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*[[Jimmy]] Carter
*[[Jimmy]] Carter
*[[DoomZappo]] (not to the point where I'm going out on the streets preaching against WalrusGuy though)

Revision as of 23:12, 23 July 2011

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
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The account(s) YTPnews1 has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright. YouTube Poop salutes you!
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The account(s) MustangSally72 has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright, but got unsuspended later. YouTube Poop salutes you!
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The account(s) stuarttwentythree has/have been suspended from YouTube for crimes against copyright. YouTube Poop salutes you!




In brief

Well Howdy, you all. This here's Stuart K Reilly, the host of Youtube Poop News, as well as a Sony Vegas pooper.

I am one of the first poopers to use the CD-I sprites in a poop. The poop was Gwonam Come Home,deleted. Also was the first to use Filmation's Ghostbusters and Eric Schwartz's Sabrina Skunk, giving them a home in YTP.


I found YTP while looking for Sonic Underground videos. As you would guess, it was Deepercutt's infamous Sonic Underground poop that was found. I didn't know what to think of it at the time and I just tossed it aside.

Then later on I watched some CD-I poops after watching AVGN's CD-I Review and have been hooked ever since.

I made my first poop in March 24, 2009; "Mario says no while I play hair metal." It sucked but it was a start.

My worst poop ever is the poop that got me noticed in YTP. Now deleted, it introduced the YTP community to Paper Doll Man.

Youtube Poop NEWS

Me and the boys on the (now defunct) PoopTube website were talking about how YTP should have its own show, sparking the idea to start a bi-weekly show about the happenings in YTP.

Since I couldn't think of a proper name for it, I WAS gonna call it The Big Fat Fucking Gay Shit Retarded Yiffy Youtube Poop Smiles and Laughs Variety Hour, but then I was told to just call it Youtube Poop News.

The original account of YTP News was YTPnews1, then MustangSally72, now BOTH are gone

The show has been pulled TWICE for dumb personal reasons but it is currently in production and "on the air". Covering current events, underrated and overrated poopers, sources, and just funny and weird happenings.

The show is NOW cast on YTPN1 for the time being

Youtube Poop NEWS mostly caters to the modern day Youtube Poop community though many older poopers and veterans do enjoy the show.

Its not really so much a "news" show as it is a podcast of Stu expressing his opinions about current events in the community. A lot of people misinterpret that and argue that a true news show is supposed to be unbiased which Stu CERTAINLY is not. Known by many in the community as "an extreme elitist who takes YTP too seriously".

Stu's Top 10 Worst Things Bad Poopers Do and 10 Worst Fanboy Mistakes are considered Poop Gospel among some poopers and fans.

The Death Of YTPnews1

It got hacked by my own sidekick Pilli10. I got it back but accidently deleted the cookie with google's "random number" password and its been a car with no starter ever since.

Then a fake MeiAIDS copycat DMCA'd it for good. RIP


The persona of YTPnews1/MustangSally.

This is my MAIN account now.

It was originally going to be a "secret" alt but I changed my mind.

The name comes from an old 60s song about the Ford Mustang, and the number 72 was chosen because 23 was taken.

^Currently being counter claimed for DMCA

First poop seen

Youtube Poop Sonic Underground

First poop made

Mario says No While I play hair metal

God I hate that poop. What was I thinking???


My early style consisted of sentence mixing and putting characters in places they wouldn't normally be. Today I like to fuck up video and PC games with effects, rape, slapstick comedy, and general visual jokes.

I also use a lot of Music in my poops. either obscure metal songs,game music, sometimes i'll slip a country tune

I never really stick with one style cause I ALWAYS wanna try something different and break away from the pack so to speak.

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Signature Poop Characters

Preferred Sources

  • Looney Tunes
  • Mario's Game Gallery
  • DOS Games
  • '70s and '80s Movies and Music Videos.
  • Gameplay videos and cutscenes that HAVEN'T been used to death.
  • Rare and obscure cartoons, movies, and animation.
  • 90s Computer Animation
  • Silent Hill

Preferred Methods

  • Source Interaction: A method in which I make two completely different sources blend or interact with each other using either sentence mixing, masking, chroma key, or just clever video chopping. The best example of this method can be found on my favorite work, "Where Do YTP Chracters Go When They Die".
  • Sentence Mixing
  • Chroma Key goodness
  • Raped Music hurr
  • Severe word splicing (no sex jokes unless its a Piss-Take)
  • Interesting effects
  • Making Vegas look like Flash without the flash gayness

Preferred Tech

  • I own ALL Versions Of Sony Vegas except 8; My favorite being 7.
  • Windows Movie Maker (Windows XP Version)
  • Sony Acid 7
  • Roxio VHS To DVD
  • Windows XP and 98


