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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 16:00, 15 January 2012 by (talk | contribs)
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
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 This user has been banned from the YouChew forums for creating odd and unnecessary threads (i.e., the YouChew Cruise), necrobumping threads that more likely than not don't really deserve it, and he crashed himself.

"Not this shit again." - Everyone who saw his threads or necrobumps.

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Everyone's reaction to every necrobumped or stupid thread done by him.

In Brief! (a.k.a. thereallynewmop12100, a.k.a. masterofpokemon12100) is a YouTube Pooper who made his name on YouChew through his introduction thread, and after a long absence, gained further notoriety by creating what was considered the YouChew Cruise.

In The Beginning...

Homsar secured his status on YouChew with his introduction thread, entitled "Dont Cilck this! this topic added with porns". His opening post was several strings of absurdity, such as "I Post your FUCKING Wall" and in response, Jayblin posted a staring black man gif. NegroTed posted another black man gif in response, setting off a chain reaction which ultimately led to the #1 resource for animated gifs of shocked black people. Homsar wouldn't show his face again for months on end, but even if he stayed gone forever, he'd have been viewed as a forum legend up there with kinghomer45 and MASTERFURRYX. But wait, there's more...

The YouChew Cruise

Homsar returned to YouChew after a few months of absence, and created various strange, yet humorous threads intermittently. One of the more noted ones was the YouChew Cruise. It was basically a make-believe cruise trip that allowed the users of YouChew to go to the USA... which Homsar claimed was a city. The cruise had some ridiculous shit that was made up on the fly, yet it was such an amazing thing to behold that it eventually went into YouChew's Hall of Fame.

Seemingly oblivious to the fact that YouChew gets into World War III at the slightest passing nod towards My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, he created a sequel to the original cruise entitled "Youchew cruise THE SEQUEL: Youchew adavtures in Ponyville!" In this thread, he coined some new Homsarisms like "emecgra(-)", intended to mean "emergency". Everyone had silly fun in the thread, and it resulted in another Hall of Fame entry. He even had the ability to be the one member who could bring up MLP: FIM, but not provoke fighting.

"YOUCHEW HAUNTED CRUISE! (Halloween Special Topic)" was also created by him, and although it involved less involvement from Homsar himself, it still created an experience many of the participants considered to be memorable (cosplaying and Eldrich Abominations galore). This would become the last Homsar-created thread to end up in the Hall of Fame.


Black men don't take kind to people who post on their fucking walls, nor do they enjoy naughty people.

Seeing the three-time success of his YouChew Cruise threads, he ended up serving up more ideas for threads that he'd be certain would succeed, just like the Cruise. His first attempt to branch out was the YouChew Space Adventures, which is basically a spin-off of the YouChew Cruise. People had some fun with it, but it wasn't generating the success he was hoping it would. He then decided to create a YouChew Shop thread... without realizing that we already had a shop in the first place! New threads beyond that annoyed people more than it amused, and were practically locked on the spot. By now he was pushing his luck, and not even his young age could give him any more leniency.

Soon afterwords, he decided that if creating new threads wouldn't bring him more success, than necrobumping threads that were long forgotten by time without any rhyme or reason would surely do the trick. At first, people thought that he accidentally made a mistake and that he wouldn't try to do anything like that again. In fact, some threads might've been thankful for him reviving them. However, it got to a point where he would eventually necrobump a thread that already got necrobumped by him about a month or two ago... twice! Still, plenty of our users and mods wanted to give him a chance to improve while he still could, and they even issued a week-long ban to hopefully try and fix whatever issues Homsar had. Unfortunately, he never did, and on the same day that he decided that he wanted to leave YouTube due to their updates, YouChew decided that enough is enough and banned him and his garbled-up nonsense once and for all.

First Poop Seen

First Poop Made

Title of poop - right


Preferred Sources

Preferred Methods

  • Eye Rape
  • Something

Preferred Software

  • Magix Music Maker
  • YouTube Video Editor
  • Modplug Trackerz
  • Sony Vefa



  • The new YouTube that he calls "Cosmic Panda".



  • Did you even read the parts in the beginning?!


  • Creating four threads that ended up being in the YouChew Hall of Fame, with three of them basically being the same thing with different results, deserves a legendary status, no matter what bad things he ended up doing afterwords.


In Real Life





  • Don't cilck this! this topic is added with porns!
  • Can turtle fly?
  • You have rainbow dash? Lets rainbow dash fly around saturn. when it's getting sick. Sit down in the planet.
  • I Post your FUCKING Wall
  • i will be a writing staff?
  • What is the YouChew Trail?
  • John Tracy McGrady AEIOU uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  • Rainbow board is always fashionable dress,
  • Holy Laitas. i found this theard by searching
  • Latias I found it looking ziard:
  • I hate hate
  • I look forward to the full translation of homsar
  • Hey There Dick Guy I am Homsar my username on youchew poop YTP ROCKS! Post something when you have a fucking the facebook profie I Post your FUCKING Wall FUCK YA!
  • Hey, Dick, and home homsarmi Yukio bobitb rocks! Posting, anything you publish money "or alwook" tricks! : Twisted:
  • This is Sbemailzille This Above your fav mlp:fim episode!


  • He's the only guy on YouChew who placed his "Bronyhood" to the extreme.
  • He was recorded on camera, and at least one of his videos had one of his relatives (his mom) on there.
  • He also owns a DeviantART account as the user named "mop12returns".
  • Out of all the banned members, he's one of the very few to be dull-minded rather than malicious.
  • Homsar still has a Chewiki account, but he probably thinks he's permanently banned from that section as well.
  • He chose the perfect character to represent himself: the fictional Homsar is also confusingly nonsensical.
  • The final straw that broke the camel's back was the YouChew Olympics thread.
  • As of December 20, 2011,! now posts his YouTube Poops in Dailymotion instead of YouTube.


Live Reading of my Thread