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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Line 1: Line 1:
   <br />{{Pooperbox
   <br />{{{{Pooperbox
|name= - cjflo.
|image= - Cjflo.png
|1stmade=Shamwow i have ever seen  
|caption= - cjflo's pic
|tech=[[Sony Vegas]] pro 8
|1stmade= - shamwow i have ever seen
|sources= - fresh prince & bill cosby
|tech= - vegas pro 8
|realname= - Catherine
|sex= - Female
|youtubeaccount= - *[ cjflo's main]
|altyoutubeaccount= - *[ cjflo's alt] 

Revision as of 17:38, 14 August 2011

NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
 This Pooper is Dormant and unclassified to be retired or on hiatus.


In Brief

cjflo is a somewhat high ranking pooper who uses sources that aren't popular. Her poops usually average out to 4 to 5 minutes. She is very full of her self and believes she is the greatest pooper ever except Orpheusftw. She has lesbian crush on Boxxy. She stopped making poops because she's mad about how much more people have more subscribers than her :(. She is listed as most famous poopers influences including cs188. cjflo is a female pooper if you haven't noticed all the she's and lesbian crush part.


cjflo saw her first poop back in the day by Kroboproductions. Every poop she saw later she said was shittyer and shittyer until she decided to make her own. Her popularity slowly increased over time, just like Unknownartiste1 who is also a female pooper. Her first poop she made was of a Shamwow commercial. It was bad and even she admits it. Her first few didn't go off so well, but she gained some attention eventually. The only widely used sources she used where CD-I and Shamwow. I dunno if Fresh prince is overused or not, maybe with krobo it was but i really dunno. As of today, her highest grossing poop come to about 50k views and is a Bill Cosby poop. cjflo went 70% the Krobo way of pooping if you don't count the pony's and hedgehogs and other sources Krobo mighta used besides fresh prince and bill cosby.



First Poop Seen

Will's dad is a prick

First poop made

Shamwow i have ever seen


Reversing i mean theirs a shit load of this

Stutter loop

Sentence mixing

Speed up

Preferred sources

Cosby Show

Fresh Prince Of Bell Air


Sony Vegaspro 8


Music Video Poops

Animated Poops

Poopers who aren't as good as her but still manage to get Moar subscribers

The fact that she only has about 3000 subscribers after 2 years of work.

Pure sentence mixing poops

Any type of Meme

Spongebob Poops

poopers who become popular for there sources and not there talent

Pretty much popular poopers in general

Overused sources

Deepercutt alot


Full of her self It has been confirmed

Too much reversing and not enough Sentience mixing


Its good. Many poopers list her as their inspiration.


Reaching the 1000, 2000, and soon to be 3000 subscriber mark.

Getting listed as one of cs188's

Can restrain her anger of not being as recognized as much as other poopers even tho they might not be as good as her, Unlike MeiAIDS.


MTB710 aka Temeku


cs188 and this is ironic because she quoted that cs188 along with DurhamrockerZ and BarneyIsPerverted can all go suck a penis

Other Accounts