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Real Name: Cameron Hons
Sex: Male
Country: Australia
Year Started: 2007
Preferred Sources: Super Mario World, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, I.M. Meen, Cd-i, Blues Clues, The Wacky Adventures of Ronald Mcdonald
Preferred Methods: Deja vu, Ear Rape, Stutter Loop, Word Trim, Right There,
Preferred Software: Sony Vegas
MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK is a Youtube Pooper and a very silly person from Sydney, Australia. He is best known for his pointless fillers & Very, very, confusing Youtube Poops, featuring sources such as Blues Clues, The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald, Mario Head, and of course The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Hotel Mario, and others. His most popular upload was 'Hotel Mario Nouns Replaced With You' in early 2007. Since his original account deactivation in January 2012, it managed to get over 75,000 views. On 25 February 2011, MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK uploaded then to be known as his "last" Youtube Poop, Mario Head Gets Sucked Into A Black Hole, before he deactivated his account under a decision a year later. His last recorded subscriber count was 1005 in 2012. In May 2016 he began to make new Youtube Poops again featuring sources from Michael Rosen and has decided to come back to making Youtube Poops.
MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK was one of the early Youtube users before Google bought it, and he joined in mid July 2006. However, he had a different channel name under his old online alias, MarioMurderer91... He had a pretty fair go of uploading quality home made material and discovered Youtube Poop during this time on his first account. The First Youtube Poop he saw was NICE OF THE PRINCESS TO INVITE US OVER, or something like that, by MrSimonAlt. When his old Youtube account got deleted due to "copyright reasons" - he decided to create a new account just for Youtube Poop making, and then MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK was born. A name created out of sheer stupidity.
First poop seen
First poop made
IT'S A STONE LUIGI in March 2007.
Preferred Sources
- Hotel Mario
- zelda CD-I
- Mario Head
- The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald
- I.M. Meen
- Sources of Myself [rarely]
"Failed Revival & Retirement Decision"
MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK decided to "call it quits" and retire from Youtube Poop making because he didn't feel he was good at making them anymore as he used to be. His last Youtube Poop was "Mario Head Gets Sucked Into A Black Hole" which was uploaded in 2011. In 2013 he tried to come back to Youtube Pooping, however he had since lost his MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK account and not many people were familiar with his real name, his newer methods of uploading material did not get as much attention as older ones he did. After a few failed collabs by other people & lack of interest, MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK decided to retire from making Youtube Poops completely in February 2011, however, he still enjoys watching them.
Comeback 2016
In early 2016 MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK discovered the Michael Rosen Youtube Poop source and enjoyed it instantly. At the beginning of May 2016 he uploaded his first Youtube Poop in 5 years, Michael Rosen Crossed The Line backed with Michael Rosen Gets Locked In The Cupboard. Thanks to positive feedback so far he decided to start making Youtube Poops again under his new account. He has also announced the return of MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK called the MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK ARCHIVES which he will be uploading his best, favourite and well known Youtube Poops he made during 2007 - 2011 on his current Youtube Page.
He was an early Youtube User and one of the earliest members on the original website in 2007, before it became MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK enjoyed huge increase in popularity while the craze of uploading Youtube Poops from shows such as Super Mario World, Zelda CD-I and Hotel Mario in 2007 - 2008. After discovering other sources like I.M. Meen and The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald in later years, from 2009 he continued to receive at least 3 subscribers per day. The last time he checked before his account got deleted, he had 1005 subscribers. There are several "Tribute" videos of MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK on Youtube or videos mentioning his name that feature Youtube Poops made by other Youtube Users. He has all of his old Youtube Poops backed up in Hard Drives. he has enjoyed his time being MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK, and still continues to use the forums to this day. He is one of the very few Australian Youtube Poopers.
On Youtube Today
MRINSTRUCTIONBOOK still continues to use Youtube, but not on an account under the same name.
- Gnomebob subscribed to him
- Imaperson subscribed to him
- Misselaineous10 subscribed to him
- Dopply said that he has a good taste in music
- One of his videos was hailed as better than the Avatar trailer by a fan