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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is the recent cartoon based off of the "My Little Pony" franchise. My Little Pony is basically the girls' version of Transformers for the toys since they were both created by Hasbro and were both found commonly in the '80s. It premiered on a channel called "The Hub" on October 10, 2010 (10/10/10). Its first two episodes involved a bookworm named Twilight Sparkle, and her partner Spike travelling to Ponyville in order to find some friends, which would eventually help them out from a prophecy of doom that involves her teacher's sister. Afterwords, she ends up staying with her five new friends and tells her teacher what lesson she learned on that episode.

This show is actually quite unique, in that it's even gotten boys watching this show. And not just any boys; they're teenager/young adults that end up enjoying it. And here's something else that'd probably blow your mind: this article was created by a 19 year old boy. It's almost sad, but in a funny way.
Invasion Onto The Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt Thread
There was a raid on the Panty and Stocking thread on YouChew discussing My Little Pony for about 5 pages until the mods had no choice but to re-open the My Little Pony thread. After about 3 pages in the re-opened My Little Pony thread it got lock again for getting to off topic. Eventually, they found a new home in an MLP image spam thread. Wow, I think I am getting way off topic by talking about this right now.
Media Information
- A television cartoon created by Lauren Faust.
With emphasis given to those seen in Youtube Poops
- Twilight Sparkle
- Applejack
- Rainbow Dash
- Rarity
- Fluttershy
- Pinkie Pie
- Spike The Baby Dragon
- Princess Celestia
- Apple Bloom
- Sweetie Belle
- Scootaloo
- Cheerilee
- Big Macintosh
- Derpy Hooves/Ditzy Doo/???????
Usage and Info
First Used in a Poop by
- iDuckFilms
Also Used By
Liked By
- Jaz
- Crazy Luigi (Sadly...)
- udderlyabducted
- TrainorJon
- KroboProductions
- iDuckFilms
- Demanga (Mainly because it's bright and vivid, which he hasn't seen in many other current cartoons.)
- magmalord
- theothercheese
- AKAdarkie
- neilwb23
- NinjaCoachZ (He likes Rainbow Dash because she can fly, and not at all because she's a lesbian.)
- ChoujiMan (thinks Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are kawaii desu)
- DiscoGlacier
- MidnightMidna
- Dillrod90
- Punctualjinx
Disliked By
- Kingplatypus3rd
- GilomCalica
- Triple_sSs
- Whelt
- Cynnicio
- DrCaffeine5000
Further Information
- Lauren Faust, the creator of the show, is married to Craig McCracken, the creator of the Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. In addition, she also worked alongside him on these shows. That can definitely explain some things about this show.
- A lot of the fanbase is made up of /co/ users sadly.
- Hasbro apparently wouldn't allow most of the original pony names on here, so they had to make up some new ones just for this show.
- YouTube wants you to harass some of these ponies from this show. That's just creepy, regardless on what your stance on this show is.
- Twilight Sparkle has hair that suspiciously resembles that of Stocking's hair.
- Twilight Sparkle also has the same voice actress (Tara Strong) as Hip and Hop (as well as countless other people in countless other cartoons).
- Pinkie Pie is so random.
- Know Your Meme not only believes that the entire show itself is a meme, but thinks it's the most popular meme of all time.
- On Mother's Day (May 8) of 2011, Lauren Faust announced that she was going to step down from being executive producing the show to being a counseling producer for it's second season. That caused some very mixed reactions, mostly on the negative side. On that same day, it was revealed that she would have a new child entering the world. This caused many others to congratulate her and her husband Craig McCracken, even though that wasn't the real reason as to why she left.