Notice: We are aware that many of the Chewiki’s images are still broken. We promise: we will try our best to fix it, but we don't guarantee that the fix will be trivial.

Difference between revisions of "Talk:Main"

From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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:I don't really do so anyway. I know that I am unimportant. -[[User:Yoshit|Yoshit]] 20:34, 7 July 2010 (CDT)
:I don't really do so anyway. I know that I am unimportant. -[[User:Yoshit|Yoshit]] 20:34, 7 July 2010 (CDT)
::Same for me. Although I would be different if I did have a YouTube account, but to me, I fear of being shunned if I were to join. Plus, even if I did get a change of heart and join, I'd probably be of a different user name than what I'm using now, so yeah. - [[User:Crazy Luigi|Crazy Luigi]] 21:51, 7 July 2010 (CDT)
::Same for me. Although I would be different if I did have a YouTube account, but to me, I fear of being shunned if I were to join. Plus, even if I did get a change of heart and join, I'd probably be of a different user name than what I'm using now, so yeah. - [[User:Crazy Luigi|Crazy Luigi]] 21:51, 7 July 2010 (CDT)
== Teh Forums ==
Hello thar. I can't register on the forums, it just gives me this: 
What the hell is that supposed to mean?!?
Sincerely, [[User:Crumb|Crumb]] 10:21, 11 July 2010 (CDT)

Revision as of 08:27, 11 July 2010

I dont know where else to put this, so I'll just say it here.

Wiki users, you can now flag articles for deletion and mark articles as stubs. To do this, simply put in {{delete}} and/or {{stub}} at the top of bottom of the selected article, and the article will be noted.

If you make sufficient edits to an article which is a stub or flagged for deletion then remove the wikitags afterwards. If you do not wish to edit a page but you do not beleive it should be deleted, then say so in that article's talk page. If you make a valid point, then the template/wikitags will be removed from said page.


I/ is still impossible to delete! --conradslater 04:19, 28 November 2007 (PST)

It's still there? Damn, I thought I'd gotten rid of it too. >_> Best just ignore it then. Steg 06:12, 28 November 2007 (PST)

HA HA! I DID IT! I GOT /i/ OFF THE DEAD END PAGES LIST! --NinjaCoachZ 12:06, 23 May 2010 (CDT)

Maybe it finally worked because we switched to a new server? That's a good theory. - Crazy Luigi 12:55, 23 May 2010 (CDT)
I used a bit of a trick. I noticed that with each of them, we were automatically redirected to a generic "no content" page because of the way MediaWiki works, so in the URL bar, I added the "redirect?no" thingie and it took me directly to the actual article. I was able to delete them from there and now they won't show up on those special pages. I don't know if "i/" itself can still be deleted, but at least they aren't there. --NinjaCoachZ 13:05, 23 May 2010 (CDT)
Well maybe you could use that trick on the thing involving that action/editPSE1nf0 thing. I mean, it is pretty worthless here. - Crazy Luigi 14:16, 23 May 2010 (CDT)
I did. :D --NinjaCoachZ 14:39, 23 May 2010 (CDT)
Oh...well what's the only one left for you to delete? - Crazy Luigi 15:04, 23 May 2010 (CDT)
Hmm... actually, I deleted all the glitch pages. "i/", "pseinfoedit", "The Mouth", etc. Awesome! --NinjaCoachZ 15:08, 23 May 2010 (CDT)
What about the image pages that won't work? I know I'm guilty of doing that at least once. - Crazy Luigi 15:11, 23 May 2010 (CDT)
Broken images? Well, I'm sure we don't have ALL of them gone. I'll get those now. --NinjaCoachZ 15:12, 23 May 2010 (CDT)

I deleted I/.

This must be the most awesome feat I've done here. --NinjaCoachZ 07:46, 29 May 2010 (CDT)

Congratulations once again! - Crazy Luigi 16:58, 29 May 2010 (CDT)


I added a new part called Softwares. It's just new and poopers need to know how the software works. This should be part of chewiki, and can you add the tag for software like where Robotnik faces the computer screen?

