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- Oh my God, who touched Sasha!? All right... WHO TOUCHED MY GUN!? ~Heavy Weapons Guy
A gun (Guardian Units of Nations) is a tool of war. Guns can bring a multitude of feelings, such as sadness, happiness, and love in the Heavy's case. They are also highly important, because if we threw away our guns, then it will only weaken our defenses from intruders and increase the likelihood of being vulnerable to a zombie apocalypse. Unless you're a hippie; they ward zombies off, ya know. Many argue that guns don't kill people. However, people can kill using guns.
Because of their obvious dangers, gun usage requires observance of various safety rules, which usually apply to anything resembling a gun, save for NERF guns.
- Never point a gun at anything you don't intend to shoot.
- Never put your finer on the trigger unless intending to shoot.
- Treat every weapon like it is loaded.
Furthermore, usage of a gun is considered deadly force, which is defined as "any force that is either known or should be known to cause death or serious harm".
Gun Users[edit]
- Heavy Weapons Guy (He loves his gun very much. He calls it "Sasha".)
- Sniper
- Medic (which is something that Heavy disapproves of.)
- Engineer
- The other Team Fortress 2 characters, wait who are they again?
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- James Bond
- The Kitchen Gun guy.
- Panty (in a sexy way.)
- Francisco Scaramanga (uses a golden one, to be exact.)
- Actually, most Bond villains, usually as a sidearm.
- Revolver Ocelot
- Solid Snake
- Terry Bogard (Unfortunately, his gun doesn't exist.)
- Starscream
- Soundwave
- Master Chief
- Samus Aran
- Every playable FPS character ever.
- Pichu (He likes guns!! ^_^)
- Mario (From the back of Yoshi.)
- Yoshi
- Laguna Loire
- Frank West (Kind of. He's covered wars, you know.)
- Mega Man(he has one for a hand!)
- Zero(only in the first and third Megaman X games,and stole from a dead guy in Mm Zero 1)

People Who Hate Guns[edit]
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Claims he wouldn't be caught dead with a gun.)
- Victims of gun violence and crime
- Hippies (Isn't it obvious?)
People Who ARE Guns[edit]
More Information[edit]
- Some children have been known to play with guns; however, they are of the "NERF" variety.
- Blondes have more guns.