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The Three-Way Tournament

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 23:36, 2 November 2014 by MountainDewMaNN (talk | contribs)
TourneyIcon.png This article is about a site sanctioned Poop Tennis tournament.
Caution: Editors at work.  This article is a work in progress and so may not be ready for public viewing, and content can change at any time. You can help by contributing to it and discussing on its talk page.

The Three-Way Tournament is a YouTube Poop Tennis Tournament hosted by MycroProcessor that began in May 2010 and ceased in activity in February 2011, and is the only tournament still remaining in limbo due to the stagnation of its final match, which is currently still at Round 5. Despite this, it is often hailed retrospectively as one of the most prolific tournaments in all of tennis history, due to the amount and the vast diversity of players that participated in it throughout its most active, giving noticable jumps in popularity and cult speculation to various players that entered in as unknowns. It is also, thanks to the efforts of BSP666c, one of the most well-preserved tournaments on the forums.


MycroProcessor had long been fond of three-way matches, and the idea of a tournament being based around them as opposed to two way very much appealed to him for a long time, which would also help him to contribute to the section with a tournament in some way.

Talks about its development are estimated to have occurred around early 2010, when the Grey Tournament was entering into its final stages. Gamebop came up with initial suggestion on the setup of the brackets, with RAKninja chipping in the idea of a second bracket for losers that would be implemented into the setup. This was suggested as a way to prevent people from leaving the tournament so early onward, as what would sometimes be the case for some players that wanted to keep playing/players that people hoped would have stayed longer. The voting system would also be developed as an alternative to what Mycro saw as the "black and white polarized nature that other tennis votes had", which he also saw as a necessity for a tournament that featured the additional side.

The tournament in its style was a one of a kind uniqueness for its time, taking the concept of a standard Cup and modifying it to accomadate a third player for each match, making it the first tournament going beyond matches in which the competition went between two even sides. This would also be the first tournament in which there was no limit on how many sources a player could add into their rounds, where in previous tournaments it was often limited to 3. Subsequently after this tournament this would become a standard.

Along with an odd number of required participants as opposed to an even, this would also be the first tournament that worked under a double elimination system, with an additional bracket of matches added in order to filter out players throughout the tournaments course (Everyone could lose once as a freebie, those who did played in this bracket to keep themselves from losing twice). Only one player would be able to go through this tournament without losing one match.

Voting for this tournament was also an entirely original system, rather than choosing a winner one would divide a 100% vote between three players, giving the highest percentage to the player they believed should advance. Half of the vote was accounted for by a panel of 8 judges made up of 5 Cafe Staff Members, including MycroProcessor himself, Gamebop, Moogle, RAKninja, and DaftPunkYoshi, and 3 regular members including Chrisgendo, AmiralMachin and JakeSteel0121(Chrisgendo would however towards the end of the tournament become a Staff Member himself, alongside TheChutley). The total calculated score for each player was a complex system that involved taking the total number of votes from both public voters and judge voters seperately and multiplying it by 100, which would then be the denominator under the total of each percentage score added when multipled by 100 (a score of .50 became 50, when voted by one person would account for a 50/100 score. if 2 people voted .25, this would become 50/200, and so forth). The two total scores given by the public and the judges under this formula would then be divided (50/200 would become 0.4) and added together, and the resulting number, which rarely ever exceeded the count of 1, would be the score given to the player, and the player with the highest score between the 3 would win the match.


Amongst the season players who originally joined were MycroProcessor, Gamebop, vvaluigi, TheChutley, metroid998, trepmaws, RAKninja, Luioigi, ThaNuke, AmiralMachin and Fiddlesticks411, all having played in the last few tournaments including the Season for most. Magmalord would also join, his first tournament having just been the one previous. DaftPunkYoshi signed up again having previously played and won the Windows Movie Master in mid 2009, and Chrisgendo, wwefan3333 and JakeSteel, having first played in the season, would sign up in what would be in their first traditional tournament. Jacktron7000, Futures Passed/RobotComics and XBR4D3NX had all previously played in the first Doubles Cup but had remained mostly independant in the tennis world in the years following, and would make their reemergance here onto the competitive front.

Funacceptable was the first player to sign up for the tournament, and at this time had only played 3 other matches with AmiralMachin, hom96sar and AGSMA throughout early 2010. KlaustheWizard, who signed up second, was somewhat more seasoned but had never played in a tournament setting up until this point. This tournament would also serve to be the competitive debut of both BSP666c and CorruptionSound, both having already made names for themselves as highly technical and sought after tennisers during this time. Metzgorre came into the tournament as an almost complete unknown, the only other matches he had played at this time were between magmalord and CorruptionSound, which had both been very recent occurrances. IceSumo once hinted toward the possibility via youtube comment that he and CorruptionSound may be brothers, but this notion remains uncomfirmed. bunsbuns11, NESfanboi and evilskittlemonster were similarly unknown (though the latter as a YTPer was garnering a signifigant cult following around the time he joined, and NES at this time had just been banned, making him the first non-member to participate in a site competition) and this tournament would mark the only major tennis appearance by either of them.


Set 1

Bunsbuns11 vs. CorruptionSound vs. KlausTheWizard/Piodx was an interesting example of a match with a hard hitting player pitted in between two more inclined to the basics. Bunsbuns' style relied heavily on humor-oriented directions and difficulty was found in trying to adapt to the High technical/humor hybrid of CorruptionSounds output and the less techincal yet with considerable effort put into response output of KlaustheWizard. Often very little of the previous round was used in Bunsbuns' volleys, though on occasion it was questioned how much of the previous round CorruptionSound used, due to his rounds being of a very high caliber in effects, often clouding where signifigant peices of the previous round went either audially or visually. Piodx's replacement round was possibly the only round to rival that, despite being quite short and comparatively low-key to his previous work. The final score for the players was Bunsbuns11: 0.16, CorruptionSound: 1.23, and KlausTheWizard: 0.60, but adjusted to 0.30 when adding penalties, which in turn sent CorruptionSound to the winners bracket and the other two players to bracket 2.

