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This user is a proud sailor in the United States Navy.
This user is also a furry from Pennsylvania.
His Nintendo 3DS friend code is 3050-7890-0358. His Mii is ツタージャ, from Nagasaki prefecture, Japan.
Templates Made
- Template:Dirty - For Dirty articles. His most popular template.
- Template:Bias - For Biased articles.
- Template:Food - For articles about a food found in YTP.
- Template:Obj - For articles describing an object found in YTP.
- Template:Soft - For articles about software used in making YTP.
- Template:Bad - For characters that suck.
- Template:Dirtysect - Similar to the highly popular dirty template, only designed for specific sections that need cleanup.
- Template:Foreignlang - For articles with non-Roman characters, such as Kanji or Cyrillic.
- Template:Spoil - For spoilers that may be present in articles.
- Template:Spam - For articles that are spam.
- Template:Worst - For articles that are so bad, that a normal dirty tag will not cut it, though a delete is too extreme. Often, these require a nearly full re-write.
From time to time, Yoshit has suggested building cars for various types of races, with either part or whole proceeds going to Youchew.
Youchew LeMons Car
In 2011, Yoshit made an announcement that he intends to build a car to participate in the "24 Hours of LeMons" racing series, upon his return to Pennsylvania in the future. His plan is to take a junk yard or a junk yard bound 1958 Edsel Ranger, or possibly a parts Reliant Rialto (not his main one), and race it in the LeMons. Currently, visuals are TBD, though ideas range from a Mach 5 theme to various other themes. If the Reliant is opted for, if destroyed, the remains will be kept as parts for his main Reliant Rialto.
Youchew Drag Car
An alternate type of racing car Yoshit is planning on (possibly before the LeMons car) is a drag car, to participate in on-track drag races. For a drag car, the base vehicle would be a 1980s Reliant Rialto (breaking yard special, to be heavily rebuilt), stripped completely down, and rebuilt with the original (repainted) shell, original (modified) frame, and a bored/rebuilt Rover V8 engine tweaked for maximum performance, and a matching 5-speed manual transmission. The Reliant Rialto drag car would receive the name of "Snivy's Vengeance", with a professional green/cream paint job and yellow pin striping. The goal would be to be capable of beating most cars in drag races, from some teenager's tuned Toyota Supra to some redneck's precious 1970 Chevy Chevelle, all while using mostly British parts.
- Is a sailor in the U.S. Navy.
- Owns 2 cars, both from the '80s: a 1984 Jeep CJ-7, and a 1985 Reliant Rialto GLS Estate.
- Owns an Apple ][+ (with Disk ][ drive), a Macintosh SE, a Macintosh SE/30, and a Macintosh Classic.
- His game systems:
- Atari 2600 6-switch model x 2
- Atari 2600 4-switch model
- Atari 2600 jr. (made in 1986)
- Nintendo Colour TV Game 15
- Nintendo Entertainment System x 3
- Family Computer x 2 (all sans "Famicom Family" logo)
- Game Boy x 4 (3 regular, 1 "Play it Loud")
- Super NES
- Super Famicom
- Hyundai Super Comboy
- Nintendo 64 x 6 (3 USA models, 3 Japanese models)
- Game Boy Colour
- Game Boy Advance
- Gamecube x 5 (3 broken, 4 USA model, 1 Japanese model)
- Game Boy Advance SP (broken, NES Classics edition)
- Nintendo DS (broken)
- Wii x 2 (1 USA model, 1 Japanese model)
- Nintendo 3DS x2 (both broken, 1 USA model, 1 Japanese model)
- Atari 2600 6-switch model x 2
- His 4 favourite Pokemon: Snivy, Totodile, Vulpix, and Ninetales.
- His current favourite of the 4 is Snivy.
- He does not liek teh Mudkipz, though.
- And he especially hates Oshawott.
- His main systems in Japan have stickers of Snivy on them. These systems include his Famicom, his NES, his Game Boy, his Wii, and his 3DS.
- Like Tails, he is Astraphobic (has a fear of lightning).
- Is somewhat conservative, both politically and socially. He is also a registered Republican.
- Is of English, Scottish, German, Irish, Mexican, and Slovak descent.
- His English heritage's earliest origins are in Cheadle, Cheshire, where his Anglo-Saxon ancestors were Lords of the Manor (land owners). Unfortunately, the Norman Kings stripped them of their land. If Yoshit ever has enough money, though, he will rebuild said manor.
- On his ship, he is just English, German, Mexican, and Slovak. This is because the Scots rejected his Scots, and he rejected his Irish.
- Designed a few forum games involving random numbers and player input. The 2 most popular of these are:
- The Youchew Trail (a remake of the Oregon Trail. The first incarnation was lost during Ozgate, but a second incarnation was made later.)
- Youchew Dodgeball (his first one, which was once dormant, to be ressurected later, only to go dormant again.)
Has Been to These Countries
- United States (Born in and a current citizen of; Guam inclusive)
- Canada (territorial waters)
- Japan (currently lives there)
- Korea (territorial waters; TBV 2013)
- The Philippines
- Malaysia
- Mainland China/Hong Kong
- United Kingdom (England)
- Germany
Avatar/Signature Snivy
In his various avatars and signatures, Yoshit has images of Snivy, save for his first sig/avatar. These Snivy differ from each other in personality.
- His first avatar Snivy was a male Snivy living in county Nottinghamshire, England, UK, on a large estate, complete with a torture chamber. This Snivy acted very snobby and very cruel, sending people to his torture chambers for fun. He even took over Yoshit's account in 2010. He has since, however, retired to his estate.
- His second avatar Snivy is a female Snivy living in county Essex, England, UK, as the Duchess of Essex. While snobby, she is not as snobby as the former, nor as cruel. She likes shopping in London, manicures, pedicures, colonics, and Stilton cheese. She used to be mean, though recently, she has become nicer. She took over Yoshit's account in 2012, only for Yoshit to take back his account and force her back as his avatar, with threats of "cat-o' nine tails" vine whips. She was replaced in 2012 by a royal Snivy living in Buckingham Palace with an unknown title.
- His third avatar Snivy [now Serperior] is a female Serperior of royal blood whose blood line extends back to Britonnic times, prior to the Anglo-Saxons and Normans. Her egg was laid on expensive high thread count cotton sheets, and hatched on same sheets. She is known mostly for demanding that she be respected, and has a narcisistic tendency to summon her guard to remove individuals from her court. She also looks down upon most commoners, especially "Pokemon in dirt", or Pokemon that are either wild or belong to trainers. She is, however, friends with educated Pokemon of world leaders that also speak human languages. When enraged, she will switch to a Cockney accent and will fight back on her own with a lot of power.
- His signature Snivy is a male Snivy originally from Pennsylvania, U.S.A., that is now in the Navy, living in Japan, and wears dress whites. He often demands that others complete work on his ship, and is also physically strong, much like Popeye. His 2nd avatar dislikes him for making her wear a maid outfit.
Snivy Gallery
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Snivy on a Macintosh.
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Yoshit (Tsutarja) on Halloween.
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Snivy, hand-drawn by Yoshit himself.
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Guess which one of these three are off.
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Chief Petty Officer Snivy disciplines all of the avatars after one fails a profile inspection.
Snivy Game and Watch.
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His former avatar. Snivy is stubborn over having been replaced as his avatar with a Snivy in a maid outfit.
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Another former avatar. Snivy is not amused about wearing a maid outfit.
See Also