip chip cheerio go to that account stop calling me DrCaffeine5000 go there.


I made a bunch of shitty videos and now I have like over 100 subs.


Doctor Caffeine started out with an account called blugill63. He made WMM poops until he got Sony Vegas 9. He eventually became an Ed, Edd n' Eddy pooper. His account got banned with only 2 crummy subscribers. The same exact day he got banned, he created a new account called DrCaffeine5000. Eventually, he stopped using Ed, Edd n' Eddy poops and started using more diverse sources. After that, Joethebluedragon featured one of my poops, boosting my subs and views. After that, I got a Skype in sometime in early to mid 2012, which made me meet new people, and further made me gain subs.


I haven't posted shit but yeah I quit pooping and also switched main accounts because FUDGE U!!!!!!! No it's really because I got bored with it. So ja just go to der bottom of the page for my main account.

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First Poop Made[edit]


His poops are usually short (used to be about 2 mins, now around 30 seconds to a minute.) and they are fast paced and kinda simple.

Perferred Sources[edit]

  • Ed, Edd n' Eddy
  • Pretty much anything, he doesn't have any recurring sources anymore.

Perferred Methods[edit]

This was my old style but now I just do "Spadinner" poops where I put loud distorted bleeps on everything yush

Perferred Software[edit]

  • Sony Vegas 9, then 7, 12, then 7 again because I got it working.


He gets a lot of acclaim for being sexy. He also has a reputation for trolling because he's rude.


  • Every edit I make gets undone on this gay website seriously FUCK OFF.
  • Disliked by the kinztubers and Spadinner people even though Spadinner is kinda funny now. And the Kinztubers forgot about him...
  • Banned from the forum for a day for abusing the report system.
  • Banned again for spamming.
  • Used to hate Waxonator for no reason, which somehow makes him a dick. Now he don't care
  • He has too many accounts. 4 of which (HackyPenis, blugill63, freef00d666, and freef00dforever.) were banned.
  • Attacked by the Youtube Poop Steam Group and hated by it because he actually tried to discuss YouTube Poop on it (Fun fact: the mods on it have never actually made one) he also hates 4Chan so he attacked someone for posting an image from it in the chat.
  • He is hated by the website KnowYourMeme for some some obvious reasons.
  • Criticism is the largest list on this page.



  • Made the first Shirley Temple poop.
  • Got 170 subs on my old account.
  • Pissed off all of Waxonator's Fantards.
  • Did the same thing with Webkins fans/Kinstubers.
  • Also Pissed of some of KnowYourMeme's users.
  • I've been banned like 3 times from this wiki but I'm back.


  • He's like 9 or something wow nerd....
  • He used to go as his World of Warcraft character
  • My favorite game is DOOM because of the deep storyline (wow wacky jokes!!!!)
  • Mentioning his name in a positive light on KnowYourMeme will get bad reactions.
  • His favourite bands are Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Meat Puppets, Primus, and King Crimson
  • His favourite version of Vegas is 7.
  • He's banned from the YouChew Livestream for spam and being rude, or what he calls "saying stupid shit for fun".


Disliked By[edit]

A lot of people, but hey, here's a selection!





Favorite poop[edit]