JackTron7000 vs. TheChutley vs. Luioigi was a such match in which the abilities of all 3 players seemed to be pretty well matched, and conceptually the sources used in the rounds were very reflective of what was happening in YTP at the time, with an abundance of manwith10toes videos and music videos being presented throughout as a running concept. TheChutley's Round 2 sneaks in a touhou reference ("YUKA YUKA") which would later manifest itself as the inspiration for much of what would happen in a later tournament match. Luioigi's slow and hypnotic effect-heavy style would be taken notice of for the first time by many new players in this match including TheChutley himself, as his style worked out to be unusually effective. Luioigi turned out to be the surprise winner of the match, beating TheChutley by only .0061 of a point(final score for each was JackTron7000: 0.30 (0.60 without penalties), TheChutley: 0.7481 Luioigi: 0.7542)

Metroid998 vs. Metzgorre vs. Fiddlesticks411 begun as what many would believe to be a pretty normal match, until Metzgorre delivered his first volley. He posessed an incredibly high energy fast style that seemed to tear metroid998's serve apart, starting with a bass heavy noise that to some was terrifying and proceeding to edit and employ visuals of an only-rarely seen calibur at a breckneck speed, adding in an absurd amount of images that were dotted throughout. Metzgorre continued to play like this throughout the match, including an impressive data-bending trick intersparsed with an image of Powdered Toast Man in Round 5, and a very strobe heavy round 8 that also very humorously announced the end of the match on his side. What's assumed to be a couple of drawings by him also appear. Fiddlesticks411 having naturally chosen WMM as her editor of choice found very natural difficulty in responding effectively to Metz's amped up style, though she did work to make the best of it, With Round 3's TWENTYS PLENTY becoming a favorite to some. Metroid was able in turn to easily respond to Fiddle's rounds. The final score ended up being Metroid998: 0.52, Metzgorre: 1.09 and Fiddlesticks 0.05, or 0.30 with gained penalties, which made Metzgorre the landslide winner.

Futures Passed vs. evilskittlemonster vs. BSP666c was a match that started the precise minute the 3-Way Tournament began. The first two rounds presented a very basic humor-oriented approach that was to be heavily contrasted by the third round, in which BSP turned out a no-holds-barred product in his trademark high-technical style. The course of the match went naturally, with Futures Passed and evilskittle trying to effectively follow up to the sudden abundance of effects and BSP turning out more of the same. The final score was Futures Passed: 0.55 (0.65 without his one penalty), evilskittlemonster: 0.52, and BSP666c: 0.96, which gave BSP his first match won.

MycroProcessor vs. ChrisGendo vs. JakeSteel was very much a highly anticipated match due to the participants in line, although was the last match to officially start, with Mycro uploading his serve at literally the last minute. ChrisGendo's Round 2 responded nicely and also paid homage to the doubles match of TheChutley/trepmaws vs. MycroProcessor/Gamebop with its end. JakeSteel's Round 3 was a contrasting one; unlike Mycro and Gendo who were using Vegas 5, he was equipped with Adobe Premiere 2.0, in many aspects a highly different editor in its capabilities, and its attempts to match those were difficult, but the rounds still were pretty solid. Especially under the circumstances. Mycro's Round 4 would later serve to be the subject of Puzzle Peices 6, the 6th part of a set of videos displaying all the prerendered parts of his rounds leading up to its final product. This would also be the only round of the match to be uploaded on MycroProcessor, his main account, due to it being highly musical in line with the more well-known videos on it. The round does a humorous callout to the title of JakeSteel's Round 3, JOLTEON IS A DOG(named intentionally to tease Mycro), by countering with MOTOI SAKURABA IS AN ORANGUTAN in Round 4 and providing a long explanation scrolling quite fast at the bottom of the video referring to JakeSteel under the fictonalized name of MotoiSakuraba65(a running joke throughout this match) that went as follows:

"MotoiSakuraba65, you must now understand something SUPER IMPORTANT. This issue has been facing our world for over a decade now. You have classified an Eeveelution as a dog/cat when it is not either of the two. Even worse, you have classified the BEST Eeveelution as one (Jolteon). The issue here is that Eevee evolutions are in no way either of the two despite many peoples attempts to justify categorization of them as just one simply for reason of familiarity. Eevee and its evolutions are all actually foxes primarily. To be more specific the traits of fennec foxes. This should be most obvious with the proportions of the ears of an Eevee or an Eevee evolution to the rest of their head. Similarly, the eye shape generally will most closely resemble a fennec fox. Actually to be proper, "canine" would be the most "correct" due to ambiguity, but NOT dogs. Within the canidae family which does include foxes, any traits from dogs that are observed are in actuality traits of foxes just shared between the two, with the actual origin being from foxes (specifically because of Eevee itself). Now of course, because Eeveelutions aren;t even any one "real" animal to begin with and are their own species, this issue of "classification" may seem silly. However, there often are places where it is required that Pokemon be put into categories of the animals that they most closely resemble. Now, how would you feel, MotoiSakuraba65, if someone called you an orangutan just because you shared traits with other species within the Hominidae family? This is why this is a SERIOUS ISSUE that we must address. Have a good day!"

ChrisGendo's Round 5 continued the trend by putting a fake banning documentation in its description: "- Mistook Jolteon's for being dogs - An orangatun - Alt account creation - MotoiSakurabaAlt"

The title of round 6 input "I'M BACK LOOOOOOOOOOOOL" in order to follow this up.

