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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas

Name: CommanderGwonam
Sex: Male
Country: USA
First Poop: Weegee meets Gutsman's @$$
Preferred Sources: Cd-i, Lost
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas
In Brief
CommanderGwonam was a popular pooper that makes really awesome YTPMVs. He unfortunently decided to quit due to the combined forces of his computer dying and Youtube switching his channel from goooooood ol' Youtube 1.0 to baaaaaaaaaaaad ol' Youtube Beta Version 2.0. DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS OLOLO!!! Seriously, he did make a grand return for the public just in time for Christmas.
First Poop Seen
First Poop Made
g8hjcnNZCGY|250}} CommanderGwonam's first Youtube Poop. |
Youtube Poop: Weegee meets Gutsman's @$$
- Though his first poop that got him the most attention and popularity was "Why is Spaghetti?"
Stuttering, Ear Rape etc.
Preferred Sources
Preferred Tech
Sony Vegas
CommanderGwonam's poop's have been received well, especially his YTPMV's.
- His Nostalgia Critic music video has over 200,000 views.
- His I.M. Meen music video has over 200,000 views.
- Has over 10,000 subscribers.
- Was one of the few people to actually poop Pickle Suprise.
Other Information
- His first video he uploaded was actually a fad responce. His first actual poop was "Youtube Poop:Weegee meets Gutsman's @$$"
- He has an alt account, SaltySpagettiStudios, where he has his older videos.
- His favorite types of Youtube Poop are those of Soccer quality.
- Some people actually believe that he's actually a furry in disguise due to his over-excessive use of furry pictures, especially pornographic pictures.