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Princess Toadstool

Princess Toadstool is the self-acclaimed ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom and the only schoolteacher in Stone City.
Princess Toadstool is how The Princess of Mushroom Kingdom was presented before 1993, when the princess's first name was revealed as Peach in the Yoshi's Safari video game. The Princess as she appears in the NES Super Mario Brothers video games, SNES Super Mario World video game, Super Mario Brothers 3 TV show and Super Mario World TV Show, is Princess Toadstool.
Good friends with Mario and Luigi, she presides over the Mushroom Kingdom with the help of her adviser Toad. Although she is naturally blonde, Princess Toadstool experimented with dyeing her hair brown or red.
Princess Toadstool's hobbies include:
- Telling people that they're going on a diet.
- Getting grabbed by Koopa Football Players.
- Encouraging her students to show off their volcanoes.
- Collecting game pieces from the highly underrated "One of His Scales" series.
- Sex with Birdo and Wendy O. on Thursdays.
- Denying Mario sex despite everything he's done for her.
- Not watching Rock TV (something she has in common with Tiff)
Creation of Daisy
It is a little-known fact that a second princess, known as Daisy, was synthetically created by Princess Toadstool. It began late one night when Peach was incredibly drunk. Her hair was dyed brown and her dress soaked in yellow paint at the time, and she began claiming to strangers on the street that she was "high on daisies," an apparent slang term for Grounder's smokes.
It was misinterpreted as a greeting, "Hi, I'm Daisy," and she gained many "friends" under that alias. The next morning, after hearing the news on TV (and not liking the "friends" she had made), she immediately cloned herself in Dexter's Lab, and taught her clone how to say one thing and one thing only: "Hi, I'm Daisy."

- Bowser
- King Koopa
- Cheatsy
- Roy
- Koopa Football Players
- Oogtar
- Getting her period. (It can flood entire villages.)
- Gangraping
- The fact that Zelda, Wendy O. Koopa, and Birdo all have bigger Boobs than her.
- Pooping in tin cans, as seen below.
- Not being slutty.
- Being kidnapped by Bowser/King Koopa over and over again. Then again... yeah.
- Yoko
- Gum in classes.
- Cum in her ass.