Round 7 was done as an intentionally silly response as evident with the "My Top 3 favorite moments in Round 6" throughout the round, sharing with Round 8 the title of "MotoiSakuraba66 has back problems", with Round 8 having a more atmospheric feel than 7. Round 9 closes the match rather begrudgingly with the title of "MotoiSakuraba66 takes tylenol but IT DOESNT HELP". The matches final score for this would be MycroProcessor: 0.77, ChrisGendo: 0.66, and JakeSteel: 0.57, making MycroProcessor the winner of the match.

wwefan3333 vs. trepmaws vs. NESfanboi was likely the oddest match of the tournament, in addition to very closely mirroring the bunsbuns vs. CorruptionSound vs. Klaus match in terms of the placement/style similarity of each player. wwefan's Serve remains to this day the only video of the tournament without a single like, and not a single round of the match goes longer than 30 seconds. This would be trepmaws' second match with wwefan, having also played him in the Grey Tournament in its first Set, and deliver the very obvious strongest rounds of the match, working well with wwefans source-overlaying methods to his own use. NESfanboi notoriously responded to each round of trep's lightning fast with incredible minimalization, doing little more to each round than overt use of composite layers and deforming effects, at some times making the previous video feel too unedited. trepmaws would ensure victory with the final vote talley of wwefan3333: 0.40, trepmaws: 1.12, and NESfanboi: 0.48.

RAKninja vs. Gamebop vs. magmalord is frequently regarded as one of the best matches in the 3-way Tournaments first Set, as it would be the first and currently only time the first two players would be pitted against each other, with RAK at this time also still being an active Staff Member. His serve, simply entitled HIS BRAIN IS GONE, was the most minimally edited and yet easily became the most popular in terms of view-count of the tournament at that point. It consisted entirely of a single scene of 1960's Star Trek, frequently repeating orchaestral cues, Kirk remarking "What Happened?" "What do you mean" "C'mon Bones what's the mystery?" and Bones remarking "No, not like this" "His brain is Gone" "He's WORSE than dead", all to a humorous fashion, easily scoring a hit with older generations of YTPers and tennisers alike. Gamebop's Round 2 responded in considerably the best way a player could respond. It's additions in source were many, but it was not changed in its pace, rather preferring to work curiously with the first round in cooperation with the added footage while editing in Gamebop's highly original style. A skelaton playing a piano with "C'MON BONES" from the previous round overlayed on it was such an example of this, in addition to DK64 gameplay footage added to create "His brain is IN THE REEEDDD CORNERRR". RAKninja's "Worse Worse Worse" would be also turned into a multi-layered segment and the sound effects would also be used in intereting ways, with the ending adding a source that gave the Star Trek scene an interesting twist with its added source, which Gamebop described just as "a commercial for a British News Special". Mycro considered this to be one of his new favorite Rounds.

Magmalord's Round 3 was edited in a similar minimal style and did actually work well in building off of ideas, furthering the "worse" layered segment and the side scrolling video frames, but otherwise didn't introduce anything new, as no sources were added.

RAKninja here would be given a small advantage, as his Round 4, while also edited very minimally succeeded in introducing a lot of new things. This round has been considered as one of RAK's all time best, with particular notion given to its distortion and reverbed audio sections which gave the round an intense and atmospheric feel.

{{#ev:youtube|OvmAfEqEHXM|320}}RAKninja vs. Gamebop vs. magmalord, Round 4

Gamebop's Round 5 was more experimental, switching to the unique idea of chroma keying the entire finished round under an added source, which here was Kukucska. The distorted reverb of the audio was continued here to great effect, giving the round a similar feel to that of RAKs. It was here that magmalord's editing style faced a compromisation, as his Round wasn't able to follow up to the presented ideas as easily and relied mostly now on added sources and a pace driven style.

RAKninja's Round 7 fell back on his more traditonal style, with the entire video overlayed with the Transformers G1 cartoon with the previous Round making chroma-keyed appearances in the background, either through a TV screen or through a characters eyes, sometimes even through dialogue (The Autobot's "ERRRRRRRERRRERRRR" while attempting to communicate with a bird). Rounds 8 and 9 opted for a more conventional approach in order to end the match properly, though it was clear the Gamebop edited the most competently. The final score would be RAKNinja: 0.60, or 0.70 without a penalty(he would remark that this was his first ever), Gamebop: 0.92, and Magmalord: 0.38, which at this point meant that Gamebop remained undefeated with 6 won matches in a row, ahead of DaftPunkYoshi by one, who would also win his match of this Set.

ThaNuke vs. Funnacceptable vs. XBR4D3NX, a match in which all except the middle player were veterans of an older tournament, would prove to in fact actually be the springboard for an unprecented run for an entirely different player. TheNuke's serve would turn out to be the last tennis video he would ever make, since he would soon drop out and also become banned for malicious behavior in cahoots with a few others, but it was noted for its 2008 feel in its use of seemingly juvenile source material edited with WMM. Funnaceptable's Round 2 worked with the previous round with his trademark erosion-like slow style adding in composite slowed down sources and imploying background music for much of the rounds duration, which drew comparison to that of seargentbacon's style and was praised for its complete uniqueness. XBR4D3NX's response was equally unique, featuring an updated version of his old style now with more emphasis on effects and atmosphere that clashed drastically in pace with Funnacceptable's, with the highlight of the round to some being the section that employed footage of an old-time jazz performace. XBR4D3NX was at this point already at a disadvantage though as he had already garnered a late penalty.

