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"AGSMAentretainment: He Gets What He Wants"
Emperor Ing
Name: AGSMAentretainment
Sex: Male
Country: Portugal
First Poop: Scratch and Grounder's Homo Odissy in Outer Space Part 1
Preferred Sources: CD-I, Super Mario World, some Anime, Looney Tunes, Walt Disney stuff, Gato Fedorento, other television and videogames stuff
Preferred Methods: Pan/Crop, Pitch Shift, Reversing, Sentence Mixing, Ear Rape
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas 6
AGSMAentretainment (also known as AGSMA, or Anthony Elvis), is one of few poopers who lives in Portugal. But he's the first one who become a member of YouChewPoop and the first one reaching the 100 subscribers.
Anthony Elvis, borned in December 10th 1993 (also known as Clowns Day in Brazil), decided to commit suicide in Summer 2008, after concluding that his life was unfairly suffering. Until watching a YouTube Poop made by Chaofanatic named Dinner Blaster, the non-official, but not poorly edited sequel of CraaazyCat13's greatest hit. After that, he started to become a fan of CD-I stuff, thanks to Fleskhjerta, his "God" (for a while), until discovering his first favourite poop, also made by CraaazyCat13: Robotnik and his Gameboy. And then he decided to search for more poops with funny sources, until discovering a real pooper called Boogidyboo, who become his newest "God". After watching a big variety of poops, AGSMA decided to create his YouTube account in November 14th 2008. Unfortunently he didn't knew how to make a poop. His first non-poop videos were a piece of crap made with Windows Movie Maker and MS Paint, but a month after his first video, he finnaly published his first poop.
Introduced in YouChew
AGSMA joined in YouChew in April 3rd, but he wasn't very well received, because he was a noob. After posting several useless posts and being rejected by 60% of the Forum's Comunity, AGSMA decided to left YouChew and become a member on PoopTube. While on PoopTube, everybody (including Pilli10, bkbusters and Stuart) said that he made hilarious poops, but he was very underrated. In September, with 50 subscribers, he discovered that poopTube was shutted down, and then he came back to YouChew. but after making even more mess, he was banned for a day. AGSMA was disapointed by his own manners, and he decided to be a better member.
After the Spamming
With his lesson learned, AGSMA decided to be an exemplar member of the comunity, showing his poops and elogiating people. There was a huge increase of popularity, and on December 10th 2009, he decided to publish his birthday/100 subscribers speciall: a big Rape fest about the dangers of geneticaly modified organisms.
In Febuary 2010, AGSMA slowed down, because he had a lot of work to do in his school, and he left his poops for a while. Until being well received by his Catholics Teacher by his latest school work, and also latest poop.
Memorable Quotes
AGSMA become famous on the forums, thanks to his hability of speaking acidentaly Engrish. At least the members understand what he says,comparing to other members.
- "It is unfortunate that people become as they are today"
- "I hate toast, and my cousin loves eating toasters"
- "When I was 8, I could put my entire hand inside of my ass"
- "Green lights in the pharmacies more like Las Vegas
- "She was 20, and I was vioating her" (trying to say that he raped her sister)
First poop seen
First poop made
Scratch and Grounder's Homo Odissy in Outer Space Part 1
Preferred Sources
- Zelda CD-I
- Hotel Mario
- AoStH
- I. M. Meen
- Sonic X
- Arashi No Yoru Ni
- Soccermania
- Walking with Dinosaurs
- Gato Fedorento
Preferred Methods
Preferred Software
- Dinner
- Spaghetti
- Good poops
- Looney Tunes
- Contemporanean Art
- Valve
- Spadinner
- Racists
- Ash Ketchum
- Naruto
His poops were well received, specially with the popular sources such as I M Meen and AoStH, but everybody says that he's one of the most underrated members of the comunity.
Thanks to those violations in the Forum's rules, AGSMA's reputation felt faster than never. And by using unknown and portuguese sources, most of the viewers considered him as a troll.
- Boogidyboo subscribed him;
- He has over 250 subscribers;
- His most viewed video has more than 11 000 views, and thanks to this video, the fans nominated him as "Dr. Ear Rape"
Medals Awarded
- Fight of the Light (removed due to the loss of awards on the board change on July 24th 2010);
- Basement Dweller (the same as Fight of the Light);
- Chewiki Contributor;
- Meen Master;
- Tennis Athlete;
- Lagomorph Lover;
- Popular Guy
- Poop Upstarter
- On the Roll
Tennis Matches
Completed Tennis Matches
- AGSMA vs Sk8ercisco (the only match where AGSMA uploaded the rounds on his main page. Sadly there's no link for the match, because Sk8ercisco deleted his rounds);
- AGSMA vs Magmalord43;
- AGSMA vs Funacceptable (his personal favourite match);
- AGSMA vs DiosBabilonia;
- AGSMA vs Videogamemaster95;
- AGSMA vs Crazythesecond and LightningLuigi;
In Progress
In Real Life
He's a guy. Nothing else.
- He already used himself in a poop at least once, and also made some cameo apearances in two of his poops, wearing the suit of a character invented by himself: a farmer who has frog legs;
- Two of his poops were part of two school works;