Notice: We are aware that many of the Chewiki’s images are still broken. We promise: we will try our best to fix it, but we don't guarantee that the fix will be trivial.


From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 10:23, 22 November 2011 by TheFXexpert (talk | contribs)

General Rules and Introduction

This wiki is moderated; you can be as creative as you want, but remember that we have guidelines. Pages filled with made-up stuff are fine but that nonsense should not extend to the actual structure or framework of this wiki and should be balanced by a few facts.

Error creating thumbnail: File missing
If your words come out looking like this, you probably shouldn't bother editing here.

This wiki is entirely moderated and pages/other things that are not up to snuff will be deleted. Don't upload porn, either. This wiki is in English, so please write using proper, semi-formal English. If English is not your first language or you just aren't very good at it for whatever reason, your pages might be incomprehensible. You can write in foreign languages on your userpage, if you'd wish. We are not one of those "squeaky-clean" websites, so swearing is allowed here. Make fucking sure you don't fucking go to hell overboard with it, though, bitch.

It is the intention of the administrators that this wiki's usefulness should be equal to its comedic/artistic value, so please respect your fellow editors and make sure things don't get too zany. Go to Uncyclopedia for that.

Please do not slander the subject of articles needlessly. We prefer irreverent, fun humour over raging Internet trolls. An example would be Chris-Chan. That article deals with a somewhat controversial subject, so please make sure you tone down some of the humour when editing it.

Do not disrespect your fellow editors, as they are only human, and it is human nature to make mistakes. Don't spam their talk pages with put-downs and phrases such as "go to hell", and don't act hard on them in edit summaries (i.e. "Whoever wrote this page is retarded"). If you do this repeatedly, you will be blocked (more below). Even if a user does nothing but make mistakes, leave that matter to a sysop.

If somebody places a {{delete}} tag on a page, that is a sign to improve it. If you work on the page and make it good, then the editor who marked it will have a change of heart and probably remove the tag. Remember: it is not a sign that the page will be deleted in five minutes. Rational sysops will tend to wait and discuss why a low-quality page has been marked before jumping ahead and deleting something just because they dislike it.

If you're too lazy to read through all of this, just check Chewiki:Policy for a brief summary.

For more information, read Help:Etiquette.


Vandalism and spam (such as replacing/deleting text in pages or adding links to random sites) will not be accepted. If one vandalizes, they will receive a temporary block. If a user vandalizes repeatedly or is clearly a spambot, they will be blocked permanently from Chewiki. One can also be blocked if they refuse to follow rules or if they generally aren't helping make the wiki better (i.e. making a ton of useless articles).

Regular Users Can

  • Create a page and write stuff in it
  • Completely make up some content of a page (However, do not create articles about characters/sources that you have created.)
  • Upload and post images
  • Edit an existing page - please add to a page and only completely overhaul an old one if it was low-quality.
  • Move (rename) pages
  • Create templates

Regular Users Cannot

  • Delete or restore a page
  • Edit a protected page
  • Block users
  • Change user rights
  • Upload new versions of files directly
  • "Rollback" - this function, available only to sysops, automatically undoes a recent editor's changes to a page. For example, if User:John McEnroe made a bunch of unproductive changes to Dr. Robotnik's page, a sysop can revert all of his edits at once. (Note: Please be careful when using this function. It should only be done to revert obviously bad changes. If only one edit by the user is bad, use "undo" instead. In addition, an explanation cannot be added since pressing "rollback" reverts instantly.)


These are the moderators/administrators of the Chewiki. Being disrespectful to them can have great consequences, and remember that they can use the above features.

Other Guidelines

Notable Poops

It is often unnecessary to create articles about specific poops, and it is far better just to supply a YouTube link to the poop itself on a different page. If it is an extremely notable poop that deserves its own page (for milestones such as more than a million views or referenced as being highly influential by many), please start the entry with this code:



Making redirects are fine, such as poopers with alternate names (for instance, "SkyGuy16" and "Triple sSs" can redirect to "SkyGuy16 (Triple sSs)" because those are his online names), characters with nicknames (but this should be done rarely), or alternate spellings (Tom and Jerry/Tom & Jerry). Do NOT create a redirect if you made a typo when spelling a link. This just clogs the indexes with misspellings and is pretty lazy, so just fix it yourself.


When making articles for sources, make sure they are not biased, and include as much relevant information as possible. If the "Used in poop by" is blank, what the hell is that page doing here? Kill it! Kill it! A good source page should have every or nearly all sections filled.

Go to this page for an idea of how to make a source page.


Pooper pages can be personal, but not too personal. Write in Third person, these are articles, not Myspace or Facebook. Make sure most information is relevant to poop. Real-life stuff can go in the notes. Humour is appreciated, but remember to use proper English. When making an article for another pooper, make sure you know enough about them to make a full page.

Go here for the layout of what a pooper page should be like.


Please read this page for guidelines with character pages.


Templates are easy to use, but not as easy to make. Remember, only make templates if they will benefit us. If they are useless, there's no point in putting a lot of effort into them. It's best to discuss a potentially-controversial template before creating it.

Here is a list of all templates that are currently active, and an explanation of what they do. Check there to see if your idea has been taken.


Images should preferably be JPG files. PNGs and GIFs are fine, but they only work with "frame" formatting, so make sure they aren't too big. BMP and TIF files will not show up here, so don't upload them.

Now, for the big deal: when uploading a picture, things that are NSFW or might offend some viewers are unacceptable. Image content should be PG-13 maximum. Images of barely-clad people should be used only when appropriate and only when it is not meant to be erotic (compare: if relevant, an image of a woman walking around a city naked ((albeit censored)) or in lingerie while middle-aged men stare would be funny, but an image of a naked woman posing saucily is erotic, even if relevant). Images containing bare female breasts or genitalia (male or female) or graphic sexual acts will be deleted on target. And even though this website is called "YouChewPoop"... no scat either. It should not be human right to eat de poo-poo.

Pages in General

Remember: when one is making a page, put some backbone into it. Even if you make a ton of pages, we prefer quality over quantity, so if most of them are barebones they will be deleted. You are creating a page for entertainment or educational value, not to fill the void of it not existing. Also, if you don't have many ideas for a page, just write a rough draft in a word processor such as Notepad or Word, save it, and come back to it when you get more inspiration.

Articles and other such things irrelevant to the Chewiki will be deleted. Each sold separately.