It was here that Moogle would make his official entrance as the replacement for ThaNuke, responding with a Round 4 through a relatively unknown alt account of his that had its primary focus on the jazz section of the previous video, adding a lot of touhou footage and editing the round with effects that for Moogle seemed relatively uncanon at the time, but it would quickly become his signature style throughout the tournament. Funacceptable's Round 5 worked in his same style as before but at this point seemed much more minimal than before, seeming to detract more than it added. XBR4D3NX however continued to present interestingly with Round 6, with such tricks such as masking "WHATS UP YO" and "HELLO AGAIN!!!!" out of the previous round and working in more layer tricks/color alterations and unconventional addition of music. Moogle's Round 7 was comparatively minimal yet humorous, adding in a silly video of a concert being performed in a foreign language for much of the video. Round 8 started with the startling addition of several heads all belonging to Ms. Krabappel on top of the sprite added by Moogle previously and proceeding to once again overly a lot of composited footage to give the round a very surreal atmosphere, but Funnaccceptable had the misfortune of delivering this late. Round 9 delivered a fitting and eccentric ending to the match with the masked "IM RUNNIN OUTTA IDEAS" on top of an interesting visual display coupled with a large amount of added simpsons footage and the text "I cannot think no' mo', the end" appearing in rhythm with a piano song in the background, supposedly all made whilist XBR3D4NX was under a sickness. Many people were very split as to who to vote for in this match and some considered the match to be their favorite as of that point. The final results however were entirely unexpected; Funnaceptable was the clear winner by raw score with 0.77, followed behind by Moogle with 0.66 and XBR4D3NX with 0.58, because of penalties recieved by both the first and third, their score had declined to 0.57 for Funn and 0.38 for BR4D3N, making Moogle the winner of the match solely due to escaping penalty free.

AmiralMachin vs. vvaluigi vs. DaftPunkYoshi consisted of all veteran players that supposedly played on the lower spectrum of the technical scale, at least on a Sony Vegas aspect, but for a WMM aspect DaftPunk was in fact a high technical player. The Serve was made up mostly french sources which provided vvaluigi with much to build upon and he was able to respond very quickly, in a style much similar to Amiral's. DaftPunkYoshi's Round 3 would simultaneously kick the match up a notch and edit in style that complimented that of the previous two rounds quite well, making himself already to be the dominant player of the match, a rarity in the case of a WMM user versus two users of Vegas. Round 4 would largely introduce a hallmark source made famous by the first generation of the Tennis Staff, The ninja Z-Movies of Godfrey Ho, particularly an iconic collection of scenes between the two main characters in an office ("WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR STUFF", "IT WAS TORCHED", "BURNED?? WHO DIDDIT?", "PROBABLY THAT RENEGADE COP AND THE NINJAS", "FUCK"). In addition to its added source much of the round seemed to be a direct parody of RAKninja's editing style, chroma keying much of the previous round under what was added and editing comparatively minimally. vvaluigi responded to this by using WMM on his own end with Round 5 to continue the pace, which was furthered by DPY's Round 6, which again utilized much technical proficiency. Amiral and vvaluigi would both respond with more conventional rounds with rounds 7 and 8, both using Vegas again, and DPY would close off the match in a stylistic note by overdubbing a speech by Chuck Roberts talking about the birth of House music over much of the video, still keeping effective in its editing. The final scores for the match would be AmiralMachin: 0.45, vvaluigi: 0.64, and DaftPunkYoshi: 0.91, which would continue the winning streak DPY had accumulated previous from the Windows Movie Master, of which he was the winner.

Set 2

Anticipation became immediately high upon the announcement of Gamebop vs. BSP666c vs. MycroProcessor for the Tournament's second lineups, as this was a combination that tennis players would only have dreamed of witnessing due to the very obvious prediction of a visual spectacle from all three sides. Gamebop delivered upon this with a monumental serve, titled "Seconds Anyone?" due to its inclusion of 33 Round 2s from 33 different matches spanning the entire scope of YTP Tennis as of that time, stretching all the way back to the first Tennis match ever played, conradslater vs. Miss10, all the way up to as recent as the JackTron7000 vs. TheChutley vs. Luioigi match of the tournament's first set. MycroProcessor appears the most frequently in this match with 4 different Rounds, with Gamebop himself having 3, while also being apart of the most matches the rounds were taken from.

BSP's Round 2 had an intense amount of energy and technicality that greatly shifted the pace in the match, but suffered from being too technical, as only faint traces of the previous round could be seen in its finished form, although it attempted to follow up the concept by introducing a Round from Mycro and Gamebop's second match and a Round from Mycro's match with McMANGOS. All three of the player's current avatars are also used, which can barely be seen about 5 seconds into the video. It was also here that he would introduce the first part of an ongoing story that would continue throughout the match in the video description:

"On the 30th September 2311 Splentoen advanced to a new Joltoen timing from the "3"rd wave to the "-7"th wave"

Round 3 was primarily made up a large musical segment constructed around the use of the last PING sound to be heard in BSP's Round 2, displaying a very unique visual display of layers. With little substantial material to get out of the previous round, save for one layer segment that Mycro would very smartly continue, much of the previous round was mostly sped up and spun on composite layers that made up the background of the YTPMV segment, while additonal peices became additional instruments, the ending being the mostly unedited leftover peice. According to Mycro this was at the time one of his most rushed rounds he had ever created, with a lot of planned ideas ending up unfinished. The continuation of the story went:

"One day there was a Jolteon sleeping inside of a Riven dome, but then someone noticed that for some reason he thought he was a human, even though he didn't actually think that, so they shunned him and didn't allow him to link back to Myst by throwing the linking book down the fissure. Then some random person found it and met Sirrus and Achhhhhhhhhhhh. Never mind this story is stupid and a failed metaphor."

