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Name: TheSterTubeNEW
Country: USA
First Poop: Ha Hall-a-Days
Year Started: 2011
Preferred Sources: My Little Pony,
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas
In brief[edit]
my password is mariomario1 :3
AngryBirdsFan9 and SarevolNahtanoj's Big Adventure (XXX Zone Parody 2013)[edit]
"AngryBirdsFan9 and SarevolNahtanoj's Big Adventure (XXX Zone Parody 2013)"
First poop seen[edit]
Green Eggs and Eggs
First Poop Made[edit]
- Lean Black Mom
- Busty Black Momma
- Busty Cumballs
Preferred Tech[edit]
Preferred Sources[edit]
- Movie clips
- Chad Warden
- We still slaves
- Mike Mozart
- Hoipcentral
- Sk8ercisco
- Squidward
- Fallout
- Grand Theft Auto
- Camp Lazlo
- Bully
- Half-Life
- Contra
- Rap
- Docta Dre
- The Who
- Pink Floyd
- Modding vid games
- PS2
- ganganm styl the good
- Abdul Akbar
- Spadinner (yea, go fuck urself uchew fags)
- Doom
- Chex Quest
- retards
He is liked upon very many poopers but is hated for trolling Spongebob poopers and Tennis Collab poopers.
cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes, cum shot in my eyes,
- one day he got 1,000,000 subs :D
Disliked by[edit]
- Stuart K. Reilly (yeah, fuck stu, he's an irrelevant asshole)
- YouChew
- Waxonator fans
- Waxonator
- deviantART
- AygoMedia and his assfucker Sarevol
- A VERY SPECIAL HOCKER (who makes REALY good poops on Joethebluedrgon WTF)
- Tennisers
- Bronies
- 4chan
- He took over the antiytpmovment account because SOMEBODY accidentally leaked the password on a group Skype call. He started the "movement" back up again and got the channel banned.
TROLL ACCOUNT!!!hacked by teheliteoneNew Troll accountTerminatedNew Troll accountTerminated- Troll Account
- Troll account
- troll account
- Troll account