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From Chewiki Archive - YouChew: 1% Funny, 99% Hot Gas
Revision as of 19:13, 14 March 2011 by YTPsource (talk | contribs)
NicePooper.jpg This article is about a creator of YouTube Poop videos, known as a Youtube Pooper.
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TheChutley is a Café staff member for YouChew.
Feels like being a Leafeon for a bit. Leaf!


YTPsource was opened in March 2008.

The idea with YTPsource was to create an account that could help users find sources for YouTube Poops with ease.

In June of '08, WalrusGuy (Whom he had been subscribed to at the time) released a video titled "WalrusGuy Answers Your Questions!" and this gave YTPsource the inspiration he needed to create his first YTP. Interestingly, the amount of obscurity in the poop itself would have been distasteful to the audience he was aiming at. Nevertheless, the viewers ate it up, making it one of his most viewed works. A majority of the views came from the poop being favored by WalrusGuy, so YTPsource received a portion of his subscribers.

During his time as YTPsource, he deleted all the sources on his channel because of how easy it was to find them all. This marked the downfall of this account, leading to a barrage of angry and confused subscribers.

In February of 2009, he closed his account due to 3/4ths of his subscribers to have been WalrusGuy fanboys or source faggots. He felt as if no one appreciated his work so he felt that his account was useless. He runs under "TheChutley" now.

In May '09, he reopened YTPsource, but began uploading nothing but random crap to piss off past subcribers. He also shares this account with rapskallionxyz, Imaperson, MasterGwo, CommanderGwonam and PassStrengthNull (WiiNutt was also in control of YTPsource for a short time). In an attempt to attract more attention towards YTPsource, he re-uploaded the most generic YTP sources he could think of. However, the idea was quickly scraped and he decided to, ultimately, abandon the account.

YTPsource, under TheChutley, ran his new account for a few weeks with a very small amount of subscribers. However, on February 28, 2009, this all changed. February 28, 2009 marks the date when "PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!!!!!!" was released onto YouTube and it was the video that caused I.M. Meen to surface in the YTP community. Immediately after it was uploaded, people began to love it. In fact, because of it's popularity, TheChutley released a sequel simply titled: "PUT THE BOOK DOWN!!!!!!! PART 2". After a while, Imaperson (who is a very good friend of TheChutley) released a third video in the soon-to-come series. Imaperson and TheChutley created a couple more videos that were all part of the series until they decided to let the fans take over.

Currently, TheChutley is enjoying his amount of attention he is getting and is very pleased to have even made it this far in the YTP world.

First poop seen


First poop made

Youtube Poop: WalrusGuy is a Pagan (Reuploaded as of January 21st 2010)


{{#ev:youtube|QD4bdMK-Ip4|320}}An example of TheChutley's current style
{{#ev:youtube|5I8-887gh10|320}}Another example of TheChutley's style
  • Pitch Shifting
  • Composite Modes
  • Video Corrosion
  • Extremely Fast Rape
  • Stutters
  • Repetition
  • Music over video (Having a song played over the majority of the video)
  • Mirroring
  • YTPMV (Usually original compositions)

Preferred Sources

(In order of appeal)

  • Glaceon
  • I.M. Meen
  • Music videos
  • Tunak Tunak Tun
  • Anything made by trepmaws
  • Nostalgia Critic
  • Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast"
  • Fear Zero (His guitar teacher's band)
  • Ed Sadler (His guitar teacher)
  • CD-I
  • Anything Touhou related
  • Video Game gameplay of all genres
  • Aladdin
  • Yngwie Malmsteen

Prefered Tech

  • Sony Vegas 5.0 and 7.0
  • Adobe Premeire Pro CS3.
  • Windows Movie Maker
  • Final Cut Pro 7


  • Glaceon
  • YTP Tennis
  • Extremely Fast Rape
  • Repetition
  • Slow Rape
  • Composite Mode
  • Video Corrosion
  • Stutters
  • Humor in YTP if it is in good taste (this is relative).
  • YTPMVs. He likes them the best when they are originally composed (i.e. the works of Kurkop).


Nothing is really too distasteful for him anymore... Except for Happy Tree Friends. If you use Happy Tree Friends a lot in your videos HE WILL FALSELY ASSUME BAD THINGS ABOUT YOU.


TheChutley's poops have been received very positively from most of his subscribers. He is often praised for some of the effects he has created in his videos. He has also been acclaimed for putting songs over a few of his videos. His audio poops have seemed to astound practically everyone who listens to them due to their intensity and uniqueness.

{{#ev:youtube|BIGEGWQ5EDs|320}}An audio poop by him (Headphones are pretty much required)


  • Kicking off the I.M. Meen fad
  • Has trouble keeping his Glaceon obsession to himself.


