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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

Name: SimplySlap
Sex: Male
Country: Australia
First Poop: Youtube Poop: TNTacle Achores
Year Started: 2011
Preferred Sources: Spongebob, Regular Show, I.M. Meen, Super Mario World, Michael Rosen, AOSTH
Preferred Methods: Scrambling, Ear Rape, Wave + Vibrato, Masking
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas
YouTube Account: simplyslap
Alternate YouTube Account: PenguinWithATopHat
Other Alternate YouTube Account: simplyslapTENNIS
In Brief
On March 2, 2012, SimplySlap announced to Youchew that doctors had found a frontal lobe tumour, and told him that he had a month left to live.
This garnered many reactions of shock over seeing a pooper die, causing his goodbye thread to become a funeral, complete with mourning and prayer.
The SimplySlap Collab was created in his honour, in response to this announcement.
First poop seen
- Unknown
First poop made
Preferred Sources
Preferred Methods
- Scrambling
- Ear Rape
- Wave + Vibrato
- Masking
Preferred Software
- 303 subscribers