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Vegeta is a character from the Dragon Ball Z anime and is the Prince of the Saiyans. Since his daddy's dead, he's technically King, unless, of course, Saiyan monarchy doesn't work that way.
Vegeta first came to earth with his Bum buddy Nappa, after his other bum Raditz was killed by Kakarot and his friends. After a year in space they got to Earth and started to look for him. After a while they found them and started to beat them up. After some more time they got bored and waited for Kakarot to come. Kakarot came and defeat both of them and Vegeta fled the planet.
He would return to Kakarot and his friends to help them fight Frieza, but he was killed. After his resurrection, Vegeta then lived on earth and help the protagonists when evil was around. Vegeta's future son Trunks came to the present time to tell them about some androids which would be made in three years time. Three years came and passed and the androids came. The first androids got kicked by Vegeta and Piccolo, but the second two would prove to be more formidable. Eventually, an organic android named Cell, who then became perfect. Cell then was killed by Kakarot's Son Gohan thanks to Vegeta distracting him with a blast. Long story short, ever since his first loss, Vegeta has always wanted to become stronger than Kakarot but always drew the short straw. He got beat up and killed most of the time, and then became friends with Kakarot at the end of the series.
- Killing people
- His family
- Cervantes De Leon
- His son Trunks
- Bulma
- Kakarot
- Seymour Guado
- Broly
- Bill O'Reilly
- Also known as Vegetable
- Has two different versions of his Big Bang Attack (See Rape Case above).
- Can be dumb sometimes.
- Believed to be the greatest Saiyan alive.
- Also believed to be the greatest cookie baker alive!
- You came to play?
- Let's play.
- You Understannnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd?!
- This is ridiculous...I'm a WARRIOR! Not a variety of flower!
- Excuse me Mr. Hotpants.
- Now I see why you have no desire to fuck me on the hunt!
- Ahahahahaha! Guess what, Kakarot? I'm having you for lunch
- Bulma, Trunks, I do this for you...and yes, even for you, Kakarot!
- No!
- Now, if only there was a junk yard nearby so we could give him a proper burial, heh heh.
- Pity there’s never a camera around when you need one…
- I will never fuse with you Kakarot!
- What....!
- Surprise, surprise! This is our favourite part, you should see the looks on your faces.
- Hey, fish head.
- I wasn’t sure how long I could sustain the effort without breaking in two. It was as though the only thing holding my body together was my one burning desire to be better then Kakarott. Sometimes I thought I was losing my mind. Why wasn’t I able to obtain what Kakarott had obtained?! It didn’t make any sense. It was infuriating… and it was my fury that kept me alive.
- Well, what are you waiting for baldy? Tear a strip outta me, cause if you don’t we’re doomed.
- Fat chance you loser, lets get this show on the road, got it? Now according to my plan once that happy healer down there sees I’m nearly toast, he has no choice but to fix me up.
- I’m just getting warmed up fish face, better stick around!
- So, that little worm is collecting the Dragon Balls also? And he thinks he stands a chance against the likes of me and Freeza? Oh well, it can’t hurt to try…or can it? Hahaha!!
- Big Bang Attack!!!!
- Being a good fiend is like being a photographer…you have to search for the right moment!
- Aww what’s the matter? You’re the one who started this game. Now you’re losing and you don’t want to play any more.
- Never send a boy to do a man's job.
- Now tell me, does a machine like you ever experience fear?
- Kakarot! I’m going to kill you, your son and that bald guy!
- My heart is calm and pure…pure EVIL!
- I am Super Vegeta now!
- I'll get you for this, you won't WRATH!!!!!
- I'll find you.
- You're all mine.
- Final FLASH!!!!!!!
- Do it now!
- Kakarot!!!!
- Finish it now,Kakarot!!!!!!
- See ya.
- Let there be light!
- Babidi may have invaded my mind and body,but there is one thing a saiyan always keeps, his PRIDE!!!!!!!!!
- But Nappa!
- I do lots of push ups and sit ups...and drink plenty of juice!
- They... merged like it was nothing!
- Hrrgh... THIS ONE'S MINE! DA!
- I don't believe it!
- Maybe you won't be such a the next dimension!
- I lied when I said I'll let you go, at least partially lied. For I will let you go...into another dimension!
- Unbelievable! Absolute madness!
- Sad for YOUUUUU!!
- For your information, a pure Saiyan's hair does not change from the day that he is born.
- You were enjoying yourself before when you were sucking the life out of Kakarot!
- My gosh! That's one whopper of a lizard!
- I tried to tell him but would he listen? Now he's nothing but a shish kabob!
- It's amazing how every time you open your mouth you prove you're an idiot!
- So we failed after all! Frieza's still alive and he's COMING!
List of People Defeated by Vegeta
- Nappa
- Loads of Frieza's Henchmen
- Dodoria
- Zarbon
- Guldo
- Jeice
- Android 19
- Cell (Imperfect form)
- Pui-Pui
- Chuck Norris (Norris couldn't even touch him.)
- Admiral Ackbar (It was a trap.)
- Hektad (He was melted, thus exposing his beating heart)
- The entire cast of Naruto. Believe it!
List of People who have defeated Vegeta
- Kakarot
- Zarbon
- Recoome
- Frieza
- Broly
- Android 18
- Cell
- Majin Buu
- Kid Buu
- Morshu
- Dr. Rabbit
- Fox McCloud
- Ganondorf
- May
- Radock
- That Man