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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
User.jpg  This article is about that fag Zach, who has been making poops since (and technically joined YouChew in) 2007, but officially made his first appearance on YouChew in 2008, and does cool things, a frequent editor and User of this wiki.

Short Recap of History

NOTE: Due to numerous rewrites/edits that I've deemed unnecessary, I've decided to shorten/redo this article drastically so it only contains the really important stuff. This article is best viewed in the Modern skin.

Zacheatscrackers (that's me) is a well-known YouTube Pooper and YouChew veteran, who's also an on-off RPG Maker game creator, drawer, frequent gamer/occasional commentator in his spare time, former MUGEN fanatic (though I still play every now and then) and an overall crazy, crazy-ass dude. He started off on the internet as zach033094 on several forums, ranging from to before eventually heading onto YouTube, making an account, and watching everything from old cartoons to anime, and making several MUGEN videos. Then I came across my first YTP, which was created by AlThePorcupine. After laughing super-hard at it, I decided to load up WMM and make my first (inevitably absolutely horrible) poop, which was (also inevitably) extremely poorly received. But I continued nonetheless until I regressed back into MUGEN.

Then I noticed YouChew ( at the time) during November 2007. I created an account, using my zach033094, but never got around to using it due to anxiety. Conrad eventually deleted it (as he was the head admin at the time), but I officially joined on January 2008, this time as zacheatscrackers, which would go on to be my main alias for the rest of my e-life. I went back to making poops (my first official one being What Is Two+Infinity?), which received poor reception, similar to my early days. After much practice in EditStudio, I eventually made an extremely fast-paced AoSTH poop. It was met with critical acclaim, especially in comparison to my other works, and differed greatly in style. My works were well-received since.

However, my first year was awry regardless of the high quality of my poops, as I got into many fights with pretty much the entire community. I eventually left in April 2009 and made my return in June of the same year. Ever since, I've been an on-off member of the community (mostly on until 2011, along with several breaks in 2012 and 2013) and one of the most well-loved to boot. Many have considered me to be, at some points, the epitome of YouChew and the fun within it. While it's debatable whether I still hold that status, there's no denying that I'm still one of the most popular YouChewers to have ever registered.

'grl' avatars would be the kind of avatars I'd commonly use sometime during my YouChew years. I eventually grew out of it and usually used Marvel/wrestling avatars afterwards
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My mind all the time. Literally.


I've had a constantly growing and changing personality for many years. I was originally a well-intentioned, but brittle and bumbling user who would fly off the handle at the slightest provocation, but ever since 2009, through gradual maturity, I've become a kind-hearted, goofy person; this has pretty much become my iconic personality. Despite numerous bad events in my life causing some cynicism to sprout in my demeanor, I'm still considered to be very open, funny and nice.

Evolution of my Style

My other most note-worthy aspect other than my personality is my pooping ability. During the beginning of my pooping career, my videos focused on constant repetition and often poor MS-Paint edits and bleeping, akin to what many others would do at the time; my reception was as good as you'd expect (hint: absolutely awful). It wasn't until I released the AoSTH poop mentioned in the history section that my work started to skyrocket in quality and reception. To go into detail; I used a great deal of ear-rape, repetition and effects for this one, and the length was far shorter, only being 30 seconds as opposed to the usual 1:30-2:00 length I'd have used for my earlier ones. A far cry from my earlier work.

Some consider this poop to be the one (or one of the ones) that pioneered (or at least popularized/helped to popularize) the rape style used extensively in many poops today. Many of my other poops would go on to use this bat-shit insane style. I would regularly escalate the extremeness of my style to the point where there was hardly a video anymore and just an apocalyptic slideshow of oblivion; though to keep things fresh, I'd often toy around with my style as well. In the end, though, I'm most well known for my mundo-effects/ear-rape/lightning-fast stuttering style. I'm also notorious for frequently letting sentence mixing/splicing slip in.

Current Style

Preferred Sources

Just about anything, as long as I feel I can poop it. I've never been picky about it. Although Home Movies and Aqua Teen Hunger Force often tend to show up in my poops.

Preferred Tech

Sony Vegas (7)

Online Bros

And alot of others, lol

In Real Life

nickeatscrackers - brother, if it weren't obvious enough. Considered by many to be my even more surreal half; look at his posts in general and you'll find this claim to be perfectly justifiable.




Other Information

MSN is Steam is zacheatscrackers. I tend to change my name alot, though. Steam is also the messaging system I most prominently use. Skype is zacheatscrackers.

I'm also currently a recurrent member at

Age: 19.

Country: USA.

State: Pennsylvania (formerly Delaware; Delaware has been my long-time home state and I still wish I was back there at times despite how much technically better Penns. is).


  • Likes Touhou
  • Likes TF2
  • Likes cool things
  • Is a Steam fag
  • Is retarded
  • Makes RPGs with RPG Maker
  • Used to be a huge MUGEN fanatic
  • As aforementioned, was formerly known as zach033094 before changing his name to zacheatscrackers (though he still uses zach033094 from time to time)
  • When I officially signed up for Vanilla, I made an alt (zacheatscrackers account); so in all technicality, I should've been banned on sight and, by certain logic, should have never existed in the community


  • Being stupid
  • Being cute
  • Cursing
  • Farting
  • Eating
  • Playing FPSes 24/7
  • Masturbating (you saw this coming)
  • Ripping off other users because tool
  • Talking into his headset mic
  • Watching pornography
  • People
  • His chest hair
  • generic humorous trait goes here
  • fucking
  • damn
  • this
  • list
  • sucks
  • other things okay
  • Marvel
  • DC, to a somewhat lesser extent


  • People who whine all the time (especially without a legitimate reason)
  • When TF2 doesn't work for me in some way shape or form
  • Making accidental typos/grammatical errors (without Firefox's spell checker I'm fucking nothing seriously)
  • People who constantly message him about some stupid shit
  • boring things
  • stupid things
  • gay niggas
  • a

Current Status

Poop making status: August 17, 2007-ongoing. Took a break from time to time and considered retiring but decided to ultimately continue due to my enjoyment in the fine art of shitting.

YouChew status: January 04th, 2008 (November 12th, 2007 if you count the account called "zach033094" I made on Vanilla but never used it due to anxiety)-ongoing


My account on YouChew should literally be no trouble to find, just in case you ever want to message me about anything.

I hope this was a good read. Or not.

Did I mention that I love this guy?