  • Over 9000 MUST DIIIIIE!
  • Shoop Da Woop
  • Tourettes Guy
  • Chad Warden
  • Overused memes altogether
  • People that don't do their research prior to asking a dumb question.
  • Billy Mays and Spongebob poops.
  • Fads in general.
  • The WMM "rainbow" effect.
  • Sentence Mixed sex jokes in poops. I mean COME ON. IT'S BEEN DONE. Think of something ELSE to make someone say besides "suck my cock"
  • repetitive repeats, you know, repeats that are drawn out for too long


In my early Vegas days I was compared to the infamous SupremeBros, which I considered an insult really.

Nowadays people call me OVERrated and praise my sentence mixing and source interaction. What a turnabout.

The Sabrina Controversy

  • Stuart has been believed to have a severe obsession with one particular furry he uses frequently in his videos. The furry in question is "Sabrina the Skunk" created by Amiga artwork creator Eric W. Schwartz. If you see the words "YTPnews1" or "Stuart K. Reilly" somewhere, no doubt you'll also see a pixellated image of this character along with him, and he has often commented and nudged upon this fact that he has a strong obsession with this character. His subscribers have often stated the fact that they have grown weary of seeing images and animation of his "lover" in his videos.


  • I am criticized for not using better known sources.
  • I've started introducing more ear rape in my videos which turns off some crybaby rape haters. "haters gonna hate" hurr
  • I like hair metal and anything to do with the '80s. And that right there is what turns a lot of poopers away from me.
  • I use chroma key WAY too much
  • If you haven't heard my YTP News show yet. I should tell you this: I am an American from the southeast part of the US. So yes. I am a redneck, and I have the accent to prove it. And I have been known to add jokes in my poops that only southerners would get, such as country music, redneck slang, whatnot.
EXAMPLE: I once made Bugs Bunny say Jiggaboo, which is a racist redneck slang word mostly used in the south.
  • I hate CD-I poops that are nothing but sentence mixing and sex jokes with no visual editing or original word splicing whatsoever, and that makes a LOT of CD-I fanboys pissed at me.
  • A LOT of butthurt WalrusCuttProductions and Waxonator worshipers shun,boo,and hiss at me for "not respecting other people's opinions".to that I have replied, "cry me a fucking river"


  • I started a Bi-Weekly news show called Youtube Poop News.
  • I was the first to poop AKA Cult Toons, The real Morshu, and Filmation's Ghostbusters.
  • I'm the one who started the Paper Doll Man and Sabrina Skunk poops.
  • took part in IAMGOOMBA's Poop Archive Project


Pilli10, Milesaaway, Lieutenantgwo,AbsoluteBillion,Jamesdeth,Poj, HozkinzPoop, and others.

In Real Life

Struggling to get a job, took parents' old house to get away from them.can only get internet in a small office building previously used as a used farm equipment dealership


My old ones would be SuperYoshi, Stegblob, WalrusGuy, Boogidyboo, SSBMexpert, and Dopply.

Nowadays it's all about CommanderGwonam, Pilli10, LieutenantGwonam, lnsector,ChemistryGuy DaftPunkYoshi, TheChutley, Jakesteel0121, MadAnonymous, Imaperson, and anyone else that'll make a good'n.


Other Information

  • Poops with a plot are cool IF ITS NOT ALL SEX JOKES AND SHIT
  • Sabrina <3


  • Stuart is a firm supporter on the War On AIDS, and believes that the war should be revived to bring down sex joke plot poops made by poopers like QuibbyJibby, Swishfilmsinc, and others.
  • Some people think I use Flash, but I don't. Its just some REALLY heavy Vegas pan/crop and chroma keying.
  • YouTube Poop News started out as a shitty WMM and MSpaint setup, but it is now a full-on Vegas cavalcade.
  • I had this Story Poop collaboration with LT. Gwo and Pilli10 called "Mario Sings The Blues", which was a series of sentence mixing poops of the adventures of Game Gallery Mario. But we all grew out of Plot Poops and I no longer have the time or inspiration to make them
  • Being the nasty-ass furry that I am, I like to drown that retarded shish all over my poops. AND SOMETIMES MAKE IT THE MAIN SOURCE.
Take the video at the right for example.


The source is an animation by Shawn Keller called " Blackberry"
  • For some reason. the videos with Sabrina in them have the most views. Hmmmm.
  • Stuart was once attacked by famed loser and troll YTP4life, involving a raid of a certain Wikia, in which he answered in his utmost professional way.


Other Links

WTF am I doing on there?