Round 4 continued further the layer segment in much the same way and responded with a longer and even more elaborate YTPMV segment, all while keeping the previous round clearly visable and coming up with very clever editing ideas. The speeding up of the layered segment was also continued similarly in addition to rhymatically, ending on an FM remix of the Chrome Gadget Zone theme from Sonic 3 and picture of Jolteon from a book that MycroProcessor at the time had just gotten, which he found to be an incredibly funny coincidence. The story continued with:

"Without access to a linking book, the Jolteon decided to return to Myst by truck instead"

Round 5 once again was an incredible tour-de-force in effects and pace but it was criticized for seemingly clouding up the entirety of Round 4 under a sea of colors(it can be seen briefly in the beginning and end, with 2 seconds in the middle), which technically made it BSP's weakest Round on his side. He had also at this time encountered a serious computer problem which prevented him from being able to respond within the normal time allotment, and after a number of extensions was able to finally release it, although different than what he had intended. It is because of this that there are two YTPMV segments that were made but only one was used, with the unused one being much more elaborate visually and musically. The melody of this one would later be recycled and used in Round 5 of BSP vs. KonXIII, with a slightly altered bridge from the original. The YTPMV segment used in round was much more basic yet busy visually, being more similar in composition to Gamebop's song from the previous round. The story continued with:

"The vehicle travelled across Myst #135 to find the requested book instead, but ended up at Riven #531"

Round 6 was much slower round that once again edited much of the previous round in mostly comparitively minimal ways(though maintained a layout that gave it a distinguished look), featuring a lot of source addition involving Myst/Riven numerals and footage from PokePark Wii, mostly the Glaceon/Jolteon cutscenes. The story continued with:

"The Jolteon was driving his truck through the star fissure once again, and wound up on some island off of the coast of Australia shaped like a guitar."

At this point in time Gamebop's computer would suddenly malfunction to the point of no return, rendering him unable to make his Round 7. To keep the match running he would employ superkoffee as his substitute for his last Round, which would mark koffee's official debut appearance into the tournament, later to become a key figure of the next set. His highly unconventional style would be put to great use here as many were the uses of unusual yet spectacular visual effects in addition to his trademark brand of humor, as shown by the brief WarioWare style mini-game snippet in which a Jolteon had to JUMP! (By pressing "A") to dodge a blue barrel coming at them. In a barrage of sound effects dotted through including the endless repetition of the Jolteon sounds from Rounds, the Round came to an abrupt halt featuring the reprise of the song snippet "SAY GOODBYE WITH A SMILEYYY" which koffee had used as early as his first tennis match against HozKinzPooP. He also took the story in an interesting direction:

"It was the very worst kind of stain. The stain that never came out... A soul stain! Jolteon pulled out his big, fat, slimer, Covered in Good Goo, pokemon! He cradled it in one hand, It was chafed from pumping :( ... Den, she took dat big, fat Mandinga All da way down. 'till it ain't none left ... no shaft ... just face, and crotch. And for once, all was peaceful in Sexual Torture Guitar Island ... For the time-being!"

Gamebop would later gain in his possession a new computer with a new hard drive while still keeping the old drive and be able to continue playing just as regularly as before. Three years later, he had managed to get the original computer to work again and came upon the realization that everything was still intact right up to when he was supposed to make the original Round 7, with all the original peices still intact. At this same time the lineup of Gamebop vs. MycroProcessor vs. BSP666c had just been announced for the Multi-Way Tennis Tournament created by dewmann which was happening at this time. Seizing the opprotunity, Gamebop finished the original Round 7 and it became the serve for this match, continuing in a sub-canon direction of the previous match and integrating many of the old ideas and concepts from then also. This version of the match, while technically still progressing from Round 1 to 9 is simultaneously considered to be Rounds 7-15 of this match.

Round 8, while still a technically heavy round, was much more savvy in its delivery, with a pace much slower than that of previously. It along with Round 9 shared the title of "Linking book for Jolteon {/-\} The Green Blues {\-/} Morning #135", likely in reference with Round 9 to being very minimally edited with the exception of a WAX-cubed YTPMV segment on top of the main of the previous rounds workings, which brought the match to a proper close. Round 8 and 9 finished off the story with:

"Superkoffee skipped the previous linking Jolteon, thus resulted to leap frog the Myst plains."

"Everyone had a bunch of Linking BOOKS and then they used them at the same time and found Jolteon. AND THEN JOLTEON WAS HAPPY THE END"

The final scores for this match were Gamebop: 0.86, BSP666c: 0.41, and MycroProcessor: 0.73, giving Gamebop his 7th consecutive win; a record which to this day remains unsurpassed.

Luioigi vs. trepmaws vs. Moogle began with a serve made up mostly of Tom and Jerry and Dragonball Z, suggesting a mostly slow pace to be continued. trepmaws naturally countered this notion though with a Round 2 that greatly increased the pace and added onto both sides of Luiogi's introduced sources, with Bugs Bunny and Droopy Dog cartoons added onto Tom and Jerry and Higurashi added onto Dragonball Z, giving the match currently two distinct identities. This would also be trepmaws's first Round in this tournament over 30 seconds long, as in his words, this particular match "was for Jumbo Puffs". The "YUKA YUKA" from TheChutley's Round 2 with JackTron and Luioigi would also make it's reappearance Moogle would continue in Round 3 his unusually new approach with added effects by furthering the anime source addition with a majority of suggestively-learing footage, furthered in its absurdness by a cartoon-like expanding eye effect that later disappeared to reveal more of the round within the eyes of the character in focus. trepmaws's "KUK" was naturally expanded upon with the uttering of "Gigantic cock..."(in which Kukori would appear immediately following) and the forced speaking of "cock" from just about every other source. "YUKA YUKA" would now be expanded upon with "Yuyuko Yuyuko" ("Why not Yuyuko trep?") and "Yukari Yukari" ("or even Yukari?") using a miniscule bit of Norm Augustinas to create the "-ri", before going quite unexpectedly into "YuKUK" with "WOW A REAL PUSSY" being heard in the background of the section following.

Luioigi, in what was his second match involving Moogle, volleyed with Round 4 in a way that echoed that of his previous match with him. "Gigantic Cock" translated over to a cartoon of a chicken the size of a skyscraper, with the expanding eye effect being interestingly dupicated. This would also incorporate the use of the Dingo Pictures "dinosaur" film years before it would be a major internet cult sensation, spawning an unusual fad, along with Dingo Pictures' take on Aladdin, long a regular source of his. The solo frame moving slowly in the beginning of Moogle's round 3 would be added onto with 'Aladin' riding a magic carpet at the end, with the "huhuhu" from the original dragonball Z source now starting to appear as the coda for each video in different alterations.