Grammar Nazi To The Rescue

As I cant seem to find the edit button for the main page, or I suppose I'm not meant to edit it, here are some corrections.

Some pages are bigger than others. This section is a place to learn the tastes, interests and achievements of you fellow poopers. The main index lists everyone that is anyone or no one, and if you think you should be in there then feel free to add page for yourself.

Change to:

Some pages are bigger than others. This section is a place to learn the tastes, interests and achievements of your fellow poopers. The main index lists everyone that is anyone or no one, and if you think you should be in there then feel free to add page for yourself.

This section is for the fact finders and for our inner geek. Much of it's content is borrowed from other websites and wikis and it's there to help you find which characters come from which show and more importantly where you can find a poopable source. Next time your looking for something make sure you look here first; and if you find a source please help others by sharing it here. Like in Characters, if you are going to create a page here, please add {{media}} to the start of the page.

Change to:

This section is for the fact finders and for our inner geek. Much of its content is borrowed from other websites and wikis and it's there to help you find which characters come from which show and more importantly where you can find a poopable source. Next time you're looking for something make sure you look here first; and if you find a source please help others by sharing it here. Like in Characters, if you are going to create a page here, please add {{media}} to the start of the page.

The great unexplored and completely unmoderated free pages are for anything you like. Pointless things, stupid things clever things and moments of well hidden brilliant. This section is what the random button is for. Write what you want but don't expect it to be there tomorrow.

Change to:

The great unexplored and completely unmoderated free pages are for anything you like. Pointless things, stupid things clever things and moments of well hidden brilliance. This section is what the random button is for. Write what you want but don't expect it to be there tomorrow.

Smoke Dong Every Day HoZKiNZPooP 09:28, 31 March 2009 (CDT)

  • Alright, I fixed your pink problem. And you're right, some pages, like this one, are marked as protected so that most users can't edit them. And I'll fix the grammar issues, the former administrator of this wiki wasn't very good with grammar. I guess I should also get rid of the completely unmoderated in the Random pages section, since I'll generally delete any short stupid articles. Thank you.

Billion 13:47, 31 March 2009 (CDT)

Also? It says "Most Linked Too". It should say "Most Linked To". NinjaCoachZ 18:56, 13 January 2010 (CST)


So, essentially this is a combination of the Encyclopedia Dramatica and a legitimate Wiki?

I'm moderately confused.

GenghisKhan44 7:58 PM CT (19:58 CT) 27 September 2009 (BSD)

What's not to get other than the fact that it's basically a Youtube Poop-type of a Wiki and a place to make shit up sometimes?

Crazy Luigi 8:03 P.M. CT (20:03 CT) 27 September 2009 (BSD)

AbsoluteBillion strives for this wiki not to turn into Encyclopedia Dramatica. The point of the wiki is to be confusing and make it impossible to tell truth from false. For example, it has helpful links to the origins of various YTP-related memes, but confusing and often untrue backstories. In addition, some sources and characters are so wacky, it`s hard to tell if it`s true or false. - NinjaCoachZ

Yeah, it's basically like that. - Crazy Luigi

If this WAS like ED, there would be a lot more use of the words "butthurt", "win," etc. and more shitty memes and 1000 pages on random folks on deviantART.

