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South Park
From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
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Guess which person is the South Park version of Satan. If you've guessed the guy on the right, then you are right!!
- Stan Marsh
- Kyle Broflovski
- Eric Cartman
- Kenny McCormick
- Butters Stotch
- Randy Marsh
- Timmy
Secondary Characters[edit]
First Used in a Poop by[edit]
- Unknown
Sometimes Used by[edit]
Liked by[edit]
- YTPGod
- Fiddlesticks411
- TheKrabster
- smashdude64
- guitarocker100
- randomcontributor
- theregularmaster
- MelonGod
- YTStaff ComeAtMe
- theadventuretimefan
- FitzCharisma
Disliked by[edit]
- AmiralMachin
- theFXexpert26
- Family Guy-loving fags.
- Ginger Kids
- Overprotective Parents
- Barbra Streisand
Where to Watch[edit]
- [1] - Lemmiwink's Song
- [2] - Timmy & the Lords of the Underworld
- [3] - Merry Fucking Christmas
- [4] - I Can Change
- The characters of Terrance and Phillip were created because Trey Parker and Matt Stone kept getting complaints about the show being "nothing but bad animation and fart jokes".
- Kenny's face has only been seen 5 times throughout the series.
- South Park still holds the Guiness World Record for "Most Swearing in Animated Series."
- Butter's birthday is September 11th.
- In almost every episode, an alien from the pilot can be seen in a single background frame.
- A YouTube user named CopperCab has a video called "GINGERS DO HAVE SOULS!!" because of a South Park episode that's been around for 5 years. That video he made would make him really popular, but in the way of Chad Warden and ChristianU2uber, which means that there are YouTube Poops of him.
- Matt and Trey received death threats from several Islamic terrorist groups for ridiculing the prophet Muhammad in the 200th and 201st episodes of the show and were forced by Comedy Central to censor both episodes and later remove them from circulation entirely. In order to show the flawed logic behind this censorship, the religious figures Buddha and Jesus Christ were also mocked in these episodes.