  • Stuff like having a lot of well known poopers subscribed to him.
  • Kicked off the I.M. Meen fad
  • Co-Creator (alongside vvaluigi) of the Gray Tennis Tournament
  • Became a member of the Tennis Cafe in December of 2010

In Real Life

  • Lives in Canada; first year of film school; 18 years old.
  • Got into a Film Bachelor program for university (HAHA OH MAN IS THAT EVER UNPRED-AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!)
  • Was also accepted into a Buisness Bachelor and an Acting Diploma (did not get into the Jazz Bachelor. 3:)
  • Plans on working as a theatre actor for a Shakespearean acting company in the summer of 2011.



  • Kroboproductions (Oldest/First Style)
  • Nuthead (Oldest/First Style)
  • Terrorist (Oldest/First Style)
  • MilesTaiIsPrower (Oldest/First Style)


  • MasterGwonam (Older)
  • Imaperson
  • panicwiththecrisco
  • vvaluigi
  • MycroProcessor
  • molhal
  • McMaNGOS
  • mYZterbattyX
  • SergeantBacon

His style actually varies depending on which program he uses. Although a few techniques are commonly shared, they are mostly mutually exclusive from each other. To avoid confusion, the "(Older/Oldest/First Style)" side notes are referring to his particular style progession rather than the influence's.

It should be duly noted that he takes inspiration from everyone he is subscribed to at least in some way (in fact, he subscribes to people not just because they impress him, but because they inspire him).

People he likes who say they don't like him but they secretly really like him back



  • Likes Glaceon. Glaceon is easily his most favourite pokemon of all time. He'll often picture himself as a Glaceon; everything he does, he imagines it being done through the body of a Glaceon. It is now time for you to hate him, because you can't stand it when people do shit like that. Why don't you send him a very nasty e-mail, or prehaps mail him at his home address, in which you write how much you are concerned for him! You really do care about him that much, right? It's not just because you can't stand seeing people obessessed with weird shit. Nope; you genuinely care for his well-being and soul!
  • Is a "talented" guitarist. Enjoys playing progressive rock the most, alongside jazz (reggae also peaks his interests, but he can't really play it correctly). His favourite guitarists are Alex Lifeson (Rush), Andy Summers (The Police) and Andrew Latimer (Camel). This is because they all play more complicated chord progressions or melodies. He also really loves the tones of their guitars (especially Lifeson and Summers). THEIR NAMES ALL START WITH AN "A"!
  • Enjoys his Rush. They are, by far, his most favourite band that has ever existed. When he listens to music for his own personal enjoyment, it is nearly always Rush. One of his goals in life is to be able to play every single song that he listens to by them.
  • Is extremely interested in musical theory. To be specific, he is fascinated by obscure-sounding chords and scales (which is why Jazz is very appealing to him). His favourite musical scales involve the musical mode of Lydian (and all extensions (i.e. Lydian b7, Lydian #5)).
  • His favourite time signature is 7/4.
  • Is in love with the concept of immersing his mind in the bodies of characters from various movies or video games to allow himself to experience them to the fullest extent.
  • 178.
  • Holds a keen interest in English literature. More specifically, the romantics of the 18th century (however, he enjoys literature in general, but does not really like modern poety). He reads poetry more often than he reads novels.
  • Is (NOT) a furry. In a recent interview: "What the hell do you all know about me? NOTHING! YOU ALL DON'T KNOW DIDDLY-SQUAT. HOW DARE YOU ASSUME SUCH THINGS ABOUT ME. THESE FALSE ASSUMPTIONS ARE WHY I HATE THE HUMAN RACE AND ARE WHY I HATE YOU!!!!!!" He then proceeded to cry himself to sleep in a corner. Unfortunately, his tears froze up so he couldn't open his eyes when he woke up OH NO!!!
  • Not really picky towards a specific gender... GET THE HINT?! (Actually as of late I am kind of leaning towards males OOPS)
  • His fetishes make up at least 80% of his sexuality (if not more, I can't really think of a time where I found something hot that didn't involve something I have a kink for). He also has a large handful of them.
  • Has hereditary anxiety problems.
  • Is a naturally talented actor. His talent takes root all the way back to when he was 3 years old. He used to watch Aladdin at least 10 times a day (not exaggerated). Every time a musical number came on, or an important part of the story came on, he would impersonate the characters. In his current life, he often acts melodramatic (as if he were on stage) and impersonates various actors/characters/people for fun.
{{#ev:youtube|oSOPHUaGqiw|320}}Part 2 of his Q+A, which has been said by many to be very humorous (also shows off quite a bit of his melodrama and acting charisma)

Proof he's retarded

Proof he's retarted

  • Citation Needed.

