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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew:
1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 14:29, 12 December 2012 by Guitarocker100 (talk | contribs)
- I started out as a YouTube Pooper with WMM in 2011 and made spadinner YTP's. Then in June 2011, my brother got Sony Vegas and he helped me with a YTP like with the masking in it. I made some of it in WMM and my brother added masking to it in Sony Vegas. The video is called YouTube Poop: Spingebill Marries Weegee. In October, something was wrong with my HP computer. So in November, my brother got Sony Vegas Pro 11.0 for my Acer computer and made videos again. In April, I got newbluefx plug-ins and used them for my videos. In late July or something, my charger wasn't working. I said he was going to be making a 300 Sub Special and I did. I reached 300 subscribers in August 1st, 2012, but made my special on September 24th, 2012 (which was a Spingebill YTP). After I uploaded it, a little later in the very day I uploaded it, I gained like 9 subscribers in one night.
First poop seen
- It was either "The Gradual Mental Traumatization of a Kid's Show Host by AbsoluteBillion
or Spongebob SquarePoop by Hopdiddy
First Poop Made
Favorite poop
Preferred Sources
- Spongebob
- Arthur
- Billy Mays (Maybe a little bit)
- Sony Vegas Pro 11.0
- FL Studio 10 (Demo version)
- MS Paint
Cool Poopers
- AwfulFawfultheFalafe
- Nashmetal100
- ArsenioGut
- SporeDotCam
- theadventuretimefan
- HollowTheGuy/MaggedRat
- chemistryguy
- CorruptedMotives
- MechaWeegee91
- Some people say I need to work on my masking and I have improved on my masking.
- My Main Channel
- My ALT account
- Another ALT account
- First tennis channel closed by TehEliteOne
- Second tennis channel
Other links
- Getting 500 subscribers
- Getting subscribed by a lot of well known YouTube Poopers like ArsenioGut, AwfulFawfultheFalafe, theadventuretimefan, SporeDotCam CorruptedMotives, ChristophersThings, Trudermark, Sinnedtragedy98, and HollowTheGuy/MaggedRat.