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Real Name: Cameron Hons
Sex: Male
Country: Australia
Year Started: 2007
Preferred Sources: Super Mario World, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, I.M. Meen, Cd-i, Blues Clues, The Wacky Adventures of Ronald Mcdonald
Preferred Methods: Deja vu, Ear Rape, Stutter Loop, Word Trim, Right There,
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas
MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK was a Youtube Pooper from Sydney, Australia. He started uploading his own Youtube Poops in early March 2007 after watching many from 2006 and onward.. .although he can't remember what YTP he first saw, he did start off during the 2006 - 2007 Boom period, that featured Hotel Mario. The Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog, The Wand of Gamelon and The Faces of Evil. MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK was one of the earliest members on (back then known as during 2007. He was also one of the only YTPer from Australia at the time, although other Australians would soon follow the trending fad later on. His most popular YTP was "Hotel Mario Nouns Replaced with You" which, upon his account termination as of 2012, reached over 75,000 views. In July 2012, MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK's channel was sadly shut down by Youtube's servers. He had over 1005 subscribers at the time.
Before MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK, he joined Youtube in early July 2006 as MarioMurderer91, uploading mainly video game related footage and live action clips. However that account was quickly terminated. After discovering Youtube Poop later in the same year, he decided to form a account specifically for YTP making. MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK was born. When asked how he got the name, he often tells his subsribers "I combined Instruction Book with MR because at the time everybody was obsessed with Hotel Mario YTPs". In early March 2007, his first Youtube Poop was made which was called "ITS A STONE LUIGI" described by MRINSTRUTIONBOOK as "terrible". However, after a few random mash ups things started getting better with "Hotel Mario Nouns Replaced with You" made a few months after, and his popularity increased strongly. MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK kept a good eye on following what was popular and at the time fitted in with the crowd well. It was especially helpful when Youtube had a Video Response button, which allowed more people to discover him, but has sadly been removed from Youtube as of 2011. In 2008 he heavily started making Dr Robotnik and The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Youtube Poops. In 2009, he found groundbreaking popularity while making YTPs of The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald some famous ones including Ronald McDonald gets Sucked into a Black Hole, Ronald McDonald Hates Youtube Poop, and I'LL HAVE A CHEESEBURGER 2010 saw a decline of interest in MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK's channel, starting to have less frequent commenting and views on his videos. This was at the time when the focus of classic YTPs source material was starting to change. MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK began YTPing Mario Head videos from Mario Teaches Typing 2, which got him a lot of attention and people really enjoyed those. 2011 would have been the worst year for his account, with only few uploads, and lack of interest from certain subscribers. In 2012, after a sign off YTP "Mario head Gets Sucked Into A Black Hole" , that was his last YTP before his account got terminated by Youtube. On his modern channels, he would often make Lazytown memes and other random videos about himself or uploads of old TV shows he had recorded during the 90's and early 2000s.
First poop seen
First poop made
IT'S A STONE LUIGI in March 2007.
Preferred Sources
- Hotel Mario
- zelda CD-I
- Mario Head
- The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald
- I.M. Meen
- Sources of Myself [rarely]
"Failed Revival & Retirement Decision"
MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK has tried to revive his account on many occasions. Sometimes, making alternate account for re uploads or new Youtube Poops entirely. Although his modern YTPs did not get as enough interest as his older ones did. He has YTP'd modern sources like Michael Rosen, LazyTown and Donald Trump, for example. In 2017 he decided to start an account called MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK Archives but that was deactivated by himself due to lack of interest. As of 2018 he has retired from YTP making but still enjoys watching them.
Lots of his subscribers still remember who he is, and many notable people have subscribed to him. Some are still friends with him to this day. In 2009, he made a 10 - episode series called Cameron's Fan Mail. He received over 200 letters during this series from his subscribers and interested viewers. There are many videos on Youtube dedicated to him that are still available to view made b his fans and has even been YTP'd by other people. MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK has every single YTP that he ever made stored safely. Maybe they will be reloaded one day.
On Youtube Today
MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK still continues to use Youtube, but not on an account under the same name. I dare ya to find it if you can!
- Gnomebob subscribed to him
- Imaperson subscribed to him
- Misselaineous10 subscribed to him
- Dopply said that he has a good taste in music
- One of his videos was hailed as better than the Avatar trailer by a fan