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Name: SandovArt
Sex: Male
Country: Chile
First Poop: Jarol's Bitbocs (deleted)
Year Started: 2009
Preferred Sources: Regular Show,Excel Saga,31 minutos
Preferred Methods: Rape Rave,YTPMV,Paint Job,It's just a Game,Stutter loop,Sentence Mixing and Sex Jokes
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas pro 9.0
YouTube Account: SandovArtBR
In brief
He was a well-known YTPer from the Youtube Poop Hispano community, his highest peak of views and popularity were among mid 2010 and mid 2011.
Sandovart (or Sando) began in the YTPH world on May 2009, only using Movie Maker. Just since January 2010 this guy started using Vegas, after that He was reflecting his bizarre and crossover styles. On May 2011 this user began sharing with the YTP community by Skype.
First Poop Seen
Youtube poop Hispano - Arta Taca Taca (GuidoAstrokz)
Account Switching
On January 2012 he unexpectedly closed his account and since April of the same year he started in SandovArtBR.
According to himself the "BR" can means a bunch of different things as "Brony", "Bass Rape", "Bamba Roja", "Bonito & Rechonchito" and so on. Here Sando shows us the new style, adding more Story-Masking Poop with "White Humour" and Less LSD and Random stuff.
General Poop (Sentence Mixing, LSD effects, Masking & Story) and YTPMV
Sources used
- K-ON!
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
- The Powerpuff Girls
- Azumanga Daioh
- Sakura Card Captors
- Regular Show
- Nichijou
- Chilean TV Shows (31 Minutos, El club de la comedia)
Softwares used
- Sony Vegas pro 9.0
- Paint tool SAI
- Any Video Converter
- Adobe Photoshop CS
- Paint.NET
- Fruity Loops Studio 10
In Real Life
Well, Sandovart has received good reception in the YTP.
- "It was good and I liked it" Guysafari on "✿ A Su Manga ② ✿"
- "If your poops were in english, I guess you would be among the 10 most popular" FlashFyreEX
- "This project is gonna be GREAT!!! I'll have something more to look foward to!"
- He likes to talk to some poopers by Skype.
- He loves Drawing Anime and Cartoon.
- He composes electronic music (Dubstep, D&B, and OST)
- He made around 150 poops, but he deleted over 100 videos, and before he closed his first account he had around 40 YTPs.
- Speaks over 3 languages: Japanese, English, Portuguese and Spanish(as Native)
- He is a Christian (Protestant).
- He had around 3500 subscribers before he closed his first account, he was the second active Hispano pooper with most subscribers of 2011.
- He participated in 4 collabs during his career : The Grand Galloping Collab, Its Spanish adaptation -El Gran Collab del Galope- ,The Simplicity Collab 2.0 and SUZUMIYA HARUHI NO COLLAB HISPANO (Hosted by Himself).
- DESpoopROW18
- Omniputance
- Mokokudasai
- Geibuchan
- Among others.
Some of his Poops
- ✿ A Su Manga ✿ (1,2 & 3)
- Youtube poop - Twilight's mental distress ∩ω∩
- Youtube Poop Hispano - Freddy Masturbina y el Fap Existencial ♪✦
- YouTube Poop Hispano - El laboratorio de Excel (1)
- Nichi Show Flash Poop Series