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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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*He claims that Stu quoted him once on YTP News
*He claims that Stu quoted him once on YTP News
*[[TrueTubePoops]] has made a joke about JoeTheBlueDragon in every finished poop after "The Super Readers Venture Back in Time to Ensure Flatulence Passing in the Future"
*[[TrueTubePoops]] has made a joke about JoeTheBlueDragon in every finished poop after "The Super Readers Venture Back in Time to Ensure Flatulence Passing in the Future"
*According to a number of other poopers and Jack Black, JOETHEBLUEDRAGON IS A FISH MONGER
*[ YouTube Account]
*[ YouTube Account]

Revision as of 17:39, 13 January 2012

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
CharNice.jpg This Youtube Pooper somehow found a way to become a poop source, and so this article is filed under Characters.
Closed.png The account MasterhippoMr has been Closed.

In brief

JoeTheBlueDragon is a relatively new YTP artist. He does not have a multitude of subscribers, but he considers himself overrated, despite disagreement from his fellow artists.


JoeTheBlueDragon stumbled across a strange video that started with the title of Youtube Poop while he was watching some Mario videos. He didn't understand it, nor did he really like it, but out of intrigue he continued to watch some more. Eventually he watched some Spongebob YTPs with memes like spaghetti and dinner in them and he found them hilarious. He watched them for almost half a year until he opened up an account called MasterHippoMr in July 2010 and started commenting and subscribing. He never actually made a YTP on this account, but he gathered a lot of haters because of his tastes in YTP. (To this day he still thinks the haters were way out of line, but thanks them for what they taught him.) He realized that the memes weren't really all that talented and funny, since then he defines YTP into three styles: Sentence mixing, Effects, and Visuals. Eventually, due to what seemed to be a crisis, MasterhippoMr was closed (for reasons that Joe would like to remain unknown) but feeling a need to get revenge, and not lose to the people who tricked him into closing his account, he opened the account JoeTheBlueDragon. The account was dedicated to YTP in many ways, and eventually on October 22, 2010, uploaded his own.

Now JoeTheBlueDragon is moving rather quickly to getting attention in YTP (or at the least, quicker than he expected). He currently is an administrator of the site The Little Dragons created by DoomZappo to help their area of the community communicate better. He actively posts on his blog (which he found out on June 8, 2011 that people actually read). He was once a well known face at the YouChew forums, but he left because he couldn't stand the community. And he helps BenderPictures wtih his script occasionally for the BP show.

First poop seen

He didn't remember the names of the Mario ones, and the spongebob YTP "Squilliam is an A**hole" was removed by Viacom

First poop made

Youtube Poop: Little Dragons


Loves to mix it up, can't stand to be restricted to one style.

Preferred Sources

  • Music Videos, (Eminem YTPs being his favorite to make)
  • Almost anything except spongebob

Preferred Methods

  • Sentence Mixing
  • Repeats
  • Frame by frame animations
  • Color effects

Preferred Software

  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Video Pad (not often used, but he might break it out again just for kicks)
  • GIMP
  • MS Paint (only when he can't get something done with GIMP)
  • Zamzar (to download sources)
  • Audacity


  • Chatting with other YTPers
  • Food
  • Eminem
  • Writing
  • BEER
  • Updating his website


  • People who think they are awesome
  • YTP stealers and trolls
  • Idiots who harrass people who they call 'bad poopers'
  • YTPs with memes
  • Almost all spongebob YTPs
  • Idiots who think they can troll
  • himself
  • YTPs where the creators just make the characters curse and use absolutely no other jokes


  • His videos are generally well received, even his trap videos don't get TOO much hate
  • Some YC members express almost completely openly that they don't like him
  • In his faction of YTP he's well liked
  • Some people say he's nice (he does not get this... AT ALL)


  • He is overrated (as declared by himself)
  • He sets his standards too high for himself
  • His word splicing needs improvement
  • He has awkward silences in his YTPs
  • He acts too strange sometimes (especially when he signs in to his alt accounts)
  • He calls himself overrated when he isn't and when he does deserve subscribers.
  • He can't find out people who are really overrated like " Hurricoaster " or " Deepercutt "
  • He loses his temper at times


  • He has founded the "YTP Academy", one month later he closed it
  • He held the AIDS Tourney in the Summer of 2011 and got 17 total entries
  • He holds "YTP of the week" on his channel
  • He has reached 500 subscribers (which he seems to consider as overrated)
  • He runs an active website and forums with currently +30 people



In Real Life


  • AHugFromLadyGaGa (an account created by 2 of his friends)
  • mickelo74 (his brother's friend's account, so more of an enemy really)



  • YEROCKY (for passing down his WMM skills)
  • CaptainStringCheese (helping him with his Effects)
  • BenderPictures (for the constructive criticism on his work)
  • Any of his 'real' subscribers that comment on his videos


  • He believes he has (and deserves) no fans

Other Information

  • He runs Cross Country
  • JoeTheBlueDragon is actually a dragon, but JoeTheBlueDragon isn't real. Joe is a concept made up by the brain of a high school kid whose name isn't actually Joe, it's Dan, Joe is a dragon, Dan is not. It's complicated.


  • He, his icon, and his ability to consistently call himself overrated are frequently the basis of jokes in other poopers' videos. Especially those by TrueTubePoops
  • He claims that Stu quoted him once on YTP News
  • TrueTubePoops has made a joke about JoeTheBlueDragon in every finished poop after "The Super Readers Venture Back in Time to Ensure Flatulence Passing in the Future"
  • According to a number of other poopers and Jack Black, JOETHEBLUEDRAGON IS A FISH MONGER


Other Links