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God Luigi

God Luigi is the most powerful form of Luigi made by link123456. He first appeared in The God Luigi Saga, made by link123456. Luigi can transform into this form when really pissed off, or when he breaks a Smash Ball. He shows his more powerful form in this movie.
He also appeared in Channel Pwnage 2, suddenly turning good. The video can be seen here.
The third time was a battle with Brock Samson. God Luigi won, and then went with Doctor Who in side the TARDIS, and fought Cybermen
God Luigi's appearance is similar to Gay Luigi's, the only difference being his glowing red eyes and a sparkly ring of magic on his hand.
Attack methods
God Luigi's main form of attack is the 'God finger', in which he raises his finger and launches a beam of energy at his enemy (Usually Mario). The power of this attack varys: If God Luigi is only slightly annoyed, it's a single beam of lightning: If he's really angered, it can fill the screen.
Other forms of attack, as seen in Part 2, include a shockwave that knocks the enclosed instruction book out of Marios hands, which is quickly followed up by a fireball.
Known weaknesses
God Luigi is only vulnerable to the power of the enclosed instruction book combined with the power of Uctions. He is cloaked in a forcefield, which is only penetrated by a blast from the enclosed instruction book. It is then that Mario seals him away for good.
Though a couple of others have been known to be able to beat him, like: Flint, Seymour, Q, God Rabbit, and The Ten Doctors.
God Luigi is considered to be a constant threat, and should you encounter him, run FAR, FAR AWAY.