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Lamp Oil
From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
One of the three items Morshu offers you. Lamp oil exists as fuel for lamps, an extremely old form of lighting. They can also cause fires, but Link would rather start fires by bombing some dodongos, even though the exploded innards provides dinner, not fire.

Morshu also sells scented Lamp Oil
Lamps are based on torches; something you can hold to contain fire and not get burned. Lamps use a fuel (most commonly lamp oil) to last longer. The first lamp oil came from the fat of animals, such as whales.
Used For...[edit]
- Burning stuff down.
- Ingesting because you want to commit suicide.
- Adding extra 'boom' power to your bombs.
- Adding extra 'boom' power to just about anything that explodes.
- Inspiring some Black-Eyed Peas songs.
- Adding more fire power to fire.
- Adding a fresh scent in the air (depending on which kind). (Robotnik was told by Sonic that it was penis lotion, and that if you set it on fire, it'll work. Robotnik did so. Surprisingly, Robotnik's penis was not effected due to all of the penis exercises he's been doing. "I HATE THAT HEDGEHOG!" he said afterwards.)
- An excuse to kill whales.
Goes Great With[edit]
People That Have Or Use Lamp Oil[edit]
- Lamp oil is forbidden in Ganon's lair.
- Mobile Dick is the biggest producer of whale oil, which is often used as lamp oil.
- Thanks to a lamp oil spill off of Hyrulian shores, lamp oil prices have dramatically risen recently. Koridian Petroleum (KP) is working to clean up the mess but so far hasn't done much.