No, it's just a Wiki about Youtube Poop. Is there more to say? Billion 23:40, 27 September 2009 (CDT)


do you think it's time to remove the defunct "Directory" link over on the left in the list of links that function as a sitemap? rakninja 22:11, 29 September 2009 (CDT)

  • Sure. Crazy Luigi
  • Oh yeah. I think I already mentioned it to Rabbit but I don't have access to be able to edit it out. Billion]] 00:01, 30 September 2009 (CDT)
  • i'll mention it to him if i talk to him before you do next. rakninja 01:30, 30 September 2009 (CDT)


I suggest that at the bottom, instead of linking to a bunch of different pooper pages, we should link to the pooper category, or at least to SuperYoshi or something. For one, Connerhawke isn't really that important of a pooper. His only real achievement was getting 100,000 views on a 7-second South Park video. The rest can stay, I suppose, but I feel that linking to the pooper category would make more sense. After all, they are the community. NinjaCoachZ 06:54, 19 December 2009 (CST)

  • Good point, but the Pooper category already has a link to it somewhere in the page. Maybe we'll just move that link down. - PSE1nf0

Broken Links

There are several links to, which does not seem to exist at present. Has its content been moved elsewhere? Should these links be removed? Also, the upper-left Chewiki button sometimes links to instead of the main page and produces an error message. Specifically, I encountered the problem while viewing the source for Help:Template:Pooper. --UberScienceNerd 14:44, 17 January 2010 (CST)

  • It's been brought up quite a few times already, but the Directory no longer exists and hasn't for quite some time. I've already asked those of higher power about it but they don't know how to remove it from the sidebar. As for the links, if you didn't know already, the Chewiki used to be on that site until not too long ago. Needless to say, the Chewiki likes to create odd new errors and quirks to try and fix. I don't know what to say about it, other than I'll ask someone with administrative capabilities and see what they can do. Billion 14:57, 17 January 2010 (CST)
    • I've noticed that one example of this Chewiki screwing up is when someone uploads a .png picture and it's not originally on the Chewiki before the change and/or it's already the size of a thumbnail, then the picture ends up getting a strange tint for some strange reason. Again, I'm just stating an example here. - Crazy Luigi 15:02, 17 January 2010 (CST)
      • Found it! The sidebar is right here. NinjaCoachZ 20:35, 17 January 2010 (CST)
        • Thank you thank you thank you NinjaCoach Billion 21:35, 18 January 2010 (CST)

I think I has the solution...

It's about the category glitch. It most likely has something to do with nationalities. Since a lot of people are American, they ended up being sorted with the "A"s. I noticed this because Galvatron ended up in the "D"s and had a stated nationality of Danish, and a lot of the Chinese characters (Chun Li, Dan, Fei Long, etc.) were grouped together. Anybody else see the connection, or a possible reason for why this is happening? --NinjaCoachZ 17:54, 11 April 2010 (CDT)

To be honest, I noticed that myself a while back, but I thought that it was just some stupid coincidence. Then again, it does explain why Joseph Stalin, Zangeif, Soda Popinski, and Heavy Weapons Guy were all categorized as R on the Chewiki pages. - Crazy Luigi 17:56, 11 April 2010 (CDT)
Come to think of it, it's probably just a "CharBox" glitch. A large number of female characters are grouped together. There must be something up with the parameters. --NinjaCoachZ 17:56, 11 April 2010 (CDT)


Honestly, I'm more disappointed in Billion's lack of editing here. I mean, I don't mind that he rarely edits anymore, as long as he explains why he isn't doing that anymore. Not to mention the fact that if he's really going to be gone from this Chewiki forever, than he should at least upgrade one of us (and by "one of us", I mean either you NinjaCoachZ, PSE1nf0, and/or (dare I say it) myself) to a sysop and beaurocrat (although in my case, I probably wouldn't mind just being a beaurocrat here) instead of acting like a douchebag (no offense) and leaving us with some problems that we can't solve due to the fact that there's no major moderators here. - Crazy Luigi 21:08, 19 April 2010 (CDT)

Crazy Luigi has brought this up on the Talk:Youtube Poop page and he raises an interesting point. We need some new sysops around here, since Billion, the only somewhat active mod still here doesn't seem to be as active anymore (RabbitSnore, Dopply, and Stegblob haven't done anything in months, Seconteen hasn't edited in a year, and Conrad Slater? He isn't even part of the community anymore).

