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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
Closed.png The account PopEyeCon has been Closed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
 This user has been banned from the YouChew forums for posting porn.


  • PopeyeCon
  • KisameDemonShark94

In brief[edit]

A generally accepted member of the community. He used to be hated by the majority, but he conformed to their ways. Act just like he did on the old forums, and you'll get flamed to the point of never coming back this time around.

How I discovered Youtube Poop[edit]

I was looking around youtube for videos of bobobo-bo bo-bobo episodes. I saw something in the scroller that said "the best bobobo-bo bo-bobo episode ever." I thought "what the hell, I'll watch it." I got something completely different. I got a youtube poop made by Tenjic. I loved it and I started looking for more, and I eventually became obssesed with them. I started making my own after I saw the "how to make a poop" by calculate900.


One day in August, I got a message from my friend Hidan39RETURNS. He claimed he got a hate-mail saying that my email had been hacked. I looked in my email and there were hate messages in there from youtube. They were all adressed to a guy by the name of ice3rod. I checked it out and he was the worst spammer I had ever seen. His spam sucked, but that is what made it so bad. an example would be,"SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM!" or something involving him hateing black people and white people being the best. He was a hacker, spammer, racist, and flagger. It took me a month to figure out how to get back at him. i had an idea! I went to my email, changed his password, and hacked his account. For a few days, I messed around with his account by messing around with his description saying that he was gay and that PopeyeCon(my old account) ruled! Then a week later I decided to close his account, both ice3rod and racistsuck. He then hacked the account of itachi5uchiha and messed around with him. He became the new victim. I told him that ice3rod had hacked his account. He then sacrificed his own account to destroy ice3rod. Ice3rod then gave up and cried to his mom how his accounts had been closed. He then died from AIDS.

Return of PopeyeCon[edit]

I thought to myself, "what if he comes back? He knows my account name, he knows my videos, he even knows my email address! I then closed my account (PopeyeCon) and reopened a new one. To today I am known as KisameDemonShark94. I changed my email address, username, and I uploaded new videos that were better than my last.

New Beginning[edit]

Ice3rod had returned, that's what my friend Hidan39RETURNS said. I closed my account and opened the account ZeekyBoogyPoop.

First poop seen[edit]

"The Greatest Bobobo Episode Ever" by Tenjic.


Style is such a great thing. It makes you stand out. Well, the way I see it, my style is that I take whatever things I find funny and claimed that I used them for the first time, then i found out that somebody made a poop of it before, and then I say "DAMN YOU, (USERNAME)!" I hate MrDrunkenFox. I like Peter Lorre impersonators.

Preferred Sources[edit]

Preferred Methods[edit]

Prefered Characters[edit]


  • The opinionated
  • Using racism as a form of humor
  • Sarah Palin
  • His Videos
  • His Room



  • Managed to piss off a troll, which is hard to do.
  • Hacked the Accounts of MANY spammers.
  • 4th place in the Perfect Poop contest.
  • Managed to have a conversation with the Angry Video Game Nerd.
  • Went as Master Chief for Halloween.


In Real Life[edit]

...And that's it. You haven't heard of this guy, have you? I didn't think so.




  • Lightfang953
  • SirSigma
  • LittleGothLeprechaun
  • NegaRose13
  • MagicMan123321123321
  • YalWernda
  • SasukeTheHedgehog
  • HentaiAider/Dark0904
  • RadarMusicVideos
  • SongsFromAHat
  • UncleHighBrow
  • TheBoggster
  • TaraKlein1027
  • Octillary63
  • SecretPower619
  • ShadowMario23
  • aniBOOM
  • observationslave
  • Negima48
  • SnowKid32
  • StogieBros
  • MarinePearl
  • Ophios

Other Information[edit]


  • Likes to put in segments from catzruleworld's webcam videos. He is more of an asshole than Chad Warden!



Conker Goes to a Flea Market

Grounder Fires His Lazer


Shinobu Takes Over Hell

Haruhi Needs Some BOOZE!


The Real Youtube Poop Top 10

Mario rings Sexy Back

Sonic Sends A Tape To Osama Bin Laden

Mario Head's Sexy Chinstrap Striptease

Sonic Agrees With Bill Cosby




Chowder employs Porn - Round 1

Rocko Employs Kermit - Round 3

Ben Fires Dexter out his Ass - Round 5

Link and the Split Faces of Evil

Arthur TAkes Over the World

DO THE (Unintelligible Gibberish)

Old Greg's Human Testing Facility - Round 1

Old Greg's Peter Lorre Testing Center - Round 3

Old Greg + Peter Lorre's Chrome Factory - Round 5

Old Greg Looks At Nazi Yuri

Fonze Has Confused Friends

YTPMV: RickRoll'D: Nickshorts Addition

Perhaps If we Wake Up Kermit...

Gimme dat Clicker! - Round 1

Der's Onlee 3 Teevee Channols! - Round 3

Deesco Myoosic? Keel Me Now! - Round 5

A very Fitting Unfitting YTPMV Birthday Video