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Name: FromtheWordsofBR
Real Name: Ben
Sex: Male
Country: USA
First Poop: FromtheWordsofBRHumorlessCollabEntry.avi
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas 11/12, Adobe After Effects, Windows Movie Maker, ArcSoft Showbiz, Bandicam, live TV/VCR feed
YouTube Account: FromtheWordsofBR
Our autistic and (as of this writing) 13-year-old child prodigy discovered YouTube Poop around the ages of 9 and 10. He first thought it was supposed to be "evil videos"....that is, until he grew to like it more and randomly decided to search for some Billy Mays YTPs at age 12. They were naughty. They were often NSFW. But, for the most part, they were hilarious. It also helped him become less shocked about vulgarities as well.
His first YouTube account, BenBopper, consisted of random videos he is embarrassed by (such as a video made on the defunct video-making website One True Media) and was suspended in late 2010 for having uploaded several clips of Cartoon Network series, including a clip of the then-upcoming series Robotomy (which he considers "[too good to last]" and very underrated).
His first YTP was an entry to Dark Fox' Humorless Collab, and mostly consisted of random rare logos (such as an earlier version of the DIC Toon-Time Video logo) set to the song "The Real Thing" by American Idol contestant Bo Bice. His first true YTP is currently stuck in what he calls "development heck".
On April 28, 2014, he announced on a YouChew thread about SpaghettiBicycle's "YTP News Fifth Anniversary Collab" that he is planning on making said poop a compilation of collab entries he's been in, as well as a mish-mash of other sources he's made. The poop will be titled "YTP - Powerade Bottles of Collab Entries"
First poop seen
DiC "Kid in Bed" Logo: Rare Robotnik Variant
Although he considers his style to be both original and hard to describe, he says his style is the result of NextG attempting a cs188/Deepercutt-style poop.
Preferred Sources
- Many random programs he can find on TV
- Many random online streams of international channels
- Adventure Time
- Regular Show
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- Hotel Mario
- Link: The Faces of Evil/Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
- I.M. Meen
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Super Mario World
- Logos
- Billy Mays commercials
Preferred Methods
- Pan/Crop
- Stutter Loop
- Acid Trip
- Erosion
- NewTube Poop
- Tvpytp
- YouTube Poop Music Video
- Antipoop
- Diploma Dope
- Tech Text
- Sus
- Masking
- Pitch Shift
- Stare Down
- Word Trim
- Reversing
- Right There
- (Nonsense) Marvelous Musical Montages
- Sentence Mixing
- Subliminal Images
Preferred Software
He originally used Windows Movie Maker to edit sources, but now he has migrated fully to Sony Vegas 11. He has said YouTube Poop News helped impact this decision. He also likes Audacity, and considers his Diamond video capturing device his best friend. But because he still uses a Windows XP laptop and his only source of Sony Vegas 11 is on the family computer, he uses a Lexar (PRODUCT PLACEMENT WOO HOO HOO) USB drive to hold all his files.
- Too
- Much
- Stuff
- To
- List
- Ear Rape done incorrectly
- Poor video quality
- Google+
- One Direction
- Trolls
- Screamers
- Music snobs (the type of people that make up over 76% of this website)
- Homophobia
- Encyclopedia Dramatica (He doesn't care if it's satirical, rape is never funny)
- YTPoopCaillou
- Allen Gregory
- Breadwinners
Oh boy, do trolls (such as DavidSmithIsBack) love to troll him!
His upload of a PBS Kids song promo was briefly his most-viewed video before he took it down.
- NextG
- cs188
- Deepercutt
- Stuart K. Reilly
- theadventuretimefan
- The Electric Cheese
- Comrade127
- MoBrosStudios
Other Links
- Company Bumpers Wiki Account
- YouChew Account
- Twitter Account (contains a NSFW picture of Miley Cyrus)