I'd hate to sound egotistical, but I believe I should be promoted to Decepticon leader sysop. People have been praising my edits and ideas, and I am extremely active here (I check the Recent Changes multiple times every day.). Unlike many other users, I haven't had any of my non-glitched pages, etc. permanently deleted, though I do have a somewhat eccentric/sarcastic sense of humour that is sometimes taken seriously. As for the other "regulars", PSE might be a good candidate since he does a lot of technical stuff, but he still has much to learn (i.e. he tends to show off his expertise too much) and has a somewhat bad reputation. Perhaps he'd be suited as a bureaucrat. Crazy Luigi is also active, so I'd say he should be a bureaucrat since he tends to take part in a lot of discussions (that, and he does show a lot of interest in it). Yoshit... no offense, really, but he'd probably be an unpopular mod since he is extremely blunt most of the time, and seeing some of his history he'd probably let his opinions cloud his better judgement.

And, uhh, that's it. Yeah. --NinjaCoachZ 14:57, 21 April 2010 (CDT)

Ugh, sorry I haven't been around that much lately, school and life in general has been interfering with a lot of my time. I haven't forgotten about it but for the most part the place looked under control. However I do agree that yes, there should be another sysop who can watch over the place as well. I think that yes, the best candidate to become sysop is NinjaCoachZ and I'll go ahead and add him per reasons stated above. Once again, I'm sorry I haven't been on a lot and I'll do better in the future to not totally abandon the place. Billion 11:01, 24 April 2010 (CDT)
Thank you dearly, Billion. I'll try not to abuse my newfound powers. Honestly, after I saw that I'd become a sysop, I think my heart stopped. --NinjaCoachZ 11:03, 24 April 2010 (CDT)
I know I'm late for the party, but congratulations Coach. You definately deserved it. Btw, Billion, I was only really worried about the sysop issue since there's only one of those before you upgraded the Coach, so yeah. - Crazy Luigi 13:24, 24 April 2010 (CDT)

Front-Page Poopers

Currently, the five poopers mentioned in the Other Areas of Interest section (Stegblob, BigMarioandTailsfan, Seconteen13, Ophios & Connerhawke) are old news and all of them have fallen off of the mainstream since early 2008. We need replacements, and badly. My idea is a simple process which involves listing popular poopers of today here, and adding five of them to replace the above poopers.

However, the problem concerns whether or not their articles are up to snuff. A good example of someone worthy of going on the list is the article of YTPNews1, who not only has increasing popularity but also has a decent article to back him up with. Captpan6 on the other hand has four times the popularity that YTPNews1 does but wouldn't make it because his article is barebones, with very little info (in fact something that probably could and should be deleted) to go along with it. This could easily be amended by creating new articles for these upstart poopers or improving their content dramatically.

What I want you (the Chewiki user) to do, are either one of two things:

1) Make a list of possible candidates below, linking their username
2) Any that doesn't have a good article or any article, make a pooper article out of them.

We've fallen dramatically behind in the past two years. This is one step into putting the Chewiki into the now. I encourage everyone to contribute to their fullest. Duty calls, Billion 15:56, 24 April 2010 (CDT)

Since we've got the Featured Articles idea going, I think that whatever poopers have been featured should be up there. Personally, I believe we should add people like SuperYoshi, Yamino, RetroJape, and Conrad Slater since they were important parts of YTP history. --NinjaCoachZ 15:58, 24 April 2010 (CDT)
Maybe. Personally I think we could do an entire history section off those guys, however, I think that this Wiki really needs to start paying attention to the poopers of today. Sure the guys who started it shouldn't be forgotten but I believe we need to try and focus on what happens now more. Billion
I've felt that the first two guys Billion have mentioned would work. I, however, wouldn't mind seeing CommanderGwonam, Imaperson, and TheChutley being there. Maybe even use KroboProductions as a probable option. Also, I wouldn't have minded the Coach's option myself. And that's it for me for now. - Crazy Luigi 16:03, 24 April 2010 (CDT)
For present poopers, I think that YTPNews1, CommanderGwonam, and maybe even SkyGuy16 or DaftPunkYoshi could work. --NinjaCoachZ 16:08, 24 April 2010 (CDT)

Holy crap, I'm now on the front page?! Well gee, I never thought that'd ever happen, but thanks guys! =) -SkyGuy16

No problem. Although maybe we should do a past notable poopers thing on the front page as well. - Crazy Luigi 16:54, 3 May 2010 (CDT)

Dear God...