Round 5 pays homage to Aesaun's YTPMV segment in Round 5 of his doubles match with AjaxCubed vs. XBR4D3NX and Erarg by 'covering' it using the "huhuhu" from earlier in the match, and furthered the wandering frame section by adding Foghorn Leghorn and McLeach from The Rescuers Down Under on top of the already existing material. The rest of the round continued his fast style to great effect, also continuing with "Fix his little Red KUK".

DanielRadcliffe777 once commented on Moogle's Round 6 about the beginning section involving the Round being seen through the TV of an obscure cartoon character as the most original thing that he had seen in a very long time. This Round focused mostly on the more edited parts of the Round previous, continuing the wandering frame bit with several added touhou images, including a very muscularly laden anime female. A humourous manga/hentai panel of a character remarking "now my armpits are going to smell like dick" was replicated again at the end of the round in which the isolated talk bubble was overlayed on McLeach, continuing Moogle's suggestive humor additions involving that of the previous sources, which in this match were being looked at as being entertaining in addition to being creative by some spectators. The end of this Round was of Moogle's most effect-laden at the time.

The wandering frame bit of Round 7 now included the Three Callaberos, several toasters and two realistic looking Bowsers, along with Nu Pagodi, another trademark source of Luiogi's. While substantially less humorous, the Round worked with Moogle's Round 6 fantastically, the best edits being done with the added source, continuing the TV masking tricks and working with surrounding elements of the cartoon itself. His trademark ambience also worked well to end the match on his side, ending his Round with another coda mimicking the pattern of his previous one.

trepmaws's Round 8 is considered today to be a definitive Round of his in relation to his current style. With its addition of much touhou material and further addition of old cartoons( now "A tale of Two Kitties", historically the first Tweety Bird cartoon) and adding all of these onto the wandering frame segment, this Round seemed to cement that he was the strongest player in the match by a good margin in the eyes of some. The description pointed out that it was at the point in the match where much everything had transformed into "tye-dye vomit", with seargentbacon humorously pointing out by the segment at 0:22 of the video that there actually was tye-dye vomit in the round. Possibly the round's best highlight is the reprise of the Droopy cartoon originally added in Round 2, with every bunny appearing in Spike the Dog's hand being overlayed/cookie cutted so the Round appears in place of it, building up nicely to the Rounds' chaotic and energetic ending. The coda is also continued much similarly.

The Last Round put the entire wandering frame segment up to that point within a giant cube, overlaying it with 36 layers worth of Touhou sprites and images, then launching into the rest of the Round, building upon the face-slapping clips from Round 8 and the addition of more of his trademark humor, part of which involved the inclusion of a humorous Eevee flash cartoon in homage to the Tournament's host. Another segment was cookie cutted to form the word "FUCK" much in the style of XBR4D3NX, with the round ending on a picture collage of every major character to appear throughout the matches 9 Rounds. The coda reprised his original question: "So why not Yuyuko trep?" while using a picture of Yuyuko with overdubbed touhou music. trepmaws would respond in the videos comments with "Because I gravitate toward sadistic anime girls with green hair, I dunno. And Yuyuko never gave back those PS2 games I let her borrow when her Dreamcast broke."

The final raw score potentially gave the win to trepaws with Luioigi at 0.53, trepmaws at 0.79 and Moogle at 0.68, but because trepmaws had accumulated 2 late penalties for Round 8 his score was therefore adjusted to 0.59. Moogle would once again win the match solely due to penalties of the other players.

DaftPunkYoshi would now be pitted against both the tournament's resident German tennisers,CorruptionSound and Metzgorre, both of which had a noticable reputation at this time for being highly proficient at vegas, which would ultimately test the abilities of DaftPunkYoshi, still playing valiently with Windows Movie Maker. He delivered a competent serve featuring footage from a Ninja fighting game, featuring many effects that seemed more common in vegas than they were in Movie Maker, which was already setting a grand stage. CorruptionSound delivered his Round 2, albiet late, very much a visual tour-de-force like that of BSP's own match, while also making humorous source additions particularly with Krusty the Clown and the POAGN towards the end of the video. Metzgorre's Round 3 continued upon his unprecidented insanity presented in his previous match, making no large effort to completely tear away at CorruptionSound's volley with an atmosphere that was a combination of both intense and on occasion fall-over-laughing funny due to its many absurdities. One of which was the matches close to end gag involving various sections of the round racing ever so slowly towards a finish line, with the last clip of the POAGN continuously falling over repetitively trying to cross but never succeeding. A particular segment involving the continuous morphing of one celeberty's face into another was repeatedly questioned due to some people thinking this was an effect.

DaftPunkYoshi was now faced with probably one of the most challenging rounds of his career especially for one in his particular position. His response to it was however, a stunningly great one, as he made use of several custom transitions and effects not previously seen in his work before, managing to effectively counter the nightmarish mess of his opponent before him in his own unique way. CorruptionSound responded again late with Round 5, very apparently now seeming to be lackluster in presentation in comparison to his two fellow players. Notable for this round though is the addition of Mr. T. in the end announcing that "THE PROCEEDING WAS A PAID PRESENTATION FOR THE FLAVOR-WAVE TURBO! Brought to you by Thane-Direct!", at which point DanielRadcliffe777 claimed to have "fucking lost it" while watching the video.

Metzgorre's Round 6 responds to this ending segment immediately in its introduction, using audio from the Eat Your Skin trailer to create "THE PROC-men become animalss...(bbeccommee aanniimmaall) I DRINK YOUR BLOOD" which ended perfectly upon Mr. T's smug grin. What followed was quite possibly the most bone-chilling round Metzgorre would ever create.

