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Morton Koopa Jr.
From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

Morton "Big Mouth" Koopa Jr is King Bowser Koopa's sixth child.
It has also been proven that Big Mouth has Autism.
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- Big Mouth suffers from autism.
- He once tried to commit suicide, but failed.
- Big Mouth aka Morton Koopa Jr. was named after his grandfather, King Morton I.
- He once gave a two week long speach on why putting "In-Cheif" after somthing made it sound more important.
- He is afraid of Pencils.
- He once tried to distroy all the duct tape in the world.
- He thinks Waluigi is creepy.
- He was naglected has a child.
- He likes wedding cake.
- He puts hot sauce on his wedding cake.
- He has an imaginary friend named Barry Scott who tells Big Mouth that limescale, rust, and ground in durt aren't a challenge for Cillet Bang.
- He hates everybody for not litsening to him.
- Was the victim of an attemped murder case in 2002. The suspect, Bowser Jr, later fled to the '80s, and committed suicide in 1988.
- Owner of the Wood-Door Hysteria Hotel carved into a tree. There are not many traps in it, suggesting something about his creativity.