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In Brief[edit]
I’m that one raccoon who has a fascination for trains.
I got in to YouTube Poop in 2015 when I was looking at Villager News videos when I came across NationOfOranges696’s video titled “[YTP] Villager News reports a terrorist attack on YouTube by Google Plus” I couldn’t stop laughing at the video because I had no idea what it was at the time. I looked at more Villager News YTPs and discovered that YTP meant YouTube Poop. The YTPs that I watched weren’t NEARLY as good as Nation’s. I looked him up on YouTube and found his latest Spongebob poop at the time. Eventually, I was told that I had to stop watching YTPs because of the mature humor and flashing lights. My parents eventually let me watch them as long as the content was appropriate. I looked up YTPs because I wanted to learn more about them. I found DaThings1 and got back into YTPs. In 2017, I thought I’d take a look at Nation to see what he was up to. After seeing his latest poop, I was hooked! It was during the summer of 2017 that I got PowerDirector 15. It was a decent video editing software. I got to work on a YTP right away. After a few days, I finally finished it! But all it really is was a bunch of panning/cropping, forward reversing, and corny sentence mixing. I later deleted the poop off my hard drive. I begged my parents to get me Sony Vegas because of the cool things you could do with it. Finally, they caved in and gave me the free 30 day trial. The software was on sale for $400. I had a few days left for the trial and my parents decided to help me buy the software. I’ve been making YTPs with Vegas ever since.
First poop seen[edit]
First poop made[edit]
Untitled YTP of one of my old comedy videos.
Relatively fast-paced. Similar to NationOfOranges696 back in 2013 and 2014.
Preferred Sources[edit]
- YouTube videos
- Spongebob
- Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy
- Thomas Sanders Vines
Preferred Methods[edit]
- Ear Rape
- Scrambling
- Pitch shifting
- Stutter loops
- G Major
- Forward/Reversing
- Sentence Mixing (on some occasions)
- Visual gags (on some occasions)
- Masking (on some occasions)
and many more...
Preferred Software[edit]
Sony Vegas Pro 15
- YTPs
- YTP Tennis
- Video games (80s and 90s era)
- Voice acting
- Trains
- Culver’s (Sponsor mi plz)
- The Simpsons
- Spadinner (when used creatively)
- Quiet rooms
- Raccoons
- Uhhh...
- TheOdd1sOut
- Jaiden Animations
- Music
- Discord
- Spongebob
- A small lone of a million dollars
The list goes on and on...
- Rude and disrespectful people
- Bad YTPMVs
- Loud noises
- Flies (eww! Get away from me!)
- Rude comments
- Notepad tutorial videos
- Profanity
- Sex Jokes
- Bad visual gags
- Idiots
- Creepypastas (I wIlL fInD yOu AnD i WiLl KiLl YoU hAhA)
- Bad smells
- Sarcastic people
and some other stuff...
People love my videos! Need I say more?
- My most popular YTP got over 1.8K views
- I reached 100 subcribers
In Real Life[edit]
My IRL friends have no opinion on my videos. :P
- NationOfOranges696 (My #1 inspiration! :3)
- Upbeat Guy Kj
- Bee Thompson
- DaThings1
- WizeOfScope
- PokeFire50
- ThirtyTwelve
- danthemanwiththegarbagecan
- Trudermark
- Jimmy Davis
- SixtyForce YTP
And several others...
Put your name here
Other Information[edit]
- I was born with Congenital Glaucoma and am blind in one eye.
- I was originally going to be a channel that covered glitches in video games similar to people like A+Start and Scykoh.
- I rode on 2 steam trains in the past.