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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.

How it all started...

I've seen Youtube Poop for as far as I know. The first poop I've seen was around 2011. About a year later of watching more, villavede90 (moved to BolognaFulof) suggested I should make one for a change. The first poop I've uploaded to my account was in October 7, 2012. Before I did, I introduced myself to a couple of YouTubePoopers, such as ArsenioGut, who was the first person I introduced myself to, guitarocker100, FishTitan64, iCeeYouP, AwfulFawfultheFalafe, MasterOfZoroark, ThatGuyPoops, and many, many more for my account to grow its popularity.

Describing My First Three YTPs

I wasn't expecting that many views when I uploaded my first YTP. I also didn't expect for it to be good, but surprisingly, it has. It was a little difficult to make another YTP, probably because I don't want my Future YTPs to consist of every generic manner. My second YTP was a Flapjack YTP, which didn't have many views. I expected it to be, but it seems like Flapjack is a very underrated source. Then, my second Spongebob Youtubepoop's views started to grow. My subscriber count started to grow, too. In just four videos, I already have 300 subscribers, and I thank all of them for not offending my generic styles.

First YTP Seen

First YTP Made

Favorite YoutubePoopers



  • Gaining 300 subscribers
  • More than a thousand views in my videos
  • Subscribed by popular youtubepoopers.

Favorite Youtubepoops

  • I don't really have a favorite youtubepoop, all youtubepoops are pretty much great in their own way.


I love all of my subscribers, even if they don't respond much to all of my feed, but overall, I love every single subscriber. Thank you guys for making me feel welcome to the YouTube Poop Community!