{{#ev:youtube|qHbvVcmFfoI|320}}DaftPunkYoshi vs. CorruptionSound vs. Metzgorrre, Round 6

Beginning with a dark and distorted sound that instantaneously took on a more mind-bending form and later a thunderous and terrifying drone echoing that of the THX logo, his uses of multiple 3D layers and After Effects reached a climax of astounding proportions in this video, complementing perfectly its deeply disturbing atmosphere. The repeated movement of multiple bended 3D layers of Mr. T. is probably the videos most recognizable feature, also notable for its rather abrupt inclusion of several bits of absurd footage edited at a rapid rate. While the video was noticably shorter, it was easily one of the stronger rounds of the match for continuing and by far enhancing its feel.

DaftPunkYoshi once again went all out in what would turn out to be his last tennis Round that he would edit in WMM with Round 7. Taking the intro peice and creating "I AM BLOOD", he once again proved his strength with an editor that had been repeatedly criticized at the time for not being good at making YTPs at all in the minds of many younger people within the community. Subsequently after this round though, all of his videos including that of his tennis would be edited with Premiere Elements, his new editor of choice, signifying in many respects the end of an era.

Much of this round would be unrecognizeable in CorruptionSound's Round 8, with the almost blunt title of "sexual shitting". Th detraction in atmosphere in addition to the majority of added footage that would be featured throughout failed to make much of an impression, although its notable that a number of peices of this round was also made in WMM as way to counter of that of DPY's Round more interestingly.

Metzgorre's Last Round would be definitive finale of finales, with the first 23 seconds being an absolute scream of energy and terror opposite that of humor as evident in his addition of Reverend Burn, considered to be the predecessor of the later more-famous Joe Ligotti aka The Guy From Boston. The following was an almost AMV like collage of obscure black and white sources chromakeyed on top of the destructive soup of the previous round, with one only have some recognizable features being that Batman is evidently present in it. The following imagary contained what looked to be Kieth Richards's head pasted onto a primitive model of a women's body, with Conan O'brien appearing from off-screen with two laser-guns appearing in his hands, the interpretation of this still completely unknown to this day by anyone with the possible exception of those who knew him personally. The Round's coda was also extraneously bizarre, featuring pillars of unknown images/snapshots while a butchered version of a song from the PBS kids channel plays on top of it before becoming incredibly loud and the video strobed, ending with a sign/logo for a "Mattress Ranch", supposedly located in Anchorage and Wasilla, AK.

The final score for the match would be DaftPunkYoshi: 0.51, CorruptionSound: 0.61 (0.71 without penalties), and Metzgorre: 0.79, making Metzgorre once again the matches winner, although by a relatively smaller margin than before. With this win, the remaining players of the winners tier were now in place for a showdown to occur in the following set.

In the second bracket, Fiddlesticks411 would see herself out of the tournament due to personal-related matters, and would as such be replaced in what would become the match NESfanboi vs. KlausTheWizard vs. ifhgsfj. All three of them seemed to edit very rudimentarily with vegas, although considering NES and Klaus had been around for some time compared to ifhgsfj(believed to be pronounced "iff-hige-sfudge", though he has since changed his name to the more legible Total Mass Retain) they could potentially be seen as somewhat more experienced. NES delivered the serve showing a very Funnacceptable-like style intersparsed with more out-of-the-ordinary bits including a reference to two fads going on at the time (REV UP THOSE FRYERS and Stu Making Chocolate Pudding) in addition to using a snippet from ilovemadnesscombats infamous YTPMV "Achmed's Bombing Job was Rushed" with a picture of Robotnik in a speedo, which served as the rounds ending. KlausTheWizard's Round 2 was edited rather disorganizingly but served in this circumstance to be a competant response, despite much of the video being overlayed with Spongebob as an added source. Round 3 further added voice clips from TF2 (POOT DISPENSER HERE with the Robotnik Image) and a large amount of overlayed text/images while only barely editing much of the previous round and flow-wise becoming inconsistant. After returning from a week-long trip in Virginia NESfanboi delivered Round 4, notorious in the fact that for over half the video all that is seen is a pair of dancing bananas overlayed onto a strobing background. Much of the match continued in this same way throughout with Klaus continuing to be the player that people considered to be the best in the match, although in his Round 8 he was late but didn't request an extension, saying that he was falling behind by his own fault. Because of this even though in the final scores he won the match with 0.90 to NESfanboi's 0.85 and ifhgsfj's 0.25, it would become bumped down to 0.70 and NESfanboi would as a result become the match's unexpected winner.

Funnacceptable vs. SeargentBacon vs. RAKninja would be an almost entirely slow-paced match beginning with a serve that featured Obama as its main source, which would become an element that would in part bookend the match conceptually. It was overall very strong and spacial and introduced many curious ideas that could be taken in many directions, with David Feiss's Cheetos commercials adding a touch of humor with it. RAKninja was critical of it in the aspect that he found "most of the sources repugnant" but commended the round overall saying that despite the sources he couldn't fault his technique. Becoming the replacement for Bunsbuns11, SergeantBacon's volley would bear a strong resemblance to Kurkop in that it's introduction featured a "layout" of 3D composite layers set to form a shape, with other bits of the previous round chroma-keyed inside of it. A distinct feature of this round would be the addition of The Wand of Gamelon in which the previous round would be used to almost perfectly replicate Impa's Triforce in terms of movement and size, transitioning into a brief YTPMV segment. DaftPunkYoshi commended this round on it's creativity while RAKninja said that it was reminiscent of the type of round he would want to make without any additional software or plugins. He also stated that his Round 3 was now going to be entirely different from planned and that as a change in strategy he would opt for something in his more traditional style in replace of it.