This is why our wiki is so much better. We actually have quality control. --NinjaCoachZ 17:26, 5 May 2010 (CDT)

Wait, isn't this the same wiki that I heard of when YTPnews1 and others raided YTP4life's wiki? - Crazy Luigi 17:30, 5 May 2010 (CDT)
It might be, but I wouldn't know because I wasn't there for that event. But seriously, just look at their WalrusGuy article. What the heck is Chimchar doing with its own article that explains nothing about what it does in poop? And if I'm not mistaken, they don't even have a YouTube Poop article. This is pretty much the reason why it's good that our wiki is run by the community instead of fans. --NinjaCoachZ 17:34, 5 May 2010 (CDT)
"ario is really prime universe mario corrupted by weegee." I lol'd at that.

On a serious note, it does suck, but was that you who wrote that message to that Wiki, Coach? - Crazy Luigi 17:42, 5 May 2010 (CDT)
If it's this you're talking about, that was me. I didn't feel like logging in since I knew I wouldn't be coming back seriously. --NinjaCoachZ 17:45, 5 May 2010 (CDT)
I thought as much. I also edited here and told them the place to go that's much better than this place. I'm not exactly 100% sure what's going to happen at this point, but I'm sure it won't matter at this point. - Crazy Luigi 17:49, 5 May 2010 (CDT)
"Wait, isn't this the same wiki that I heard of when YTPnews1 and others raided YTP4life's wiki?"

No, it isn't. - PSE1nf0


Do you know how Bunny Bugs, Duck Donald, and Mouse Mickey were made with iClone? I was wondering if Oiram (Mario made with the same program as bunny bugs/etc.) would be worthy enough to have it own page (including Luigi/Igiul and Bowser/Reswob link, zelda, (the) king, etc.) because of that. Of course we'll have to limit the pages since there are a bunch of characters, but would it be okay to do that? (Example of Oiram/others in videos) - TheMarxer

We can make an article for iClone but this Duck Donald, etc. stuff is getting really old now. --NinjaCoachZ 18:42, 7 May 2010 (CDT)

Just wondering

Wasn't there a page on Uncle Ruckus, but was deleted because his quotes were so racist? - TheMarxer

Yes. And it's not worth salvaging; I checked. --NinjaCoachZ 13:50, 6 July 2010 (CDT)
We could, on the other hand, try to make sure his article isn't like the one from the 2007-2008 Chewiki times, such as having less racist things said like he almost got beaten to death by three old people and he made sure that every child that was in prison would be saved except for Huey and Riley. Or is that trying to salvage his article as well? - Crazy Luigi 16:42, 6 July 2010 (CDT)

A modest proposal

Personally, I don't believe that those who are only Chewiki editors and not members of the YouChew community or poopers (read: most of the "regulars" who aren't me) should be allowed to put themselves in "disliked by" sections on source pages and the like. Anyone can add themselves to the list, so it'd just cause problems. In addition, I'm pretty sure those sections aren't meant for people who only edit the wiki. Any thoughts? --NinjaCoachZ 20:17, 7 July 2010 (CDT)

I don't really do so anyway. I know that I am unimportant. -Yoshit 20:34, 7 July 2010 (CDT)
Same for me. Although I would be different if I did have a YouTube account, but to me, I fear of being shunned if I were to join. Plus, even if I did get a change of heart and join, I'd probably be of a different user name than what I'm using now, so yeah. - Crazy Luigi 21:51, 7 July 2010 (CDT)