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Traps located in the Coney Island Disco Palace

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

The Coney Island Disco Palace is full of lethal traps, and only a few people know where all of them are. Some traps can only seen in poops, but most of them can be seen in the original Super Mario World-episodes.


The Dino-Pit

The Dino-Pit is one of King Koopa's most evil construction. It's a big, round hole in the floor with a dinosaur in it. People are tied up with a rope above the pit, and if the rope breaks, the victim will fall into the dino-pit and get eaten. Oogtar was the trap's first victim, but unfortunality, Santa Mario came and saved him just before the rope broke.

The Deadly Hallway

The deadly hallway is a corridor in the Disco Palace with pillars in the ceiling that will crush people beneath them. Mama Luigi once got squeezed by a pillar, but did not die. Instead, he turned into [[Pancake Luigi)), and Mario restorded him to his normal form by combining him with a magic balloon.

The Pipe

A pathetic trap that won't kill anything. King Koopa and Blue Koopa are the only ones that fell for the trap.