Naturally as it would turn out Round 3 was exactly that. Much of the video was dominated once again by a Ninja film with the previous round mostly appearing chroma keyed in the background, though the atmosphere that he had used expertly in his previous match was still eminant, with audio from another source echoing within the mix. This would however provide an excellent springboard for Funnacceptable, who would use this simpler approach to his advantage in his Round 4, which utilized the Ninja source greatly throughout. The atmosphere would also be greatly increased with the addition of more chroma keyed and composited sources (this time seeming to deliberately be more similar to the preference of RAK, as much of it was WWE material) in what was overall an incredibly fitting continuation of ideas. SergeantBacon's Round 5 would seem to largely be a restatement of his round 2 as its beginning and a few sections would largely be made up of it, which was more a detraction than a continuation by this time. Though it suffered from a bad framerate in places, there were parts in which the previous round was used particularly well, such as a point which the first bit of the ninja source is dupicated in multiple simultaneous frames. Much of what followed was mostly surface edits under a picture of Bill Murray with audio/text of an automated phone service message being played, ending with "Fuck I'm Out of Ideas" being drawn onto the last section, a sign that Bacon's endurance had begun to wane.

Round 6 spared no time in continuing with the approach of previously, though the previous round would be considerably edited more than before this time around for the first half of the video, while also adding in Macho Man footage as well as CDI, which was a somewhat less common choice fo RAK. The second half of the video was zoomed in onto Bill Murray's head while a version of the Wheel Gator theme played throughout. The round that followed it was one of Funnacceptable's strongest, beginning with having Bill Murray turning into Spike Mandrill (a common humorous antagonization with Wheel Gator made famous on the forum) while then proceeding into a barrage of color alterations and composite layering and effects that were described by BSP as "Over 2 minutes of pure colour and ear rape". Several Mega Man songs mashed together also served as the songs backing music throughout which made the round an incredible thing to experience. JakeSteel and RAKninja himself reacted very positively to it. SergeantBacon's Round 8 essentially saw him giving the match up as the round time had been reduced drastically by over two minutes and much of the Round had been distorted to a point beyond recognition, overlayered by the "Stu Making Chocolate Pudding Scene" from Rugrats as a reference to the ongoing fad involving that source from around that time.

By the time of RAKninja's Round 9 a major shift in overall forum management had begun to take place, with RabbitSnore and TINS reclining from their overall management input, three new moderators coming in and one (TheHappyFungus) retiring, and Dopply becoming an increasing force in the administration staff, which manifested into a management combination that RAK had much disagreement with. This would culminate into him resigning from the Tennis Staff and leaving the forum for presumably indefinitely, which to the Tennis community was considered a definite loss, since he had long been considered as the de facto Leader of the Tennis Fucks and one of the most respectable. Crash2991 would describe his leave as him "only returning to the cosmos to go back to where he belongs. He now watches over us from afar, placing his faith in us so that we can make a brighter future."

Within the week before Rabbit and TINS would officially step down, he would silently deliver his Round 9 which largely featured video of Bill Clinton giving his last speech as president, in which the previous round was chroma keyed in his eyes and also featured an unusual layering effect that was at first mistaken for WAX. He would continue to make videos although at a much slower pace than before, and would not return to the tennis section again for a year. The final score for the match would be Funnacceptable winning the match with 0.83, and SergeantBacon with 0.75 and RAKninja with 0.42, although because of many late penalties this would be adjusted to 0.02.

JakeSteel vs. AmiralMachin vs. evilskittlemonster gave JakeSteel the benefit of being able to serve which he was able to do very strongly. It featured a rather quiet but musically well-done YTPMV at the beginning before launching into the editing of a series of hard rock/metal concerts, which were a trademark source of his in his solo videos, of which at this time he had immense popularity for. AmiralMachin however at this point was beginning to scale back from tennis noticably in his interest of it, as Round 2 was largely edited very little and focusing more on the added footage, which seemed to be yet another imitation of RAKninja's style in that it was the same brand of ninja source as before.

Round 3 edited the previous round better and also set up for the anticipated response well by its addition of Shakugan No Shana and Frollo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame, which were also signature sources of JakeSteel's. Round 4 would seize these sources head on and also introduce the most signature source of the match in the form of Team Fortress 2, particularly Meet the Spy, at the time the most recent Meet the Team video that had been released thus far. Round 5 continued to show AmiralMachin's growing apathy as only about a quarter of the video was dedicated to editing the previous round while the rest of it was dedicated to added source, one a webcam oriented video and the other being Fritz the Cat. Round 6 would add little else than a small bit of The Colbert Report and overall struggle to keep up with the pace of match, though succeeding in volleying more substantially than Amiral was. JakeSteel finished the match off on his end just as strong as before, editing with a number of unique effects and adding in more TF2 footage, which seemed to cement his place in the match.

AmiralMachin's Round 8 was reportedly only about 10 seconds long and when originally posted evilskittlemonster demanded that he make it longer else he wouldn't bother volleying it, but by a certain point the video was deleted and AmiralMachin has never made an appearance in the tennis section since then. evilskittlemonster is apparently the only person who managed to save this video to be able to make his Round 9 (which in appearance only really looks more like a volley of Round 7) but it remains of little certainty to if he still has the video saved now. Because of this, the Round 8 remains the only video of the Tournament that has not been found yet.

The final score for this match was JakeSteel: 1.21, Amiral: 0.17 (with 1 penalty for Round 8 making it 0.07) and ESM: 0.62, which moved JakeSteel onward and formerly dismissed the other two players.

FuturesPassed vs. TheChutley vs. vvaluigi has been discussed as being one of the Tournament's most cooperative matches, and one of two that happened within the same set that shared and continued the same concept and exchange of ideas throughout. FuturesPassed's serve set the tone that was to carry on, using entirely Mass Effect 3 sources that at most was majorly made up of sentance mixing and other minimal editing.