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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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Ed commenting on Eddy's carpet.
Ed is one of "The Three Eds". He is known as the brawn in the Eds' group. He was never a smart fellow, as is evidenced by archival footage played in one of the episodes. He is not related to either Edd, Eddy, or Sarah. She was adopted. That will explain the yelling. According to DNA tests, her real parents are Robotnik and Mama Luigi. Recently, Ed was served a sexual harassment lawsuit for attempting to give out hot dickings to the Kankers while looking for a spoon. Ed also has a strong foot fettish.
Cultural Heritage: Polish-American
- Ed can play a violin, but his violin playing sounds more like either Cliff Burton's bass (on a good day) or nails on a chalkboard (on a bad day). The episode that had his violin showed him on a bad day because he had to practice or Sarah would bust his head.
- He can generate a charge of static electricity big enough to blow up a house. Zappity zap zap!
- He can be a woodpecker, but he tends to peck dirt rather than wood.
- He can lift a freakin' house, and has been able to do that since he was, like, three. Now that's hardcore.
- He can kill wood while listing to J-Rock.
- He also is the ultimate champion in "Hanger Spinning", in which people move their heads around and make sure their hangers on their ears move in that same circular formation without them falling off their ears.
- Ed can also fly for a short time and do a high jump.
- Buttered Toast
- Gravy
- Chickens
- More Chickens
- Even More Chickens
- The Chicken from Cow and Chicken
- Chicks Galore
- Eddy (It is rumored by some that Ed has a sexual wanting for him. This has been proven true/false by yaoi addicted fangirls and SushieBoy.)
- Double D (The same rumor as above applies.)
- Pudding Skin
- Sports
- Feet (he has a VERY strong foot fettish, Even for his sister, he keeps stolen shoes under the floor in his basement for a room)
- May Kanker
- Bugs
- Violins
- Soap
- Over radiated Mashed Potatoes
- The fact that he's under appreciated in Fan-fics.
- Unbuttered Toast
- Enjoys having people 'whack' him.
- Enjoys cookie dough.
- Screams almost as much as Rolf.
- Once glued a block of wood to Johnny's foot.
- He is NOT smart now.
- LOVES Chickens.
- Has an addiction to gravy and buttered toast.
- Can swallow a video camera with relative ease.
- Makes crushing playgrounds seem such a breeze.
- He may move fast...
- And jump stupidly high...
- But this Ed's ONE HELL OF A GUY! HUH!
- Was a moose once.
- Once glued his dick to a table.
- Oh, and his middle name is Horace.
- Is also a subscriber to Chicks Galore. (And yes, it's indeed a porno magazine disguised as an animal book of some baby chickens hatching from eggs.)
- Is distantly related to Weird Ed from Maniac Mansion.
- His group "The Three Eds" only rivals in comedy are the Three Stooges.
- He has the power to remove bottles on his hand with sticky tape. How he can do that remains to be seen.
- He recently learned that he's alive.
- Has a very strong foot fettish (see likes)
- Nice carpet, Eddy.
- I love canoes.
- Whack me! Whack me! Whack me! Whack me!
- My dad has a shovel.
- Am I smart now?
- Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy I am such a lucky elf.
- You guys are gonna make my turtle cry.
- Touch me again, and I will SQUASH you!
- I'm a woodpecker, 'cept with dirt.
- Why don't birds just take a bus south for the winter?
- Hello Light.
- (using puppet) Oh dear, I fell!
- Slide on the soap... slide on the soap... slide on the soap... slide on the soap... *ten minutes later* slide on the soap...
- I am the Claw, and the Claw wishes to fly too!
- I think I just thunk.
- My fantasy come true! I AM BUTTERED TOAST!!!
- I AM ED!
- Dig-a Hole! Dig-a Hole!
- For I, Ed, can remove the bottle with sticky tape.